fix articles 12304, firm Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : firm


Large corona aid for "small" companies (tags)

Dozens of tenants in buildings owned or managed by Trump received funds. More than 20 companies registered at 40 Wall Street, an office building Trump has owned since the mid-1990s, have also reportedly received government loans of at least $20 million.

Landmark UAW International Ruling Rejects Local BDS Resolution (tags)

BDS resolution defeated by bUAW international Union

The Battle for Jobs (tags)

Everyone could work less instead of terminating people. Ways could be organized through shared activity for using the gained freedom in services of everyday life...Breaking with the disastrous logic of competition and money is int he interest of the life, peace and happiness of people today.

Palestinians contract with public relations Firm (tags)

Our tax Dollars at work.

Pacifica Exe Director position is in confusion still putting KPFK at risk (tags)

Pacifica is in broken shape, in at least two separate pieces: The Executive Directorship is allocated to 2 people by at least 2 groups. One is Summer Reese, [ a long time PNB chair and member, and she was contractually hired after many months working as interim ED ] and the other is Bernard Duncan, former KPFK general manager [ who claimed to be going to NZ to be with his girlfriend and he left his KPFK position months before his contract was up.]

Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It (tags)

grand theft



Are School Privatizers Employing Fabian Núñez and Mercury Plubic Affairs to Champion Charte (tags)

Have local charter-voucher schools brought in even more hired guns to assure more privatization during this round of PSC?

Blackwater Founder in Deal to Sell Company to LA-Based Investors (tags)

Erik D. Prince, founder of the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, has reached a deal to sell his embattled firm to a small group of investors based in Los Angeles who have close ties to Mr. Prince, according to people briefed on the deal.



In Flight From Reality (tags)

"America's current dependence on energy imports and its rising levels of indebtedness due to the pursuit of wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan to secure a position of advantage in the competition for access to the energy resources of the Middle East, the Persian Gulf..."

Goldman Sachs: Master of the Universe (tags)

Don't bet against Goldman

Human target: Petition to free Atty R Fine kidnapped-tortured in LA (tags)

A petition has been created to free Richard Fine, gentleman attorney with distinguished career of many examples of success over forty years, a kidnapped, targeted individual (TI), Falsely Imprisoned Person (FIP) in hospital solitary "coercive confinement."

Honduran government hires fiction writer to hawk coup regime (tags)

"On this morning, three months later, it was déjà vu all over again, as those same military troops reenacted the battle of June 28, busting down the doors of both broadcasters and this time removing their transmitters and equipment. And soldiers have surrounded both houses of media to prevent the people from retaking them. The coup regime is now clinging to power illegitimately, threatened on every front by truth and justice, which means it must create an illusion of democratic sanction, and so, it has inked a $292,000 contract with CLSA, calling on the PR firm to “diseñar una campaña de persuasión” [build a campaign of persuasion]."

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)

"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."

9/11,Carl Levin,Senator Jane Harman International,Kuwait Securacom, Marvin Bush,Al Sabah (tags)

After all they are royalty,both Sheikh Sabah al Sabah of Kuwait and Queen Jane Harman of Venice, California,aren't they ? And now one of the Sheikh most loyal subjects and leader of the Kuwait orchestrated illegal Harman International NYSE pump and dump to defraud American small investors is dead.Just goes to show as that old saying goes dead men or dead subjects of the Sheikh can't tell tales.

Watch out for employers' attorneys writing as guest columnists on the Employee Free Choice (tags)

January 14, 2009 By Stephanie Kraft There's no law to keep newspapers from grabbing whatever comes across an editor's desk and cramming it into a column with the discreet disclaimer "Viewpoint."

Early Suspicions About Bernard Madoff (tags)

All Wall Street like Madoff

It’s The Money, Stupid!: Over $1 Billion Raised for Prez Race! (tags)

The candidates for the White House have raised over $1 billion in their quest to win the election on Nov. 4, 2008. The Dems’ Sen. Barack Obama has racked in $639 million, while the GOP’s nominee, John McCain, has taken in $360 million. The four other Third Party candidates for the presidency have brought in about $5.5 million. The only thing we know for sure is this: When big money contributions dominate the electoral process, the people lose!

