fix articles 125246, i also
Examples of fbi/police/DA/AG subversion of laws (tags)
This report serves as an indictment of all who protected the fbi by covering up their crimes against me.
HIV-Negative AIDS: Is it CFIDS or AIDS? (tags)
On Krauthammer, Obama and even Bush (tags)
Has Obama's Shelf-Life Expired?
2000 Election Evidence Proving Conspiracy (tags)
Please let the greatest attorney in Philadelphia, Robert F. Simone know that Jeff (aka Wolfie) (aka whizkid) Fisher is going to stop running and present the evidence that he was going to have Congresswoman Maxine Waters give to the House Judiciary Committee. I also want Attorney Willie Brown in San Francisco and Attorney Roger J Rosen in Century City to know that I am thankful for their advice also.
I hereby promise MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION to the GOP if they do not unconditionaly surrender to the citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA immediately. You will be disbanded and amnesties offered. You have repeatedly crossed the line beyond what civilized people have determined to be acceptable.
An American Student: what I believe... (tags)
I believe that Americans are taxed to death, and I don't work an 8-hour job every day, just so the government can hand out my money to crack addicts and freeloaders who will use it to get their fix or squirt out another poverty-raised kid.
A little photoshop trickery...
Anyone with a Videocamera that want to BECOME THE MEDIA? (tags)
Help report on the protests....