fix articles 11986, slavery Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : slavery


Slavery in Africa was practiced before whites came to take slaves and slavery continues (tags)

slavery continues in some African countries

Nestle Murder Of Billions Of Animals, Child Slavery, Worker Abuse, Theft Of Water (tags)

15 Colombian union workers assassinated in Colombia, Thailand child slavery, mammal murder for meat for 142 years, vivisection, theft of the world's water, monopolistic tactics, pricegouging

Slavery as a Human Right (tags)

Slavery lives in modern forms like debt slavery. Capitalist society stands in opposition to human rights and does not only realize human rights. Capitalism cannot realize essential demands from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Plantations Were Prisons: Mobilizing for the Aug. 19 Prisoners Human Rights March (tags)

Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell confronts the history and legacy of slavery head-on, asserting: "When it comes to African Americans, we have been incarcerated from the time we arrived in this country. Plantations were prisons. The change from incarceration on a plantation, to incarceration in custodial institutions, to incarceration where there are no physical limitations, but where one exists in a state of civic and political oppression, in my view, is nothing more than semantics. Mass incarceration started when slavery started."

PBSKids Encourages Cruelty to Dolphins, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Chickens, Fishes, Insects (tags)

Tens of millions of children are being encouraged to harm animals by PBS.

Modern Day Slavery in Qatar (tags)


slavery in the U.S. (tags)

They are not being nice to you.

LINCOLN movie in Brazil (tags)

In Brazil, when we watch movies like Steven Spielberg's LINCOLN we laughed a lot of the social, political and military bestiality in USA.

The racist dragon awakened in Django (tags)

Black American can not have their own culture, Tarantino said.

Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln: An Ordinary Man in Extraordinary Times (tags)

I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to the institution of slavery where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861

April 7: Day of Action Against Human Trafficking (tags)

On April 7, 2012 the Radical Feminists of San Diego will mobilize a direct action in solidarity with 2012’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign on a local, national and global level to demand the abolition of human trafficking, the modern-day form of slavery. The event will start at noon on the southeast corner of 30th Street and El Cajon Boulevard in North Park.


In Brazil we never asked what the USA have to teach to our country. The answer would be just ANYTHING.

Human Trafficking in Israel (tags)


This is the heritage of the Democratic Party (tags)

This is the heritage of the Democratic Party

a collective response to a collective injustice (tags)

a collective response to a collective injustice

Ignoring and Distorting the truth (tags)

Ignoring and Distorting the truth


Americans are docile and generous slaves.


The best slave is who believes that it is free..

Abolishing the Prison Industrial Complex --An interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)

Focusing on the prison abolitionist movement, we interview two co-editors of an exciting new series at Daily Kos, called Criminal InJustice Kos, a weekly series "devoted to exploring the myths of 'crime', 'criminals', and criminal justice and the intersection of race/ethnicity/class/gender/sexuality/age/disability in policing and punishment. Criminal Injustice Kos is committed to furthering action towards reducing inequity in the US criminal justice system." Look for Criminal InJustice Kos every Wednesday at 6 pm CST.


The Americans say that they went to Iraq to give freedom to the Iraqi, but they never made anything to grant freedom to the Pygmy.

United for Human Rights Celebrates Juneteenth (tags)

Slavery stills exists: it’s human trafficking.

California Democratic Party and Child Slavery (tags)

Children are worked long hours by the Democratic Party without pay. Their reward is often theft of their works and abuse from the people running the party.

Visiting A Modern Day Slave Plantation --An Interview With Nancy A. Heitzeg (tags)

My interest in Angola is as both a paradigm of the Southern transformation of plantations into prisons and as a prototype for what we now call the prison industrial complex. Many old plantations in the South became prisons after the Civil War. Angela Y. Davis traces the initial rise of the penitentiary system to the abolition of slavery, writing: “in the immediate aftermath of slavery, the southern states hastened to develop a criminal justice system that could legally restrict the possibilities of freedom for the newly released slaves.”

Child Slavery in Haiti (tags)

abusing Haitian children

What are Human Rights? (tags)

Human Rights are the rights you have simply because you are human

Black Dove Support Network's New Website (tags)

This website is meant to be an online resource for anti-prison organizing and prisoner solidarity work. Here one will find a collection of prisoner news and updates as well as developments on the organizing to abolition prisons. We hope y'all enjoy.

Modern Slavery in America (tags)

Slavery thrives in America. Only its form has changed.

