fix articles 12202, horowitz
CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed (tags)
CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed in Mind Control Black-Op to Neutralize "Dissidents"
New York Times Publishes Hate Ad (tags)
Editorial: Jan Perry's Latest Offensive Against the South Central Farm Land (41st & Alameda) (tags)
Tomorrow morning, October 15, City Council is scheduled to vote on Jan Perry's proposal that would release developer Ralph Horowitz of the 2.6-acre green space requirement and make it easier for him to sell the property. And so the future of the 14-acre plot of land, at 41st and Alameda is once again under dispute. Previously the site of the famous South Central Farm, once known as the largest urban farm in the country, if the not world, the land has become the most disputed plot of real-estate in the city. (At the time of its demolition circa 2006, there was a massive community mobilization to save it, and the goal of the farmers to reclaim the land has not died.)
When Goliath Wins: The Triumph of Redevelopment in Los Angeles (tags)
On Tuesday at 8:00 a.m., the South Central Farmers, their supporters, and the residents of the Central-Alameda neighborhood will confront the Los Angeles City Council in its chambers one more time to try to save the Farm and save the neighborhood. in the unlikely event they succeed, they might save the City.
SCF to Occupy LA City Hall (tags)
Farmers Join with Central–Alameda Residents and OccupyLA To Halt Sale of Last Piece of Urban Farm
Farmers Fighting for South Central Again (tags)
The Farmers defend the last vestige of the Farm against City and development. Join them Thursday morning, 8:00 a.m., at the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building, 425 S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro, CA 90731
Horowitz's hate speech at USC (tags)
LOS ANGELES--Activists at the University of Southern California (USC) protested David Horowitz by turning their backs on the arch-conservative as he spoke on November 4.
June 12th, 2009: South Central Farmers rally at City Hall 8:00 am (tags)
South Central Farmers Return to City Hall! Friday, June 12, 9:00 a.m. Press Conference at City Hall Saturday, June 13, 6:00-11:30 p.m. Reunion at the Farm LOS ANGELES--On Friday June 12, at 8:00 a.m. the South Central Farmers and their supporters will return to City Hall to demand fair and equitable treatment for South Central residents and Farmers in the face of continuing City privileges for developer Ralph Horowitz. The following day, Farmers and Farm supporters will hold a reunion on the third anniversary of the destruction of the Farm for all interested in restoring the South Central Farm.
Feb 21, 2009 Protest Forever 21 in Pasadena (tags)
The South Central Farmers have joined forces with student groups California Statewide MEChA and D-Q Unity to force the international teen clothing corporation Forever 21 to end plans for construction on the site of the South Central Farm and demand fair wages for its workers. The SCF Action Committee will lead a rally to kickoff a national boycott until the Farm is restored and stop worker abuse ended on Saturday, December 13, at noon at the Forever 21 "superstore" at 35 N. De Lacey Avenue in Pasadena, one block north of Colorado Avenue.
Never Forever 21 Coalition, South Central Farmers Rally, Saturday, December 13th, 12PM-3PM (tags)
ECOLOGY + JUSTICE NO FOREVER 21 SAVE THE FARM SAVE THE WORKERS SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOS ANGELES--The South Central Farmers have joined forces with student groups California Statewide MEChA and D-Q Unity to force the international teen clothing corporation Forever 21 to end plans for construction on the site of the South Central Farm and demand fair wages for its workers. The SCF Action Committee will lead a rally to kickoff a national boycott until the Farm is restored and stop worker abuse ended on Saturday, December 13, at noon at the Forever 21 "superstore" at 35 N. De Lacey Avenue in Pasadena, one block north of Colorado Avenue.
Save the Farm. Deadline: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 (tags)
On July 2, Angelinos overcame the City-planned divides between rich and poor, cultural differences, and even broke through language barriers in the fight to restore the South Central Farm. When the developer proposed a diesel-spewing warehouse distribution center for the site, Farmers and Farm supporters threw a wrench in the cogs of City Hall and won a round in the fight to force Horowitz to do an Environmental Impact Report: they forced a twenty-one day delay for more public comments, and gained a glimmer of hope to restore the Farm. The fight between the people and developers' grip on City Hall could be decided by this Wednesday, July 23, 2008, the new deadline for public comments and the second hearing, a week or two later on the tenth floor of City Hall, in front of a small advisory board.
