fix articles 12038, memory Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : memory


FemApocalypse - How underprivileged is the institutionalized woman? (tags)

"Meglio un asino vivo che un dottore morto"... Before I join the canon, for the sake of my sexuality, that puts forward women's rights for Ilse Koch (Witch of Buchenwald), I am of the opinion that the issue of gender equality requires an objective analysis, because not only women and women, men and men, Men and women but according to Dr. Edith Butler up to 16 genders have different views on this dualistic construct at first sight. Before equality between men and women, however, for logic reasons, equality between men should first be achieved.

Greedy Animal Researchers Hide Truth About Alzheimer's From Public (tags)

The prime causes of Alzheimer's are known and are the homocysteine, trioxypurine and animal fat in meat and fish. These 3 block the arteries of the brain.

Our House Grief Support Center Hosts 9th Annual Run For Hope, April 29 (tags)

Celebrating The Grieving Community And The Power Of Uniting Hands With Paws

4 Men Murdered 1983 San Pedro, Stat of WW III, Memory Returned 2014, Psych Ops, Video Link (tags)

I have in a link below a Youtube video describing a covered up murder of "line Handlers" in the USA which led to the hiring of 4 New men to Sabotage Vessel, Psych Ops, WW III, I Kurt Brown quartermaster may die soon from cancer, VA denying responsibility, War Lost by US?

Prime Cause Of Alzheimer's: Homocysteine In Mammal, Bird and Fish Flesh (tags)

There are many causes of Alzheimer's but the primary one is homocysteine, a protein in mammal, bird and fish flesh. The metabolism of homocysteine causes amyloid plaque to build up over a lifetime in the brain.

NPR And Alzheimer's (tags)

NPR's 200 million dollar investment in McDonald's stock makes its news coverage often nonexistent in regards to the toxins, environmental devastation, energy waste, and animal agony involved in murdering trillions of animals, birds, and fishes for human appetites..

Hindus urge City of Los Angeles to replant George Harrison Memorial Tree soon (tags)

Hindus are urging City of Los Angeles to immediately replant the similar pine tree in its Griffith Park in memory of fellow Hindu Beatle George Harrison as the original planted in 2004 reportedly died in June.

32 Causes Of Memory Loss and Brain Deterioration (tags)

Radio and tv making hundreds of billions from meat and fish advertising are not reliable sources of health information. There are many ways to counteract past brain injuries.

The Nakba: Before and After (tags)


Eyewitnesses frame innocent people about a third of the time? (tags)

Eyewitnesses are frequently WRONG, and because of that many people are framed by the police for crimes they didn't commit! - "Of the first 250 DNA exonerations, 190 involved eyewitnesses who were wrong ... Every year 75,000 eyewitnesses identify suspects in criminal investigations. Those identifications are wrong about a third of the time"

Vigil for Mr. Ruelas, a great teacher, on Monday November 8 (tags)

A vigil for a great teacher whose memory is even now being smeared by the Los Angeles Times.

Rwanda's 1994 genocide and 2010 elections (tags)

The memory, consequence, and disputed histories of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, loom large in Rwanda's memory. Whether openly discussed or not, they will hugely influence the nation's 2010 national election.

Bank of America Insults Memory of Fallen Marine (tags)

The Gaffney, SC, branch of Bank of America removes flags placed to honor the memory of a fallen Marine.

Day of International Action Against State Murders - Saturday, Dec. 20th (tags)

Sparked by the murder of 15 year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos by police in Greece, students, activists, and workers have taken to the streets all over Greece not only calling for the end to state murders, but to demand a change from the conservative government that currently holds the Greek office. Because state violence is pandemic and not limited to one nation, the Athens assembly has called for a Day of International Action Against State Murders on Saturday, December 20th 2008. Now is the time to show our solidarity with Greece, and voice our opposition to all types of state murder.

“We don’t forget, we don’t forgive” -12-20-08 day of international action against state (tags)

People should not fear the state the state should fear the people

Easter Day Vigil in Highland Park (tags)

"Resurrect peace," "resurrect justice," "resurrect the planet."

Hearts for Makwan. Hearts for a world without homophobie. (tags)

The executioners broke Makwan’s body and took his breath away for ever. But Makwan is now a symbol and symbols cannot die.

Omaha teenager kills 8: on antidepressants (tags)

Before this side of the story disappears down the memory hole 'breaking story has a teenage killer killing 8 in Omaha Nebraska. He was on antidepressants...likely SSRIs'

Urgent petition save graffiti memorial Carlo Giuliani & Davide Dax Cesare... (tags)

Milan, Italy In memory of Carlo Giuliani, murdered on July, 21th of 2001 during the repression of the protests against the G8 summit in Genova, has been realized in Milan a "No Justice, No Peace" graffiti.

Talk at CSULA: "Silence, memory and the Spanish Civil War", August 8 (tags)

Prof. Costa of CSULA will give a presentation on the Spanish Civil War, followed by music by the Xochisoneros.

Virginia Tech Vigil @ CSUN Today! (tags)

CSUN will host a vigil in memory of lives lost in the Virginia Tech tragedy.

2006 Alternative War News from Yahoo News Boards (tags)

The Iraq War was a daily focus on Yahoo News Boards in 2006. Here are some valuable archives which may interest you.

Anticapitalist video: Memory, Dignity And Struggle (tags)

The Spanish “Transition to democracy” was simply a way to fortify the capitalist economic model. With such Transition, the Spanish dominant class eliminated all sort of social resistance and opened the way for business; they made a Francoism without Franco and presented the Transition as a triumph of the people. It was a history written by the owners of money and their fascist sentries. But Memory, Dignity and Struggle continue

Spc. Doug Barber: One Year After His Tragic Suicide-Unaired Interviews (tags)

Two previously unreleased audio interviews with Spc. Douglas Barber, who served in Iraq with the Ohio National Guard. Released to commemorate the one year anniversary of his suicide due to untreated PTSD and overwhelming mental trauma.



