fix articles 121248, jonathan adelstein
Michael Powell: Up in Flames (tags)
Poor, poor, pitiful Michael Powell. His term as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission was supposed to be easy. He thought that like FCC chairs before him, his job was to jet around the country meeting at swank resorts with the CEOs of major media companies, take some notes and then quietly implement their sweeping agenda for loosening the last significant constraints on media consolidation in the United States.
THURSDAY: Free Speech Activists to Protest New FCC Rules Effective 9/4 (tags)
On Thursday, September 4 ‐ the day that controversial new FCC media ownership rules go into effect ‐ free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at media outlets in half a dozen cities, including Los Angeles. They hope to encourage Congress, which is considering legislation to overturn the FCC decision, and counter the new pro-consolidation advertising campaign that was launched this week by CBS, NBC and Fox television.
Pepperface Multimedia Information Hub - Update For The Week Ending 06.15.03 (tags)
Pepperface was created to provide a multimedia source for real information regarding the US invasion of Iraq. We will continue to update this forum with information on the US continued occupation of Iraq, analysis of the media role in the Bush Regeime's occupation of America, and anything else which may be of interest.
FCC Deregulation: Michael Copps Interviewed By Daniel Sheehan (KPFK, May 26) (tags)
FCC's Michael Copps on June 2nd vote; mp3 of interview segment conducted today, on KPFK's "Aware" show; runtime: 40:07; 9.2 megabytes
FCC at USC forum invitation (tags)
Below is the FCC forum and invitation.
FCC forum in LA threatened with cancellation (tags)
My favorite line is that FCC Chair Powell doesn't think public forums are needed because citizens can file statements with the FCC. That's right - those personal visits to the FCC from corporate lobbyists are no more influential than letters from you and me.