fix articles 11991, sweatshop
Bangladesh Sweatshop Fire (tags)
class war
El Salvador's Sweatshop Economy (tags)
The Gap and Black Friday (tags)
Building a New Global Movement The Observer's Dan McDougall described their garment shop as, "smeared with filth, corridors flooded with excrement from a flooded toilet." The workers recounted threats and beatings from management to keep their nimble fingers moving.
Why does Group of 184 hate Aristide? (tags)
Some reasons why Group of 184 participated in the coup against democratically elected Arisitide..
Anti-Sweatshop activists demand Levi’s take responsibility (tags)
Sweatshop Watch, a California-based coalition working to end exploitation in the garment industry, joined Billionaires for Bush, a group that uses humor and street theater to expose corporate greed to protest sweatshop labor.
Protest to Tell Levi's to Respect Worker's Rights! (tags)
What: Join Sweatshop Watch in a festive holiday protest to demand that Levi’s take responsibility for violations of labor rights. When: Saturday, December 17, 2005; 11am sharp-12noon (meet at 10:30am outside of the store) Where: CA Levi’s Store on Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade 1409 3rd Street Promenade (near Santa Monica Boulevard) Santa Monica, CA 90401
Glatt Market Immigrant Workers Struggle for Justice After Tolerating Sweatshop Conditions (tags)
Grocery workers working in the Pico-Robertson at Glatt Market were often paid less than minimum wage and not paid overtime or given adequate breaks. Recently, their store burnt down, and not they are demanding justice from their employer along with community members and anti-capitalist activists.
Teach-In about Sweatshops in USA this WED @ Saddleback College (Orange County) (tags)
Slave Labor Conditions in Florida Agriculture (tags)
The Palm Beach Post dropped another bomb in the ongoing drama of sweatshop and slavery conditions in agriculture. The CIW, organizers of the Taco Bell boycott comment.
USC Students Occupy President's Office: Demand End to Sweatshop Labor (tags)
Twelve USC students occupied the office of University President Dr. Steven Sample for over five hours today, demanding that the school join the Workers Rights Consortium to insure that the school apparel is not produced by sweatshop labor.
Detailed Report on Sunday's Forever 21 Demo on Santa Monica Promenade (tags)
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) joined forces with local Garment Workers on Sunday Night in a spectacular demonstration on Santa Monica's third street promanade; specifically protesting exploitative textile manufacturer Forever 21, but also calling for an end to all economic injustice.
Sweatshop Protest Marches on Santa Monica Promenade (tags)
Taco Bell Truth Tour Caravan and local organizers take over the Santa Monica promenade to protest the sweatshop conditions in the factories of local retailer "Forever 21"
Taco Bell Truth Tour Joins Sweatshop Protest in Santa Monica (tags)
Members of the Taco Bell Truth Tour joined local organizers on the Santa Monica Promenade to protest the sweatshop conditions in the factories of "Forever 21".
Spectacular Demonstration/March on Santa Monica Promenade. Boycott Forever 21! (tags)
In one of the most inspired and riveting demonstrations in the past few months in Los Angeles, around 500 people virtually took over the Santa Monica promenade this evening with a dramatic and well-received demonstration and march calling for a Boycott of the Forever 21 clothing line in specific, and an end to all sweatshop labor practices in general!!!
Alert! sweatshop activists lost suit against Foever 21, now they want to sue bk! (tags)
My friends and anti-sweatshop allys from Los Angeles Garment Worker's Center and Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHRILA) are in danger!! At the recent legal setback against the netrious Forever 21 retail sweatshop at the LA court, now they are launching counter-suit against the activists!!!
Market Workers Justice Campaign (tags)
Grocery and garment workers unite in Los Angeles to fight against sweatshop conditions. Market owner harasses workers in union drive. Garment workers and supporters give sweatshop boss indigestion at Take Sushi.
Market Workers Justice Campaign (tags)
Grocery and garment workers take action in Los Angeles against sweatshop conditions. Market owner harasses union activists in Koreatown. Garment workers and supporters give sweatshop boss indigestion at Take Sushi.
CSULB Sweatshop graffiti makes its mark (tags)
Wednesday, August 29, 2001. Cal State Long Beach students were greeted on the first day of classes by a graffiti message displayed on the brick wall outside the International Food Court Building, in front of the escalators.
The Police faithfully protecting Sweatshop Oultet in San Diego (tags)
When your car get's robbed or you're severley assaulted the police are no where to be found. While 911 responses take ages the police are faithfully protecting one of the largest sweatshop chains in the world, Nike. Photo taken at the FTAA Border March.
Sweatshop march in Santa Monica. Copyright 2000 Dang Ngo. Free for use by nonprofit, anti-corporate globalization organizations and for personal use. All other rights reserved.
Various organizations march in support of sweatshop workers Thursday afternoon in LA.
PRESS RELEASE: March With Sweatshop Workers Through Los Angeles Garment District (tags)
There will be a march today, Thursday, through Los Angeles' garment district with sweatshop workers, Asian and Latino community groups, students, religious leaders and activists.
Sweatshop worker on Reality Tour (tags)
Sewing sweatshop worker on stop for LA Reality Tour