Saving the South Central Farm: Listening to the Land (tags)
To many, it looked like the Struggle to Save the South Central Farm was defeated, a dream buried beneath the treads of the bulldozers that plowed the Farm under following the brutal invasion of an army of LA County Sheriffs crushed the resistor's encampment, turning the land from a liberated zone into an oppressive, occupied one. But all that could change. Here's why, and how you can help make it change.
Horowitz moves to put Polluting Warehouse on the Farm (tags)
Two years after the destruction of the farm Horowitz moves to put a polluting warehouse on the farm. CEQA hearing to be held on July 2, 2008.
You Can't Defeat Fascism By Ignoring It (tags)
David Horowitz' Reactionary Road Show Must be Confronted and Exposed
The South Central Farmers: No derrotados! (tags)
The Farm, the Farmers, their supporters and a new promise.
The Winter Harvest of the South Central Farmers (tags)
The Farmers open a new center and a new farm, ready to bring their organic produce to South Central. The rest of us might get a taste, too.
The South Central Farmers opened their new community center today, across the street from the bulldozed site of the South Central Farm
The debate was decidedly one-sided, with Horowitz offering one misstatement of fact after another, and Smith batting them down with the dispatch of a seasoned squash player.
South Central Farmers v. Horowitz, et al Court Decision (tags)
Please read the decision for yourself. Horowitz gets slapped.
The court ruled that the plaintiffs had not alleged facts or provided the court with evidence showing that the Farmers had engaged in a willful act in their use of the preliminary injunction that was not proper in the regular conduct of the legal proceedings. The court held that under case law in California, even if a party files an action that it knows is substantively meritless and does so for an improper purpose, these facts alone do not constitute a claim for abuse of process. The Horowitz plaintiffs had to show that the Farmers used the preliminary injunction in an improper way after they obtained it. The plaintiffs failed to allege or show in their opposition brief any such misuse of the injunction, and because they did not, the court granted the Farmers’ motion and dismissed the plaintiffs’ lawsuit.
National Latino Congreso Delegates put Councilperson Jan Perry on Notice (tags)
Delegates unanimously endorsed a resolution specifically calling for the City of Los Angeles, City Attorney, Councilperson Perry, Mr. Horowitz to 1) drop all charges against the non-violent civil resisters; 2) for Councilperson Perry to cease her political black mail of Mr. Horowitz, and 3) that all parties should come to the table and negotiate “in good faith” to restore the South Central Farm to the South Central Farmers and the community.
Discover the Secret Rightwing Network Behind ABC's 911 Deception (tags)
Check this out.
South Central Farm Vigil (pix) 8-18-06 (tags)
As one of their signs said, "We are Rooted." Despite the great destruction of crops, the farmers and their supporters are continuing the fight. Their focus is on Councilperson Jan Perry.
Garrett describes developer Ralph Horowitz as venting his wrath against the South Central Farmers in an hour - long migrant-bashing tirade.
Report Back: South Central Farmers 2nd Day in Court. (tags)
Attorneys for the farmers and the attorneys for the Horowitz and the city made their opening statements today to Judge Helen Bendix of the Los Angeles Superior Court.
Horowitz Denied; 1st Victory for South Central Farmers In Case Against Back Room Deal Betw (tags)
Horowitz Denied; 1st Victory for South Central Farmers In Case Against Back Room Deal Between Developer And The City Judge Denies Motion To Dismiss Case By Horowitz; Rules Case To Be Tried For “Waste” of Public Resources
Seeds of Hope, Seeds of War: Race, Class and the Battle for the South Central Farm (Final) (tags)
The world is literally watching. Media worldwide have covered the case of the South Central Farm, the largest urban garden in the United States, the efforts of the city's elites to drive the farmers from the land, and the farmer's remarkable resistance. On June 13th, the County moved to evict, concentrating a massive police presence in the area to uproot the resistor's encampment on the land. The South Central Farm arose from the ashes of the 1992 Los Angeles rebellion, and stands as a symbol of hope to millions. Despite the eviction, the struggle continues, with a court hearing this week challenging the City's sale of the land to a private developer. When the Los Angeles City Council sold the 14 acre plot called the South Central Farm to developer Ralph Horowitz, they sold land they didn’t own.