MOXIE Stages Topical Play “Bleeding Kansas” (tags)

MOXIE, San Diego's women-run feminist theatre, is presenting Kathryn Walat's "Bleeding Kansas," a dramatization of one of the bloodiest political conflicts in American history: the fight in 1855-56 over whether Kansas would become a free or slave state. This dress rehearsal for the Civil War wrenched the country apart and, in MOXIE's hands, becomes powerful, vivid, well-acted drama. "Bleeding Kansas" plays through Sunday, November 2 at Diversionary Theatre, 4545 Park Boulevard in University Heights, San Diego.

Civil Society by Stephen Hume (tags)

Improvements in people's lives often have come about when society listened to voices on the periphery, not just the political and economic elites.

National Petition to End Sweatshops and Slavery in the Fields (tags)

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) - an organization of low-wage workers based in Immokalee, Florida - has launched a national petition campaign to demand that Burger King and other food industry leaders work with the CIW to improve the wages & working conditions of the workers who pick their tomatoes, and join with the CIW in an industry-wide effort to eliminate modern-day slavery & human rights abuses from Florida's fields.

Free the Jena Six, Stop the War on African People (tags)

This last week, thousands of people converged on the small town of Jena, Louisiana to show support for the six African teenagers who face felony charges following a series of attacks by a hostile white school and criminal justice system.

stop ted hayes anti-arab/black muslim march 8.11 (tags)

hayes will march 8.11 to defend u.s. chattel slavery & attack "arab/black muslim slavers" "Who should be responsible for paying reparations". up u.s. reparations/amnesty! down hayes/u.s. war!

Slave labor in Iraq (tags)

Highlighting a recent news report from NBC news exposing the use of slave labor to build the US embassy in Iraq

Minors Prostituted in SoCal Farm Labor Camps; Event Raises Awareness and Funds (tags) announces the next chapter in the fight to educate and prevent the trafficking of human beings: The Freedom Project; a benefit supporting the International Justice Mission (IJM), a human rights agency that rescues victims of violence, sexual exploitation, and slavery.

NY Congressman Charles Rangel wants to reinstate the draft. Is the draft constitutional? (tags)

So NY Congressman Charles Rangel wants to reinstate the draft. Is the draft, military conscription, or slavery which is really what it is constitutional? Let's take a walk thru the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions and check it out. Is slavery a constitutional method of supplying soldiers for the U.S. Military?

888 And The Terror Of Reality (tags)


'The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro' (tags)

by Frederick Douglass

New Perspectives on the Immigration Debate (tags)

At The Onion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 7:30 PM The Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, also known as "The Onion," is located at 9550 Haskell Ave. in North Hills From Los Angeles take the 405 freeway north, exit left (westbound) on Nordhoff, go two blocks and turn right on Haskell. It's on the right side just north of Plummer. Ron Wilkins, a former member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), will be the Tuesday Night Forum guest speaker. He has worked many years toward strengthening relations between Mexican and black people. He has lectured extensively, designed and taught innovative cross-cultural courses at several colleges, displayed his "Journey to Black Mexico" photo exhibit at many venues and taken students to the Annual Meetings of Black Villages in Mexico's Costa Chica. Wilkins is a professor in the Department of Africana Studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills and Western Regional Deputy Chairman of the Patrice Lumumba Coalition. He can be contacted at:

Free Media Software (tags)

This is the political statement for the dyneLbolic media operating system CD, a special CD that turns any PC computer into a media workstation. If you want software that doesn't engage in the tricknology of the system, you want free software.

Black Love Brown Pride! (tags)

Black & Brown Hist

Mexico welcomed fugitive slaves and African American job-seekers (tags)

New perspectives on the immigration debate

Black / Brown Unity Overtakes Ted Hayes' anti-MIgrant Demo in Leimert Park (tags)

A spontaneous eyewitness report.

Immigration Harms Black America (tags)

Dr. Anderson will be appearing at: Eso Won Books 3655 S La Brea Ave Los Angeles, CA 90016 Friday, March 31, 2006, 6:30 p.m.

Strike the Blow!! John Brown-Revolutionary Abolitionist (tags)

Febraury is Black History Month a time to honor the fighters for black liberation. John Brown was one of the very few white revolutionary black liberation fighters. Let us draw the lessons of his struggles at Harper's Ferry for today's struggles.

Repartions - America's Strange Fruit (tags)

A look at why America must pay reparations to America's descendants of slaves. We will also look at the actual pictures of lynched, and burned-at-the-stake African Americans.


---------------- REPUBLICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW EXPLAINED ----------------

The New American Slavery (tags)

How do you like it? Dry?

