fix articles 12062, aztlan
Gilbert "Magu" Lujan - leader of the Chicano Art Movement
Brown Beret Demonstration in "Rivercide" (tags)
this is footage of the demonstration and march, from Bobby Bonds Park to downtown Riverside, held on Saturday, Jan. 31st, 2009, by the fthe Brown Berets de Aztlan. It's approximately 45 minutes long, and may have some extraneous footage at the end that needs to be cropped.
Brown Berets to lead march against the Riverside County Sheriffs (tags)
Brown Beret, mother of three, shot in the back by a Riverside County Sheriff. A vigil, press conference and march has been scheduled.
The 2008 Farce of July celebration at Self Help Graphics was a great event in spite of various set-backs. First of all, the event was forced to move at the last minute from its originally scheduled location at 1221 Hope St., when the owner of the venue informed the organizers that he had received word that there would be a police raid.
37th Anniversary Chicano Moratorium (tags)
National Chicano Moratorium Committee holds 37th Annual Commemoration with march and rally
May Day Movement 2007 in Modesto (tags)
We are NOT Immigrants was the message at this year’s May Day Movement in Modesto, California. Over 3,000 protestors took to Modesto streets to demand a legalization bill and equal treatment for the millions living in the United States without papers. The turnout was nowhere near the 10,000 to 12,000 that marched in 2006, when the threat of Sensenbrenner’s House Resolution 4437 brought out record numbers across the nation. But the message was more powerful and resolute.
Troqueros Declare Victory! (tags)
Independent truckers announce the LA port will shut down on May 1, the first victory for the 2007 May Day Mobilization for Immigrants' Rights.
Benefit event: Zack de la Rocha, Aztlan Underground, Quetzal, Ozomatli and more THIS SAT (tags)
bring your family..
Aztlan | Lessons in Politics (tags)
Today, and for the present, Aztlan is a spiritual concept, an ideational concept. But what does the future hold for the indigenous peoples of Anahuac?
Panquetzaliztli in Center
Letter to Voz de Aztlan (tags)
La Voz and the Secret Service (tags)
Mexican-American news service falls victim of government surveillance and intrusion
Photos, quick report on protest/march against Costa Mesa police (tags)
Members of A.N.S.W.E.R., Colectivo Tonantzin, S.E.I.U., Anarchists, and more protested and marched in Costa Mesa.
SOS Plans Return to Baldwin Park (tags)
SOS to return to Baldwin Park July 31st, 2005
Nazis, Aztlan, Indymedia (tags)
What's wrong with Aztlan, white left? Do you feel just the same about it as the SOS Nazis? Speak up, I can't hear you.
The Chicano Movement is alive and well.
Commemoration Flag of Aztlan, Baldwin Park 14 Mayo 2005 (tags)
Commemoration Flag of Aztlan, Baldwin Park 14 Mayo 2005 counter-demonstration.
The Scalping of Cherokee Indian Ward Churchill (tags)
Chairman of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder forced to resign
La Voz de Aztlan: Spreading Disinformation and Hatred (tags)
They have been the main site promoting the bogus "Iraqi Rape" photos that have been circulating around the web. These photos are actually from a bad porno produced before the invasion of Iraq, called "Baghdad Babes," which is available on the Web.
Zapatista 10th Anniversary Concert! (tags)
A Night of Spirit, Live Music, Spoken Word, Visual Art, Celebration, Joy, and Resistance in honor of EZLN 20 y 10 Anniversary of the Zapatistas
We do not recognize Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor. The Nation of Aztlan (formerly SoCal) and the Republic of Cascadia (formerly NorCal) does not bow down to Nazi Arnold!!
Zapatistas deny Marcos is sick, wounded or dead (tags)
For the past two weeks there have persistant rumors that Zapatista rebel leader Subcomandante Marcos is ill, wounded or dead. Zapatista leaders deny the rumor as a lie by the Mexican Government.
Nation of Aztlan Issues a Call to Action (tags)
"We can not remain silent and immobile while the Palestinian people are being systematically exterminated by Ariel Sharon - the Butcher of Sabra, Shatila, Qibya, and Jenin." - Chairman Cuauhtemoc
Members of the Hip Hop group, AZTLAN UNDERGROUND, came out to protest KPFK's pulling of the "Seditious Beats" radio program.
Hip Hop Artists Aztlan Underground perform at KPFK protest, Friday (tags)
Hip Hop Artists Including Aztlan Underground and La Paz to Perform at Protest of Suspension of Program from KPFK 90.7 FM
Live in LA! Amy Goodman, Danny Glover, Aztlan Undergound! (tags)
We're looking forward to a great night this Saturday - Please spread the word.
Voz de Aztlan Advocates Shooting "Faggots" (tags)
Pray for the death of la voz de aztlan. Envision the pain and suffering of la voz de aztlan.
After reading some of the posts about La Voz de Aztlan I thought I should write to them and ask what was up... here's what they said:
La Voz de Aztlan Should Join Up with white Neo-NAZIs (tags)
La Voz de Aztlan doesn't represent the views of Mexicans-- only the views of Hitler lovers
Remove Fascist La Voz de Aztlan From This Site (tags)
I demand that Los Angeles Independent Media remove all postings by the fascist thugs, La Voz de Aztlan (LVA), from this website TODAY.
I advocate violence against la Voz de Aztlan (tags)
We must do something to counter these devils in la Voz de Aztlan. Any suggestions?
La Voz de Aztlan Calls for the Murder of Gays, Lesbians (tags)
La Voz de Aztlan website calls for the murder of gays, lesbians
I am the proud and eternal enemy of Voz de Aztlan (tags)
I pledge to destroy Christian Fascism by all means necessary, using all my strength, all my energy, all my resources, all my intelligence, and all of my heart, forever.
How Our Ancient Indigenous Ancestors of Mexico Viewed and Punished Lesbianism (tags)
Estimada Raza de Aztlan
La Voz de Aztlan No Se Representan La Gente Chicana (tags)
The opinions of La Voz de Aztlan do not represent those of the Chicano community and people.
Latinos and Jews: A Perspective on MALDEF and La Voz "Anti-Semitism" (tags)
La Voz de Aztlan received a threat over the weekend from the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) because of an editorial published recently with the title: "La Raza and Jews on Collision Course in Alta California." Thomas A. Saenz, National Senior Counsel of MALDEF, sent a strongly worded message that requested La Voz de Aztlan cease from publishing articles on Jews in California. La Voz addressed the controversy in an IMC posting (see April 2) that can be problematically read as "Anti-Semtic," and demands a clarifying opinion, offered by this anonymous author.
MALDEF sends threat to La Voz de Aztlan over article on La Raza/Jewish Relations (tags)
Los Angeles - April 2, 2001 -(ACN) La Voz de Aztlan received a threat over the weekend from the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) because of an editorial published recently with the title: "La Raza and Jews on Collision Course in Alta California." Thomas A. Saenz, National Senior Counsel of MALDEF, sent a strongly worded message that requested La Voz de Aztlan cease from publishing articles on Jews in California besides asking for a public apology for our comments previously published on the subject.
Aztlan Underground Rocks the Mic (tags)
Aztlan Underground performs at the Mumia rally outside the Staples Center on August 13. "I love you America but you're wrong! We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us! Get the Fuck Out!"