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Los Angeles Declares “Hands Up!” in Peaceful Protest of LAPD Murder of Ezell Ford (tags)
One thousand people took to the streets of downtown Los Angeles on the afternoon of Sunday, August 17, 2014 to protest police murder of innocent civilians, including the deaths of Ezell Ford (August 11, 2014), Omar Abrego (August 2, 2014), and Damon Jackson (August 3, 2014) at the hands of the LAPD.
There might be some protests.
May 1 Calendar of Events in LA (tags)
Copied from the Occupy LA list.
On the Set of Walkout (a new film debuting on cable TV) (tags)
"In those times, people were energized, and they were more intellectual. People were processors of information, whereas today you don't see a lot of that." -- David Sanchez, former leader, The Brown Berets