fix articles 124138, as ruppert
Christian Fascists At Air Force Academy Threaten Humanity (tags)
Christian fascists are making the publicly-funded science college, the Air Force Academy, a bastion of superstitition and fascism, putting the military in the position of endangering all of humanity with their belief in the "second coming" and "end time" and their access to nuclear weapons. It was the US Air Force that made possible the 9/11 Inside Job.
A Trinity of Evil: George Bush, Big Oil, 9-11 (tags)
As more documents concerning 9-11 surfaces, it is becoming increasing clear the top officials in the Bush administration were at least complicit if not an active participants in the attacks. There is enough evidence now to bind George W. Bush, big oil companies and 9-11 into a trinity of evil. By allowing the 9-11 attacks to take place unhindered Bush and all of his top advisers are guilty of the mass murder of over 3000 innocent people.