British firm 'polishes up' Tsvangirai for presidency (tags)

Once again we see foreigners ninterfering in the internal elections of a third world country. The.y dont dare allow the people elect a president who would be independent of foreign control

Israelis jailed for spyware espionage (tags)

London-based Michael Haephrati, who honed his computer skills during three years' military service in the Israeli army, developed the spyware Trojan horse, while his wife, Ruth, marketed it to several private investigation firms who bought the code and installed it onto the computers of its clients' rivals.

Military in hot pursuit of NPA insurgents (tags)

The military mounted a new operation against communist insurgents who raided a mining firm in Compostela Valley, officials said Friday. Suspected members of the New People’s Army, reports said, attacked the Apex Mining Co. late Thursday near Masara village in the town of Maco. Gunmen, numbering more than 50, disarmed the security guards and carted their weapons, said Col. Benito Antonio de Leon, spokesman for the Army’s 10th Infantry Division. He said the NPA torched several equipment owned by the mining firm before escaping under cover of darkness. “Troops are pursuing the rebels and we are awaiting reports from ground commanders and so far there have been no clashes between soldiers and rebels,” De Leon told The Manila Times.

Lobbyists find more ways to bond with lawmakers (tags)

Government of the people, by the elected officials and appointed bureaucrats, for the elected officials, appointed bureaucrats and special interest groups that got them elected!

NPA rebels warn of more attacks (tags)

Communist rebels claimed responsibility for the raid on a Swiss mining firm in the southern Philippines and have warned of more attacks in the country. Rebels raided the Sagittarius Mines Inc. (SMI) in the town of Tampakan in South Cotabato early Tuesday, torching buildings and equipment and attacking a military post nearby. Authorities said no one was injured or killed in the raid, which the New People’s Army (NPA) rebels claimed was a punishment for the giant Swiss mining firm accused of land grabbing, plunder and environmental destruction. The rebels said the raid was in response to a longstanding demand of the people to put a stop to the firm’s operations in the area.

Carlyle in talks to sell %9.9 management stake to Chinese (tags)

Carlyle Group is in talks to sell up to 9.9 per cent of itself to China’s Social Security Fund in a move that would make it the latest American buyout firm to sell a stake in its management company to the Chinese.

Like Cowboys in the Wild West (tags)

Special rules are obviously in force for Blackwater. Prince rejected the criticism that his operatives acted like cowboys in the Wild West.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Being “Guarded” by Israel (tags)

American supporters of Israel were delighted to learn that an Israeli company, Magal Security Systems-owned in part by the government of Israel-is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.

9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked Securities Fraud (tags)

Mr.Giuliani never even realised that supposed WTC survivor and activist Tania Head was a 9/11 fraud just like himself ! While Tanya Head practiced for many years at being a WTC survivor her leading rival in post 9/11 fame or infamy as the case may be,was Rudy Giuliani,an unpopular NYC Mayor who had made a miraculous post 9/11 comeback along with his police commissioner Bernie Kerrik. Rudy Giuliani so full of himself and determined to promote or 'pump' his rising Myth American status never really noticed the holes in Tania Head's tale of survival in the WTC perhaps because he was too busy covering up his own.

Flight to the Tax Haven (tags)

Halliburton's relocation to the Emirate is "an example of the most wicked entrepreneurial greed, an insult to US soldiers and taxpayers who paid the bill all these years for the no-bid contracts and exorbitant prices. Security policy differs from propaganda as sharing differs from megalomania

AIPAC to pay Weissman's legal fees (tags)

"AIPAC reached a deal with lawyers for its former Iran analyst, Keith Weissman, to pay for his defense against Espionage Act charges."

Losses as Profits: Review of Enron; The Smartest Guys in the Room (tags)

The firm's business idea consisted in showing future profits on the books as real profits.. In this "Darwinian tragedy," the Enron cadres ennobled their corrupt business practices by referring to "The Selfish Gene."

Pfizer, Halliburton Grab Democrats as Hearings Loom (tags)

Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Pharmaceutical companies and Iraq war contractors, both heavy Republican contributors, are among the companies scrambling to hire lobbyists with Democratic ties as they prepare for congressional investigative hearings next week.

Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)

..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.

