fix articles 12068, poetry Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : poetry


ALETH (tags)

my music I call Indie-Jazz Poetry

ALETH (tags)

Aleth : Indie/Jazz Poetry :

The Poetization of the World and Behind the Curtain (tags)

When the poet says "autumn," he can mean a season but at the same time he can also mean melancholy, farewell, decline, the dying of a happy love affair (inside). Schelling had already praised this capacity "What we call nature is a poem that is locked in secret, wonderful writing."

La communication aliénée (tags)

Le capitalisme est une monstruosité...

Review of E San Juan's AMBIL (tags)

Filipino activist Karlo Mongaya reviews the avant-garde postconceptual writing of E San Juan Jr., and its critique of author-centered institutionalized expression in the neoliberal regime of Aquino in neocolonial Philippines.

Straight Talk and Reflections (tags)


Director of Public Relations (tags)

Let your spirits soar with Loving the Silent Tears, a brilliant new musical coming to the prestigious Shrine Auditorium on Oct. 27. The star-studded company of Oscar/Grammy/Tony and Emmy winners take the audience on a spiritual journey in a quest for inner peace, travelling through the song and dance of 16 different countries. The lyrics for Loving the Silent Tears are based on the poetic works of Supreme Master Ching Hai, world renowned humanitarian, artist, and spiritual teacher. For a preview, please visit: (1.47 min)

La communication aliénée (tags)

La communication aliénée est la communication de l'aliénation...

The Downtown LA Anarchist Cafe (Was A Bust!) (tags)

The Downtown LA Anarchist Cafe (Was A Bust!)

“Nommogeneity” Explores African-American Poetry and Culture (tags)

It took two years to make and it's only 32 minutes long, but Terrence Stubbs’ film “Nommogeneity” is a powerful portrayal of cutting-edge African-American poetry and culture that's well worth seeing. Stubbs, a former stand-up comedian turned film student and TV producer, landed the legendary Amiri Baraka (shown reading his provocative 9/11 poem) as well as many younger African-American poets strongly influenced by him. The film — whose title comes from the twin gods in African mythology who brought humanity the gifts of language and writing — shows young poets working in a politically and socially conscious vein instead of writing “love jones” poems or odes to gangsterism and conspicuous consumption.

Lummis Day at the Arroyo (tags)

A community celebration with poetry, puppets, dance, art, and the music of Jackson Brown! Co-hosted by members of Culture Clash.

Interview with Kewan Lewis,Author of Into My Window (tags)

Into My Window is a book of poetry that focuses on expression, enlightenment and encouragement. The author’s intention is to give poems that inspire and comfort the reader, letting them know that there are other people who go through the same things on the path from child to adult.

Women's Art Exhibit and Writer Series (tags)

"Le Deuxieme Sexe?" Women's Art Exhibit and Writer Series at Carlotta's Passion Fine Art in Eagle Rock Chicano Studies, Women Studies, and Mexican Art History. Reina Prado's link to Calaca Press: Judith Terzi Shiny Things Make Things Come Back (2002) was Ms. Terzi's first chapbook, a collection inspired, in part, by her mother's five-year long, see-saw adventure with severe vascular dementia. In her second collection, Lightning Bugs Don't Travel Westward (2004), while a few pieces relate to this illness, most are reflections on nature, transitions, institutions, or on the general political and social dementia of our times. Ms. Terzi's work has appeared in various print and online publications, including The Teacher's Voice (2005), the anthology, An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind: Poets on 9/11, Moondance ( . Ms. Terzi says, "While most of my poetry is in English, I do enjoy writing in French and Spanish as well. My CD, Wings of the Andes, is a blend of old and new poems. I hold an M.A. in French Literature and am a career teacher, having taught many different subject matters at every level of instruction. The highlights of my career have been teaching English and French at an American School in Algiers, Algeria; writing at California State University, Los Angeles; and French language and literature at Polytechnic School in Pasadena, California." Reviewer Comment "Judy has been quick in sensing the rhythm or beat of a poem. She can tell when a line has lost the rhythm. She has been showing a keen interest in correct usage of English language...When she recites poetry, her posture could be improved, however; she drops her head forward, and a bit to one side. She seems to enjoy creative work. - G. Metzner, Ms. Terzi's third grade teacher Kathleen Tyler Kathleen Tyler's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals including Runes, Solo, Margie, Coe Review, Visions International, Diner, and Poetry Motel. She currently teaches English at a public school in Los Angeles. Some poets who she especially likes are Marsha de la O, Larissa Szporluk, Yusef Komunyakaa, H.D., and Garcia Lorca. Kathleen's first book of poetry, The Secret Box, is forthcoming in September. Reviewer Comments The Secret Box is full of gorgeous and dangerous poems; poems with the flickering intensity of film noir; poems in which violence or tenderness -- or both -- might erupt at any moment, and do. I admire Kathleen Tyler's craft and her courage. These poems are gutsy and lyrical, risky and magical; they speak of, and to, a dark and beautiful world. - Cecilia Woloch Negotiating terrain that is both provocative and revealing, these poems leave the senses singed with formidable hope and startling clarity. - Jawanza Dumisani

stephen (tags)

I am an antiwar activist/artist. Below are some links to my poetry and artwork, and one article about me. I seek a venue to put up an antiwar artshow of a group of works I made : My website is: poetry antiwar artwork with discussion I would be interested in showing one my antiwar art pieces…. . . see the piece , " Hey Jessee, Hey George, whats money got to do with being patriotic?" Its about 11 feet long. Click the link for article with antiwar artworks: Stephen Frank Gary Artshow I was in at the Zimmer Childrens Museum may 06 thanks for your time stephen

Another Side of Resistance to Racism - June 25,2005 (tags)

Besides the mass mobilization, something more was happening to resist the lies and hatred of SOS and the Minutemen on that day.