South Central Farmers Have Good First Day in Court (tags)
The judge in the case waived Horowitz motions to dismiss the case so the hearings will go forward. The judge also accepted the language of the farmers claim which forms the basis of the farmers case against Horowitz and the city.
Horowitz Watchman Brutalizes Farm Supporter Days Before Hearing (tags)
Horowitz Watchman Brutalizes Farm Supporter Days Before Hearing Recovery of South Central Farmers' Personal and Religious Objects Denied
Paid Thug Attacks SCF Supporter (tags)
Horowitz' rent a cop attacks supporter of South Central Farmers.
Visiting the SCF: Report Back (tags)
Impressions from my second visit to the farm (I'm from Sonoma County)
Jan Perry's Mean Streak (tags)
For the last 3 years Jan Perry has attempted to thumb the South Central Farmers, but it appears that they have really brought out the true nature of the "Shirley Temple Black" of the City Council.
SCFs have won the political dialectic! (tags)
“First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi
Bulldozers Move In to Destroy the South Central Farm!!! (tags)
Bulldozers Move In to Destroy the South Central Farm!!!
Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism (tags)
Did Anti-Semitism Take Root at the South Central Farm?
Here are the main points in the continuing fight to save the South Central Farm:
PHOTOS: Scene of Destruction at Farm (tags)
These photos were taken June 14th, one day after the sheriff’s raid and the attack of Horowitz’ bulldozers. The Bulldozing was done without the required permit from the city and has been stopped for now. It is said that Horowitz has applied for a permit and that if issued the bulldozing could start up again.
Response to the L.A. Times' Steve Lopez's trashing of Farm supporters. (tags)
In this piece I address the many errors and generally shoddy reporting in Steve Lopez L.A. Times column about the "eviction" on June 14, 2006
This is a collection of all the local newswire stories about the SCF, so far.
South Central Farm Crisis in Los Angeles (tags)
Willie Nelson, Darryl Hannah, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Joan Baez, Julia Butterfly-Hill support farmers in the struggle to save the nation's largest urban farm. Darryl Hannah appears on Larry King Live with Willie Nelson to show footage of eviction. Danny Glover calls eviction a Day of Mourning, a Day of Shame
Why Horowitz did Not Sell the Farm to the SCFs (tags)
Horowitz did not reject the South Central Farmers' offer (Actually Annenberg Foundation) becuase he really cares about their politics. As a greedy developer Jan Perry hung out a bigger carrot for him.
FARM UPDATE: 1/3 of farm plowed under (tags)
Number of reliable sources have reported at least a 1/3 of the farm looks to have been plowed under by Horowitz contractors. Caller did not see any bulldozers active this morning (10:30 am Wed.)
Bulldozing the South Central Farm (tags)
Bulldozing was started by the L.A. county Sheriff's department and continued by Ralph Horowitz.
Horowitz Unleashes Sheriff (tags)
South Central Farmers learn bittler lesson of the role of the courts and politicians.
Horowitz Breaks His Silence (tags)
Speaking to Gary Berglund of
Horowitz office number 310 440-7878 (tags)
Horowitz office number 310 440-7878
South Central Farmers Have Secured Financing To Purchase Land From Developer (tags)
Annenberg Foundation Offers To Purchase Property
SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Annenberg Foundation Makes Offer to Developer to Buy Land (tags)
The Annenberg Foundation made a surprise announcement today that they have made a proposal directly to developer Ralph Horowitz to buy the land on behalf of the farmers.