BTL:Lawyers Representing Guantamano Detainees Lash Back at... (tags)

...Bush Administration Critics~Interview with Tom Wilner, attorney with Shearman and Sterling, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

FOIA,Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and SEC Chris Cox's Enron legal conflict (tags)

So SEC Chairman Christopher 'WMDS' Cox who lies about 'securities' the way he lied about WMDs in Iraq that sent thousands upon thousands of people to their deaths while allowing money to be laundered around the world post 911,including in known terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai through the help of U.S. 'market makers' such as Charles Schwab,Refco, vFinance,etc.,etc.,is being asked through use of the Freedom of Information Act or FOIA about conflict of interest in sweeping his law firm's former clients corrupt involvement with Enron under the rug.Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales also deserves much of the discredit for what is going on inside and outside the SEC as well.

Politics of Oil and Money (tags)

How the Bush Empire controls America and its elections

Protest Bush in Holmby Hills this Tuesday 4pm - 8pm (tags)

This Tuesday Bush will be Los Angeles from 4pm to 8pm to attend a republican fundraiser in Holmby Hills at the home Elliott Broidy, chairman of a venture capital firm funding projects in Israel.

Tom DeLay,Titan Corp,Skyway Communications, 9/11,Cocaine Trafficking,and Bloody Murder (tags)

Daniel Hopsicker continues his own one man investigation into the Venice,Florida Saudi terrorist flight school of Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris pal, Wally Hilliard,putting our'establishment' media to shame and disgrace once again.New York Times,CNN,USA Today,Wall Street Journal, should all hide in shame,as well as CBS, NBC,ABC, Rupert Murdoch and Fox 'News' should be put on trial for aiding murder,torture and rape so vile.

The Democrats' Daddy Warbucks (tags)

Feinstein Family War Profits:

Happy Iraq and Yuppie Careers in Iraq (tags)

While the spread of propaganda is prohibited in the US, it returns to the homefront on the roundabout way of foreign publications.. The witty and resilient Chalabi is still indirectly on the Pentagon payroll.

NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 (tags)

Those behind the scenes of this UAE corporation may not even be from UAE at all for all we know.Who ever is behind it,the CIA or far right no doubt approves.But since when has our corrupt CIA,that has been gutted by Porter Goss and his ilk as it is,had our interests at heart ? Their only interest is self enrichment and corruption and they have led our military into a trap in Iraq and Afghanistan almost willfully. Why ?

Scheme to Assassinate Wayne Madsen? (tags)

Is the Bush Cabal So Desperate?

Whitehouse now tied to Delay corruption scandal! (tags)

Bush Florida 2000 recount committee still owes lobbyist's former firm $314k

‘Don’t pick our pockets to line your own’ (tags)

“Privatizing Social Security may be good business for Charles Schwab, but it’s a bad deal for working Americans,” Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon told the multiracial and multigenerational crowd of 300 that overflowed the sidewalk in front of the giant investment firm’s office here. “The stock market is a gamble,” Gannon continued, “I’ve got a mother who is 83, a daughter who is 22 and I’m 52. Privatization puts us all in jeopardy.”

PDLA Election Protection Action Alert! (tags)

Progressive Democrats & Democracy for America activists in CA are both urging everyone to flood Sacramento with calls RIGHT NOW. Please help!


Gigantic Conspiracy


Gigantic Conspiracy

First Brothers Profit From W. (tags)

Detailed account of financial involvement of Bush brothers in shady business deals.

Who is smearing Ralph Nader? Corporate law firms and lobbyists tied to big business! (tags)

The progressives and peace activists who are helping to stop Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo don't realize it but they are being used by people who represent the corporate interests, especially the military-industrial complex, of the two major parties.

Fascist Mercenaries Come to Iraq (tags)

Previously, I posted an article about fascist mass murderers and torturers from Latin America's "dirty wars" being employed by Blackwater. Now, it seems members of South Africa's secret police, who murdered black activists during apartheid, are also mercenaries in Iraq.

Republicans are behind the effort to censor Fahrenheit 9/11 (tags)

So desperate are Bush Republicans to kill Michael Moore's latest film, Fahrenheit 9/11, they have hired a public relations firm to set up a web site attacking Moore. The site,, claims to be "non-partisan," but a glance at the "About" page of the site reveals the director and staff of Move America Forward are all diehard Republicans, anti-tax activists, and former legislative staffers. The PR firm is Russo Marsh & Rogers. contacts Free Republic poster over role in murder of Nick Berg (tags)

Apparently, I am in the middle of a controversy regarding the brutal murder of Nick Berg by the Islamofascist terrorist b*st*rds. I received the following FReepmail today from a reporter and spoke to him off the record. I will either call him back on the record or he can use my comments here on the record.

