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GMO labeling Signature Gathering Training (tags)
Learn how to effectively educate and recruit supporters to the cause of labeling Genetically Modified Organisms in the state of California.
Very important, because in each heart, this Love is powerful. But this Love is also as powerful as it is disregarded. So, we are trying to make you know it better, feel it better.
LA Indymedia Workshop June 28th at the LA Social Forum (tags)
What is alternative media and how is it important in the current political and social condition? How can the Indymedia network find new outlets and reach a larger audience?
Learn how to create the radio shows you want to hear (tags)
Join Radio IMC-LA on Feb 3 for a special info & training session where you'll learn how to create your own radio shows.
January Calander of Events for the A-Occasions Info Shop (tags)
calander of events happening at the A-Occasions info shop/community space in Long Beach CA.