The Developer vs. the Nation's Largest Urban Farm (tags)
The Battle for South Central Farm By RALPH NADER
Encampment at the Farm – Day 8 (tags)
Monday, 5-29-06 - Encampment at the South Central Farm – Day 8
Tell MoveOn to help raise funds for the South Central Farm (tags)
If enough people vote for the proposal for MoveOn to help the farm, it could expadite the fundraising.
Hope Springs . . . at the South Central Farm (tags)
Last month, the Trust for Public Land negotiated purchase option with developer Ralph Horowitz that depended on the City coming up with a $5M match for $6M raised by the South Central Farm. Five days ago, the City reneged on the deal. Friday, with three days left, the Farmers and their supporters, ever hopeful, demanded that Mayor Villaraigosa step up to support the Farm.
Save the South Central Farm - Photo Essay (tags)
The city of Los Angeles is in the final stages of their effort to take the collective South Central Farm away from the community. HELP SAVE THE FARM!
How the Weekly Brews a Tempest in a Teapot (tags)
Let me be clear that I know nothing more about the internal workings of the South Central Farm than the L.A. Weekly reported in its March 15 muckraking article, "Bushel of Complaints" by Daniel Hernandez. So I've borrowed those facts and added a somewhat different spin. Here's my version.
A couple links to important stories.
SAVE THE FARM: Protest at Horowitz House tonight 7 pm (tags)
To date Horowitz has not signed any agreement for the buy back of the land. And the progress of the negotiations is unclear. The Friends of the Farm are calling for a protest at the gates to Horowitz estate tonight at 7:00 pm at the Intersection of N. Woodburn Dr. and W. Sunset Blvd. in Brentwood
Why the Farmers Must Win (tags)
In its Saturday editorial, the Los Angeles Times reduced virtually all the civic concerns of the historically neglected South Central to “niceties” and condemned a swath of the district to being a “concrete-and-asphalt” wasteland,“ "a seemingly endless sweep” of “industrial warehouses, packing plants, and junkyards.” It proclaimed that developer Ralph Horowitz must triumph, and the South Central Farm must be razed. The Times was wrong.
Community pressure moves the Farmers cause forward step by step.
Zack's statement to the Farmers (tags)
On Friday, March 10, Zack de la Rocha made a compelling statement outside of LA City Hall on behalf of the South Central Farmers.
SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am (tags)
SCFs, Zack de La Rocha, Julia Butterfly, and supporters at City Hall tomorrow 9am....
Call Ralph Horowitz RIGHT NOW! (tags)
The office of Ralph Horowitz: 310 440 7878
Ralph Horowitz, sues 350 poor families from South Central Los Angeles for $729,745.72 (tags)
Brentwood Real Estate Developer, Ralph Horowitz, sues 350 poor families from South Central Los Angeles for $729,745.72. In an ironic turn, the plaintiff claims the South Central Farmers have abused the legal system.
The South Central Farmers Push, and City Hall Budges (tags)
City Council proves fallow, but the Mayor's office has initiated negotiations to save South Central Farm. The Farmers still have a long row to hoe--they need to raise $7.35M to save the Farm.
UPDATE: South Central Farmers visit mayor's office (tags)
The South Central Farmer and their supporters addressed the city council today and were able to meet with Deputy Mayor, Larry Frank.
On Friday February 3, Members of the community staged a protest in front of the Brentwood offices of Ralph Horowitz , demanding that he void the sale from the city of the 14 acre farm at 41st and Alameda. This is the statement that was read to the press.
South Central Farmers picket office of developer, Ralph Horowitz (tags)
About 50 supporters in the fight to save the South Central Farm picketed today outside the offices of the developer, Ralph Horowitz who wants to raise the farm and build a warehouse on the site. Here are some photos from the event.
URGENT ACTION: This Friday Protest to Save the South Central Farm at developers office (tags)
What: Hundreds of community supporters demand that the developer keep from destroying one of the most unique landmarks of Los Angeles: The South Central Farm, the largest urban farm in the U.S.!
Court Rules Against South Central Farm, Immediate Support Needed! (tags)
SCF to be Evicted
Stand by South Central Farm---the time is NOW! (tags)
TIME IS NOW, prepare for civil disobedience.