Chemical bombs and rocket systems components destruction weapons hide Iraq in Syria (tags)

AMSTERDAM - The Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, which was the main reason for the United States to unleash the war last year, seem correct. And in Syria. A high Syrian information officer detailed data have played on about this to a compatriot in exile.

Who's Who On The 911 "Independent" Commission ( Part 1 Of 2) (tags)

A factual description of the 911 Commission's unholy host of ties to Osama Bin-LAden, Saudi Oil, Bush Administration, CIA, and those accused of the attacks. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

Saddam Killed 61,000 in Baghdad (tags)

The survey, which the polling firm planned to release on Tuesday, asked 1,178 Baghdad residents in August and September whether a member of their household had been executed by Saddam's regime. According to Gallup, 6.6 percent said yes.

The White Collar Migration - Part 2 (tags)

US Workers See Hard Times High-Tech Firms Say Outsourcing Crucial To Survival

Kleptocratic States of America (tags)

"Cronyism is an important factor in the Iraqi debacle. It's not just that reconstruction is much more expensive than it should be. The really important thing is that cronyism is warping policy: By treating contracts as prizes to be handed to their friends, administration officials are delaying Iraq's recovery, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

New firm with Bush ties consults on Iraq business (tags)

WASHINGTON - A company that was created to help clients take advantage of business opportunities in Iraq is made up of businessmen associated with President Bush, his family and his administration.

Feel Free to Contact KOBE's Lawyer (tags)

KOBE has stated, on numerous occasions, that this is his law firm.

Same PR firm used to help Bush's war lies helps Scientology (tags)

The same company discussed on LA Indy Media's main web page today "History Is Repeating Itself Regarding Deceptions For War" -- the Hill & Knowlton PR firm -- is the same PR firm that the notorious Scientology company uses.

Haynes & Boone of Dallas Does Iraq (tags)

Haynes & Boone have been loyal supporters of President Bush. They advised him on his sale of Harken Energy stock. It appears the favor is now being returned.

Carving Up the Homeland Security Pie (tags)

Only to the most naive did the Department of Homeland Security sound promising. To seasoned observers of government, the idea of a new $40 billion DC bureaucracy means only one thing: billions for those who somehow manage to get their hands on the cash.

War brings business to Feinstein spouse (tags)

Charles Lewis, executive of the nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity watchdog group in Washington, says that "regardless of whether there is a direct conflict of interest, it's useful to know that the spouse of a sitting senator is getting richer because of what's going on in the world."

Another firm owned by Senator Feinstein's husband wins a $600 million army contract (tags)

URS Corp., a San Francisco planning and engineering firm partially owned by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband, landed an Army contract Monday worth up to $600 million.

A note for conservatives who visit this site (tags)

In Case y'all can read, here's the way you're supposed to talk, but never do, including Bush.

Clinton's Involved with World's Biggest Drug Launderers (tags)

From the book "False Profits: The Inside Story of BCCI, the World's Most Corrupt Financial Empire" by Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin 1992

9-11: burying the evidence? (tags)

read this and form your own opinions about what you have been told about 9-11

South Gate: Where City Hall's a Mix of Soap Opera and Bad Joke (tags)

Government: Officials are looking into suspected corruption. Council-watchers enjoy 'the meow lady.'

When pro-Palestinian supporters become blind to prejudice.... (tags)

You are invited to read a debate in which a series of highly-charged comments are made against all Jews. Some might call it the harsh truth. Others might say it's typical anti-semitism wrapped up in blind zeal for justice. Wbat do you say?

Quebec Brewery Wins Right to Label Its Beer GE-Free (tags)

Looking to our Northern Neighbor for a bit of sanity.

Pacifica Radio Hijackers& Anti-Union/Health Firm EBG Threaten Listener Campaigns (tags)

Audio of excellent KPFA report, including interviews, covering: Pacifica thieves employ Board member John Murdock's anti-worker/labor/health firm of Epstein Becker & Green (EB&G) to threaten listener's campaigns to reclaim the Network; California Legislators sign letter to Pacifica Board; Actions continue in CA to bring and end to the hijacking. 8 minutes.

Proposed Pacifica By-Law Revision Permits Sale of Stations (tags)

Pacifica's corporate raiders propose by-law changes that permit sale of stations such as WBAI and KPFA.

"War on Truth, The Secret Battle for the American Mind (tags)

an interview with John Stauber". Sentient Times, June 1999

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