fix articles 125552, house government reform committee
Rove's top dog resigns after ties to corrupt sleazebag Abramoff revealed (tags)
Rove's top dog resigns after ties to corrupt sleazebag Abramoff revealed
Congress on Steroids! Watch No-Nonsence Representatives Get Tough on Witnesses! (tags)
In the baseball steroid hearings, we saw aggressive questioning by representatives, but when it involves anything important, like war funding or CIA torture, members of this Congress are nothing but yes-men and neutered pussycats.
First Brothers Profit From W. (tags)
Detailed account of financial involvement of Bush brothers in shady business deals.
Outrageous! That is what many are calling the war profiteering by U.S. corporations.
Bush and Science at Loggerheads (tags)
Barriers to research and claims of suppressed data sully interactions between researchers and the Bush administration.
Bush Counsel Called 9/11 Panelist Before Clarke Testified (tags)
Waxman suggested that such contacts would be improper because "the conduct of the White House is one of the key issues being investigated by the commission."
FBI FBI good...what the hell? (tags)
While probing organized crime in New England since the 1960s, the FBI used killers as informants, shielded them from prosecution and knowingly sent innocent people to jail...Congressional negotiators approved a measure on Wednesday to expand the F.B.I.'s counterterrorism powers...huh?
GAO report: Some Army troops unpaid for weeks, denied medical care (tags)
In an attempt to correct overpayments made to 34 soldiers from Colorado’s 5th Battalion, 19th Special Forces, finance officials instead inadvertently billed an average of $48,000 each, or a “largely erroneous total debt of over $1.6 million,” the report states. The "Support Our Troops" Cretins are still A.W.O.L.
ACLU: School Vouchers Will Hurt Poor Kids (tags)
The voucher program encourage the violation of students' civil rights because private and religious schools would not have to comply with federal, state or local civil rights laws in order to recieve tax dollars.
More Bogus Bush B.S. Revealed (tags)
Following news reports that a senior official at the Homeland Security Department appears to have obtained her academic degrees from an unaccredited diploma mill, several members of Congress are seeking to learn how background checks and security clearances failed to flag the questionable credentials.
War brings business to Feinstein spouse (tags)
Charles Lewis, executive of the nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity watchdog group in Washington, says that "regardless of whether there is a direct conflict of interest, it's useful to know that the spouse of a sitting senator is getting richer because of what's going on in the world."
'We've Got A Dictatorial President' (tags)
'We've Got A Dictatorial President'