Voices In Wartime opens April 15th (tags)

Voices in Wartime is a feature-length documentary that delves into the experience of war through powerful images and the words of poets – unknown and world-famous.

Surrealism in 2004 (tags)

This is a statement denouncing the hypocrisy and deception that exists within the current surrealist movement today in 2004. In order for a transformation of life and the chance for a positive engagement for freedom to take place, surrealism needs to redefine the goals of true revolution and to INVOLVE EVERYONE, not just a select few.

"Columbus Day... NOT!" (tags)

"Columbus Day... NOT!" - With this special issue, Xispas, the online journal of Chicano culture, art, and politics... looks at the meaning and role of Columbus' voyage to the Americas in 1492.

The Daily Poetry Movement (tags)

A few thoughts on the daily poetry movement, my featured poem of the day and my link to my page on the imc network. Please feel free to submit orginal poetry. Rise up!


"... LA artist Mark Vallen establishes himself as one of the most profound political artists of our time." - review

Zapatista 10th Anniversary Concert! (tags)

A Night of Spirit, Live Music, Spoken Word, Visual Art, Celebration, Joy, and Resistance in honor of EZLN 20 y 10 Anniversary of the Zapatistas

Feast for the senses at Boricua Films' Urban Graffiti 4 Live Slam Festival - Sat. 10-11-03 (tags)

Independent artists and cultures unite -uncensored expression, poetry, artwork, photography acting & music packed in a 12 hour one-day event. It's Urban Graffiti 4!


Introducing the Howling Dog megasite: radical writing, art, poetry by iconoclastic visionaries. These dogs never learned to fetch, roll over, or lay down--but they did learn to speak. Get dangerous, get discovered ...


H a b i t a t D e s t r u c t i o n I s N o t P o e t i c (read to the end of this message to see what SCIENTISTS have said in declarations to federal courts about this ill-founded scheme.)

When will there be time to grieve? (Poetry against the War) (tags)

Poetry against the War and for the Peace...

An Interview with a Poet Against the War, Chase Twichell (tags)

Poetry's not window cleaning. It breaks the glass." Chase Twichell

FREE Poetry/Spoken Word/Open Mic Night toniht at the REACH Center featuring Victorio Reyes (tags)

Tonight's FREE poetry/spoken word/open mic night is from 6-9pm at the REACH Center at 684 Redondo Ave. in Long Beach and will be featuring Victorio Reyes, who is an author, activist, and spoken word performer from NY

Local Poets' Take On Cutbacks and Outbacks (tags)

Los Angeles poet Julia Stein has had great success marrying activism and writing, so much so that she was sued by Guess Jeans for her efforts when she took part in a special poetry reading to criticize the company's use of sweatshop labor.

Political poetry reading (tags)

Julia Stein will read from political poetry from her latest two books at Duttons, Sunday, Feb 23, 2:00, 11975 San Vicente. Poetry will deal with stopping cutbacks in education, anti-war, stopping assaults on the environment, and stopping war.

O Say Can You Hear? (tags)

An imagistic statement on the condition of war and meltdown of the American Dream.

Poetry Needed (tags)

Anarchy's Zine of Poetry, When Gendarme Sleeps needs your poems.

POETRY MATTERS! On the Media Persecution of Amiri Baraka (tags)


Poetry Night with Jackie Joice (tags)

Long Beach Womyns Collective Presents: Poetry Night / Open Mic Featuring Jackie Joice



Poetry Night (tags)

Poetry Night tommrow at the Long Beach Community Info shop


Mark your calendar for this one... and spread the word to all Los Angeles Artists and Labor Activists! Avenue 50 Studio in L.A. will be presenting an important Art Exhibition on Immigration, Exploitation, and Sweatshop Labor. The Exhibit Reception takes place on Saturday Jan. 12th. Listings of other Cultural events can be found on the ART FOR A CHANGE Website.

Only Poetry Can Address Grief: Moving Forward After 911 (tags)

"The language of abstraction doesn't work.  Ideology doesn't work. Judgment and hectoring and shaming and blaming cannot truly touch the depth of that loss. Only poetry can address grief. Only words that convey what we can see and smell and taste and touch of life, can move us."

A DELICATE BALANCE (new poems from NYC) (tags)

Perfect, Shelleyian poetry once again appears, where & when most acutely needed. This small, green-covered handbook, recently printed less than 5 minutes away from the World Trade Center in New York City, proposes & pleads for an understanding of Time that is, temporarily, for many, still in agonized suspension. Readers will find, buried within it, many clear messages from a clearly necessary future.

San Diego IMC Extravaganza, Poetry, --CLICK HERE! (tags)

IMC EXTRAVAGANZA! VIDEO, MUSIC, DANCE, POETRY, FOOD Featuring the following films: Free America-Trade Bush!: the FTAA protests at the SD/TJ border Storm from the Mountain: the Zapatour to Mexico City Bodies and Boundaries: families divided by the border Praha 2000: The World Bank and IMF Under Siege

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