fix articles 120225, pamphlet Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : pamphlet


Once more on the failed transit system fare strike in San Francisco in 2005 (tags)

A brief re-examination of this missed opportunity in working class-based radical mass action in this part of the world...

Announcing: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)

Finally, a collection of first-hand accounts of the Fare Strike, in which thousands of San Franciscans openly and spontaneously united along class lines and rode mass transit for free. The alienated space of public transportation was briefly transformed into an arena of solidarity and radical possibilities.

Pamphlet for May Day (tags)

The pamphlet attached below was created by members of the no borders network and for outreach during Mayday actions and beyond. It is bilingual and includes a space to promote local events and resources.

This is Pathetic ! (tags)

US Troops In Iraq Asked To Pray For George Bush

Copwatch 101 pamphlet (tags) and the Alternative Media Project are pleased to announce the public release of our new Copwatch 101 booklet.

New booklet published: Fighting For Our Lives (tags)

Just completed: A glossy, accessible booklet about anarchism, designed for non-anarchists, called Fighting For Our Lives. In simple (but not condescending) language, it explains what is anarchist in everyday life, and how those spheres of cooperation can be expanded. It addresses common questions that often deter people from exploring anarchist ideas and approaches. We have 250,000 copies that we want to give away.

David Horowitz Tries to Convince Public That David Horowitz Is Important (tags)

Once again, David Horowitz is trying to make himself a controversial figure in the media. This time he is doing it by mailing copies of his pamphlet "How the Left Undermined American Security" (which blames Clinton for 9/11) to 1500 media outlets nationwide.

New Socialist Worker pamphlet: Stop the war! (tags)

Get a copy of Socialist Worker’s pamphlet on Bush’s war and the movement that’s fighting back against it.

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