fix articles 122831, contacts Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : contacts


Contacts and Details on Regional S. CA Post-Secondary Student Conference (tags)

Contacts and Details on Regional S. CA Post-Secondary Student Conference to plan the end of the defunding of public universities and colleges in California.

contact info for local vigil groups (tags)

I put a flyers showing contact info including phone number and e-mail addresses for local vigil groups.

The Beast from the Depths of Chaos: Astro-Mythology & the Bush Gang (tags)

With all that the Bush administration does or does not do, it is remarkable that no one in the progressive community has yet bothered to do an astrological analysis of the charts of its key members. Here, therefore, I remedy this appalling failure on the part of the progressive press. Whether you believe in astrology or not, this analysis should provide you with some interesting insights into the characters of and relationships between the members of the Bush crew.

Bush Counsel Called 9/11 Panelist Before Clarke Testified (tags)

Waxman suggested that such contacts would be improper because "the conduct of the White House is one of the key issues being investigated by the commission."

PLEASE ACT NOW: Boycott for Peace - let the corporations know! (tags)

A little sleuthing on Google gave me these individual emails (real people) for major companies being targeted in the Boycott. These are the VPs, CEOs, and spin doctors of the greedy creeps that donate their dollars to Bush and his cronies year after year. Just spend the five minutes it takes to email these lovely folks, and we'll have 'em all shaking in their $800 cowboy boots (see my sample letter for inspiration).

Update for the SouthWest Anarchist Network Conference. (tags)

Latest update from the organizers of the SouthWest Anarchist Network Conference.

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