BIG NEWS ON MICROSOFT: Slavery to It Is Ending (tags)

The hundred-dollar computer will be the end of Microsoft's dominance and possibly the company itself. Do you care? Can Wal-Mart beat Microsoft? Since you are reading this on a computer, you are a slave to MS and you should care. Freeing us from MS and its robber baron could raise the country's productivity by several points. I'll show how. To have fun, usable, efficient computers, it is necessary. To finally realize the dream that Bill Gates aborted, we need a computer that is: Cheap----Instant-On----Simple----General Purpose. Only India has one, for $200 ("good globalization"). We (the rest of the world) don't. This might not be the machine, but more are coming, and they will starve Microsoft.

The Omniscience of Memory (tags)

Except for the recallable memory, especially the one in human beings, there is not a single entity in this universe that knows more about the changes taking place in this universe. This is so, because whatever the whole content of the universe is undergoing, it is but a "change of condition." The fact that man has the ability to recall the impressions of the "past condition" recorded in our brain as memory is indeed worth our admiration. If the claim that no other creatures, not even those from outer space, have recallable memory turns out to be true, we are definitely left with no other choice but to accept it as fact that man is the only creature capable of knowing the course of events of the whole content of the universe. Now, who actually is this creature that we call man?

The Misconception of Time and the Holy Books (tags)

The concept of time originally derived from the constantly changing conditions, which man later divides into the "past," the "present," and the "future," has, as it turns out, been giving rise to a number of questions. Isn't it an irony that while all we have the whole of our life is but the "present," the fact that we possess memory has yet led us to assume that we have a "yesterday" and a "tomorrow"? This admittedly is an issue that contradicts the various ideas associated with the word "time" as it is popularly used in our daily life, in the various scientific literatures, and in the different Holy Books, which consequently makes it real difficult for us to have it brought to the surface. What seems to further complicate matters is perhaps the very fact that even scientists have so far tended to look upon the issue as one that is strictly a matter of our misconception of time, thereby ignoring the fact that man is destined to have memory.

Yesterday and Tomorrow (tags)

It is very surprising indeed that man feels the presence of "the past" only when, at "the present," he recalls his memory. What's more, even his feeling that "the future" does exist is but a feeling that he derives from the total recall he had at "the present time" of some "sequential conditions" of the past event. Is it not to be admitted that we ourselves feel that we are constantly at "the present" throughout our lifetime? Now, what do all these talks about our having "the past" and "the future" has to do with us? Is there something wrong with our concept of time or is it our memory that is in the wrong?

Can the Militarist See Outside the Box? (tags)

Liberation theology and the theology of hope can give us strength against fundamentalism intolerance and jingoism generated by hyper-materialism. False consciousness can be replaced by exchanging roles and egalitarian passion.

Our Myopic Beeblebrox: Plausible Selective Memories (tags)

Pabst Blue Ribbon, ketchup, a Black Panther in Cuba, myopia, Pat Brown and Sci-Fi classics: an eclectic and selective obituary of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America.

Colombia: Film Documents 'The Red Dance' (tags)

The Colombian documentary film "El baile rojo" (The Red Dance), marks an effort to restore collective memory of an experiment in reconciliation that was erased by blood and fire from the country's political map. The film's title comes from the name of the extermination operation against the Patriotic Union (UP), a legal leftist movement proposed in 1984 by the FARC guerrillas as a political means to end the civil war.

Candle light vigil for the victims of police brutality (tags)

There will be a candle light vigil in memory of all the victims of police brutality at CSUSB on Oct. 22, 2003

Gore received MINUS 16,022 Votes in Volusia County (tags)

Diebold Voting Machines in Volusia County, Florida, Tallied a Vote-Count of -16,022. That's NEGATIVE 16,022: When will this all-important story break out in the US mainstream press? When will the Democrats confront the issue? What is at stake here is the future of democracy.

Short Term Memory Loss (tags)

The ever-changing justifications for their wars for corporate empire used by the Bush junta and the seeming lack of suspicion by the American people that they are being lied to egregiously.

In The Kingdom Of Forgetting  (tags)

Memory can be an embarrassing thing. In politics, it's often more convenient to forget. The classic illustration of this idea was Orwell's dystopian Ministry of Truth, where functionaries fed any inconvenient bit of information down the memory hole -- "whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air."

"the state that I am in" is the state that we are in (tags)

Independent novel speaks to the young, tech-savvy, and recently jobless on a search for meaning

Peltier & Zapatista Poetry for Cinco de Mayo (tags)

Our most ancient ones taught us that the celebration of memory is also a celebration of tomorrow. They told us that memory is not turning one's head and heart towards the past. It is not a sterile remembrance which speaks laughter or tears. Memory, they told us, is one of the seven guides which the human heart needs in order to make its journey.

Moreno Valley arrest Meniefield's relatives for trespassing at memory shrine (tags)

Three weeks ago, a Moreno Valley police officer shot Dante Meniefield to death, for trespassing in an abandoned apartment. Now, two of his family members have been arrested for a similar offense simply for visiting a shrine created in his memory to pay their respects.


It’s often said that L.A. is a city without a history, but it’s not. It’s a city without a memory. And that can definitely be changed, as this article by Lionel Rolfe so clearly shows. As we recover our collective memory, we discover ourselves to be part of a proud and illustrious tradition. -- IMC Editor

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