fix articles 122161, socialist web
Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander Deciphers Latest Jobs Report (tags)
The Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says that the most recent jobs report represents the bankruptcy of Obama’s economic policy.
U.S. Election 2012: State of the Union Address – Too Little Too Late (tags)
Obama’s State of the Union – Too Little Too Late, Response by Stewart Alexander for the Socialist Party USA and the Alexander/Mendoza 2012 Campaign
U.S. Election 2012: Alexander Wants Billy Wharton as W.H. Chief of Staff (tags)
U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander notes that Billy Wharton is his choice for White House Chief of Staff because ?he is for the people.? As Co-Chairperson for the Socialist Party USA, Wharton has demonstrated strong leadership mobilizing the left to stop cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Recently, Wharton spoke-out against raising the U.S. debt ceiling and has spoken against cutting U.S. debt on the backs of working people. Wharton has been a national leader in defense of education and has been an out-spoken critic of U.S. military aggression.
Obama's Doctor Supports Single-Payer! - Socialist WebZine, August 4, 2009 (tags)
* Obama's Doctor Supports Single-Payer!
In this week's Socialist WebZine (tags)
Vote in our new poll What do you think of the results of the Rasmussen poll? Is socialism on the way?
Why we oppose the war in Afghanistan - World Socialist Web Site (Oct 9, 2001) (tags)
The World Socialist Web Site condemns the American military assault on Afghanistan. We reject the dishonest claims of the Bush administration that this is a war for justice and the security of the American people against terrorism.