fix articles 120894, cruise missiles
San Diego based "strike force" Still Heading to Korea (tags)
Tthe US "strike group" led by the the San Diego based aircraft carrier Carl Vinson is indeed heading for the Korean Peninsula.
San Diego warships leading charge against North Korea (tags)
US Navy warships based in San Diego are moving towards North Korean waters as tensions rise across the region.
Nuclear Shutdown News October2015 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future.
The Latest Presstitute Big Lie About Russia in Syria (tags)
Israel set to attack Iran (tags)
With 200kg. nuclear warhead.
Germany's Apology to Israel for Iraq Poison Gas Sales (tags)
Germany, after being called on the carpet for supplying Iraq with poison gas intended to be used against the nearly 6 million Jews who live in Israel, gave three undectable German-built submarines capable of launching nuclear missiles to Israel for free as an apology of sorts.
Political foes unite on depleted uranium munitions (tags)
Talk to any of your acquaintances, right, left, or center, about the DU shells and bombs. Our troops are breathing the DU dust from them right now in Iraq. Then tell them in a quiet steady voice "There is no treatment. This a death sentence for our troops serving our country. This ain't right. Help me change it."2 Sign them up, make a list, send the list to me.
Information about the military campaign in Iraq that the Pentagon won't show you, courtesy of the finest in the biz, the Russian Military Intelligence service GRU, who routinely intercept telephone calls from Dubya to Blair.
protesters might do well to actually illustrate how "military strikes" look (tags)
Protests are usually designed to speak to policymakers and elite and "mid-elite" implementers of such policy. Yet puppets, posters, and the same old yells get pretty tired after awhile, and surely can be dismissed as the usual adolescent whines. How about doing something more, at least? Like illustrating exactly what it means when u.s. bombs hit "military targets."