South Central Farmers - Protest at Horowitz Office (tags)
About 50 people picketed outside the offices of developer, Ralph Horowitz today to call attention to his plans to evict the South Central Farmers from the land they have been farming since 1994.
Protest is on at Horowitz (tags)
A, from IMC reports.
Save the South Central Farmers! - Protest at the Office of Ralph Horowitz (tags)
Save the South Central Farmers!
Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas (tags)
The farmers are on RED ALERT (tags)
The farmers are on RED ALERT!! On Tuesday, November 8, Ralph Horowitz will most likely get full property rights to the farm, and he told the LA Times recently that he would get the sheriff to "throw off" the farmers from the land. He plans to destroy the farm and build a warehouse, despite the fact that the farm has fed low-income families for 13 years.
South Central Farmers Civil Disobedience Training (tags)
2nd Civil Disobedience Training -longer- Friday, 04 November 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 4, 2005 For more info (909) 605-3136 10:34 PST JOIN OUR CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AGAINST THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, “STRIP-MALL” DEVELOPER RALPH HOROWITZ and THE LOS ANGELES SHERIFFS’ DEPT. Who: The South Central Farmers and Cindy Anderson For more info (909) 605-3136 What: 2nd Civil Disobedience Training When: Nov. 6th 2005, @ 12:00 noon 41st and Alameda
The South Central Community Garden (tags)
The South Central Community Garden in Los Angeles, CA, a 360-plot, 14-acre urban oasis, is scheduled to be demolished and replaced by a warehouse.
Two World Can't Wait! LA Organizers Ambush Horowitz at Reactionary "Liberty Film Fest (tags)
Two Los Angeles organizers for The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime! took the stage against fascist David Horowitz at last Friday's reactionary "Liberty Film Festival" in West Hollywood, were jumped by right-wing thugs!!!
Nut-Job Michael Lopez-Calderon Threatens the Life of Well Known Dissidents (tags)
"Should the likes of Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Michael Moore, Ward Churchill, Dennis[?] Raimondo, et al. act out their sedition in a just-nuked America, expect their bodies to be found shot full of holes."
Help save the South Central Farm (tags)
“The protection of the health and the safety of the people; the right of people to produce their means of subsistence" -- Lil' Joe
A Vast Right-Wing Cry of Treason (tags)
Ann Coulter, the right wing's dial-900 girl—a rail-thin, chain-smoking, hard-drinking, big-eyed leggy blonde who winkingly serves up X-rated ideological smut on liberals—is at it again. "Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy," Coulter writes—or sneers—in Treason, her follow-up effort to the best-selling Slander. Like its predecessor, Treason sits atop the best-seller charts, riding higher than one of Coulter's signature miniskirts.
Aids was created in Maryland (tags)
Aids was created in the US
CSULB Protest against Young Republican rally (tags)
This happened today.. 2/18/2003
David Horowitz Tries to Convince Public That David Horowitz Is Important (tags)
Once again, David Horowitz is trying to make himself a controversial figure in the media. This time he is doing it by mailing copies of his pamphlet "How the Left Undermined American Security" (which blames Clinton for 9/11) to 1500 media outlets nationwide.
David Horowitz: "Barbara Lee is an anti-American communist" (tags)
David Horowitz: "Barbara Lee is not an anti-war activist, she is an anti-American communist who supports America's enemies and has actively collaborated with them in their war against America."
College Prankster Exposed: David Horowitz's Hollow Arguments and Racist Subtext (tags)
Rightwing provocateur David Horowitz got a lot of notice with an ad in college newspapers attacking the idea of reparations for slavery as "a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist Too." He succeeded in baiting campus newspapers and activists into intemperate responses, casting them in the role of un-American enemies of free speech and free thought & obscuring the underlying issue. The last thing he really wanted was for anyone to take his arguments seriously, since his arguments range from laughably foolish to laughably racist. None can withstand serious scrutiny.
David Horowitz: Corporate Advocate (tags)
David Horowitz is appearing on TV commercials pretending to be a consumer advocate, but telling people to push the electric utilities' corporate agenda.