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dan la botz

Presidential Candidate Alexander picks Darcy Richardson and Steve Trager for 2012 (tags)

Today, Stewart Alexander announced that Darcy Richardson from Florida will serve as his national policy advisor, and Steve Trager from Ohio will serve as his regional campaign director. Both Darcy Richardson and Steve Trager have been activists on the political left for more than two decades. Alexander says he would seek former U.S. Congressman Alan Grayson to step in as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. ?We need a Federal Reserve Chairman that will help steer the nation out of this depression; I want Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke out and Alan Grayson in.?

U.S. Election 2012: Alexander Wants Billy Wharton as W.H. Chief of Staff (tags)

U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander notes that Billy Wharton is his choice for White House Chief of Staff because ?he is for the people.? As Co-Chairperson for the Socialist Party USA, Wharton has demonstrated strong leadership mobilizing the left to stop cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Recently, Wharton spoke-out against raising the U.S. debt ceiling and has spoken against cutting U.S. debt on the backs of working people. Wharton has been a national leader in defense of education and has been an out-spoken critic of U.S. military aggression.

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Reach out to Prisoner’s Families (tags)

Alexander also notes “Three Strikes” Laws are a violation against the human rights of hundreds of thousands of 3 Strikers and their families. “Across America, thousands of 3 Strikers are serving life sentences after committing minor offences. The punishment should fit the crime to allow these inmates to resume their live with their families.”

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Leans Far Left for White House Cabinet Picks (tags)

Labor Candidate Stewart Alexander has announced that he will seek the U.S. Presidential Nomination for the Socialist Party USA, the Peace and Freedom Party- California, and the Green Party USA. Alexander is also seeking support from the Freedom Socialist Party, the Liberty Union Party- Vermont and the support from working people from across the nation.

President Obama Divides the Nation over His War with Libya (tags)

The majority of Americans are tired of wars and the cost to fight these wars as the nation sinks deeper into a national recession. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost $1 trillion and after one week in Libya, the cost is approaching $1 billion. When Americans are suffering cutbacks and layoffs, and 22 million Americans are out of work, the question is “Obama, where are the jobs?”

U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander: Oil Giants Price Gouge for Record Profits (tags)

Alexander is also proposing that working families receive a federal tax break for each family member traveling more than 20 miles round trip to work; Alexander say “these families should be permitted to receive a tax deduction or a minimum $300 tax credit for their entire annual fuel cost. As President of the United States, I would seek to make this retro-active back to January 1, 2011.”

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Backing Efforts Demanding Impeachment of Clarence Thomas (tags)

U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander is calling on the U.S. Senate to begin impeachment hearing to determine the worthiness of Clarence Thomas to continue as a member of the high court. As a U.S. Presidential Candidate, Alexander says he remains an advocate of term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court (a one 12 year term).”

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Obama’s Budget is a Plan for Austerity (tags)

President Obama’s budget will face an uphill battle in Congress because it fails to reign-in spending and will increase the federal debt by more than $20 billion over the next decade. Republicans in Congress have failed to offer any viable alternatives to the president’s budget proposals, leaving millions of working people discouraged, believing that congressional Republicans are part of the problem rather than offering leadership for solutions.

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Obama Fails Job Report (tags)

Socialists nationwide have sharply criticized this latest round of welfare for the rich, extending the Bush tax cuts, by holding hostage the nation’s unemployed, only to provide for their most basic needs. Alexander says “The nation’s wealthiest elite have gotten their tax breaks extended; they have gotten their bailouts, now President Obama must demand that corporate America deliver on the jobs that have been subsidized by the U.S. government.”

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ethanol Mistake “No Mistake” (tags)

Stewart Alexander says another “inconvenient truth” is that “Washington Democrats and Republicans know how to buy votes; take care of the corporations that produce ethanol, and in return it will generate campaign funding that will generate votes. The 2007 Energy Bill was only about buying political support.”

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Targets Health Care Law (tags)

Stewart Alexander, a U.S. Presidential Candidate for 2012, says the Republicans don’t get it; Americans want the health care law repealed; the entire bill. “I am running on an anti-Obama-care ticket. Working people want the health care bill repealed. Now the Republican members in Congress have less than two years to get the job done.”

U.S. Election 2012: Defending Education, Capitalism has Failed Our Kids (tags)

Stewart Alexander says students can only enforce their demands and stop the tuition hikes by demanding radical change. “For the present, students must hold President Obama accountable. Students must also defect from the Democrats, Republicans and rightwing political candidates in 2012 and support progressive political parties and candidates; such as candidates representing the Socialist Party (SPUSA) and Green Party candidates in 2012.”

U.S. Socialist Alexander: NBER Offers Christmas Report Regarding U.S. Recession (tags)

Alexander says “Working people have not seen any signs of an economic recovery; as many as 22 million Americans are out of work. U.S. home sales plunged to the lowest level in 15 years, millions of working people are in jeopardy of losing their homes, and jobless claims have risen to the highest levels in 9 months. The U.S. is in the deepest recession in the past 80 years and there are no signs of a recovery.”

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ben Bernanke Should Resign (tags)

U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander says, “Bernanke’s speech and response to the U.S. economic crisis has revealed that Chairman Bernanke has failed in his responsibility to the nation and should resign. While providing future guarantees to Wall Street, Bernanke’s message only provided optimistic illusions for the tens of millions of working people that are struggling nationwide.”

US Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Dismisses Obama’s Jobless Recovery (tags)

Alexander says financing the war and the U.S. occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan is costing U.S. jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used to rebuild and repair our nation’s infrastructure; “The war and occupation is taking the U.S. economy into a full scale depression.”

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Will Seek Green Party Presidential Nomination (tags)

Stewart Alexander says his intentions to seek the presidential nomination for both political parties is based upon the common interests that are shared between the Green Party and the Socialist Party; addressing the needs of the working class, creating good paying jobs, protecting human rights, protecting the environment and ending the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Proposing a ‘Better Deal’ for Economic Recovery (tags)

Stewart Alexander says “The struggles for working people are global; we need global solutions. In the 21st Century, it has become necessary to reorganize the entire world banking system.” To meet the growing needs of working people, Alexander is proposing the creation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to help eliminate poverty and to meet the basic needs of working people and the long term needs for seniors.

Dan La Botz Teaches About Mexican Maquiladoras (tags)


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