fix articles 125745, south central farmers feeding families
The court ruled that the plaintiffs had not alleged facts or provided the court with evidence showing that the Farmers had engaged in a willful act in their use of the preliminary injunction that was not proper in the regular conduct of the legal proceedings. The court held that under case law in California, even if a party files an action that it knows is substantively meritless and does so for an improper purpose, these facts alone do not constitute a claim for abuse of process. The Horowitz plaintiffs had to show that the Farmers used the preliminary injunction in an improper way after they obtained it. The plaintiffs failed to allege or show in their opposition brief any such misuse of the injunction, and because they did not, the court granted the Farmers’ motion and dismissed the plaintiffs’ lawsuit.
Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism (tags)
Did Anti-Semitism Take Root at the South Central Farm?
A couple links to important stories.
Peak Oil and the South Central Farm (tags)
Jan Lundberg and Tezozomoc join in Defense of the South Central Los Angeles Community Farm
The South Central Community Garden (tags)
The South Central Community Garden in Los Angeles, CA, a 360-plot, 14-acre urban oasis, is scheduled to be demolished and replaced by a warehouse.
South Central Farmers injunction to save community garden is reversed by Court of Appeals- (tags)
On June 30, 2005, the Court of Appeal reversed the Superior Court’s order granting the preliminary injunction. The South Central Farmers Feeding Families have 40 days from June 30 to petition the California Supreme Court to review the Court of Appeal’s ruling. If the Supreme Court declines to hear the case, the urban garden will be demolished in about three months. Concerned supporters our community is devastated by this result and we need your support. In the same manner that the Zapatista in Chiapas are being attack so will we. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has already begun to dismantle our leadership through low intensity cointel-pro strategies. We need you all to call and write letters to the following people we have attached.....