Imposing Western Values (tags)

Just for the record, I am not Ali Salem, I published an article by Ali and now am stuck with his name. It is fitting and funny though because I am an Israeli writer and activist female who now has the name of and Egyptian male..

Forget the Alamo (tags)

Jim Bowie other Lone Star Staters were slavers.

copy of letter to mkUltra investigator, request for help (tags)

Brief innerview of governmental control mechanisms, slave-system, based on personal witness eexperience. Also description of ongoing threats to falsey imprison, "commit", ship" me, force pregnancy,, sell me into slavery, drive me nuts or get me labeled as one.Invite all verifiable. non-governmental, non-violent,non-criminal, legitimate, Christian supportive responses, offers of job or safe domecile.

The Roots of the PIC in American History (tags)

by Daniel Horowitz de Garcia, Walda Katz-Fishman, Clark McKnight, explores the roots of the Prison Industrial Complex back to slavery.

Twisted History (tags)

Europeans didn't invent slavery, but their ideas and beliefs brought it to an end in the West. Sadly, it continues in much of the world, with not a peep from the Left.

SOS- Gov't Persecution- Threats Against MY Life (tags)

A verifiable and truthful description of threats to falsely imprison , "commit",me, sell me into slavery, ship-me-out-the-back-door, forced into prostitution, sexual slavery, forced "matches", even forced pregnancy, by the powers that be,glimpses into the hidden government black market underground, economy in the slave trade.

SOS - Government Persecution, Threats to My Life (tags)

A verifiable and truthful description of Threats to falsely imprison, "commit" me, silence me, ship- me- out -the back-door, sell me into slavery, by the powers that be, with glimpses into the government hidden, black-market underground.

Slave Labor Conditions in Florida Agriculture (tags)

The Palm Beach Post dropped another bomb in the ongoing drama of sweatshop and slavery conditions in agriculture. The CIW, organizers of the Taco Bell boycott comment.

Taco Bell Strikers Get RFK Humanitarian Award (tags)

I'm reposting this press release from the CIW. The organizers of the strike, who started out as field workers, got a big award!

Not Caretakers - But Prison Guards (tags)

Apartments are now run by the State. The caretakers are now prison guards. People always love their slavery so they put up with it. They give ttheir money to the politicians, through forced taxes, they give their money to the criminals, they promote evil this way. That's how backwards humanity still is.

The Southern United States As A Conquered People (tags)

America is Sick. Heres why.

Election 2004 Coming UP... Is Anyone Fit To Run? (tags)

Why has American academia turned anti-American? Why should anyone be embarrassed at being white? What's the big deal about a long-abolished slavery issue? Is anyone other than Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo fit to run this nation?

Overcoming Violence (tags)

"I compare this new movement with the early battles for the abolition of slavery in the 18th century..At that time a hundred years were needed to abolish slavery, end child labor and introduce minimum wages..We need a different economic globalization from below..

Can Taco Bell's Guarantee that Forced Labor Did Not Pick the Tomatoes in its Chalupas? (tags)

A note from CIW on Day 8 of the Farmworkers' Hunger Strike outside Taco Bell world Headquarters in Irvine, CA

Taco Bell Hunger strike (tags)

update from day 2 of the hungerstrike.


pave the way



Last part: On the Duty of civil Disobedience (tags)

Though the question of slavery has changed, the question remains: who is enslaved in sweatshops around the world today, and which corporations reap the profit? though today it is not the USA getting away with the land grab in Mexico in 1848, but threatening to once again, along with England, to send Iraq back to the dark ages ignorantly ignoring the fact that they will be found in the dustbins of a holocaust museum in Bahgdad along with the artifacts and skeletal remains found in the desert from the last Persian Gulf war.

In These Times (tags)

What has the nation become

Pt. 4, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Thoreau's essay became the most influential of his writings, serving, for example, as a model for Ghandi's campaign of passive resistence in India, and as a handbook for the underground in Nazi-occupied Europe.



Pt. 2, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Offered in the revolutionary spirit of Sor Juana Ine`s de la Cruz,Emma Goldman,Mother Jones, Mother Teresa,Lucy Gonzalez, Harriet Tubman, & Dorothy Day .




CURE, an organization of white supporters of reparations to descendants of slavery, attended the recent Millions for Reparations Rally in Washington, DC. Here is a very personal account of why they went and what they experienced at it.


Let don't run from this realities.Let free USA from Zionist cancer.Every USA citizen should play a part to save this country from being the biggest slavery of the world..!! Enough is enough..!!

Oil and Slavery in Sudan (tags)

Talisman Energy is complicit in human rights violations ranging from slavery to genocide.

Fighting the Organized Rape of Our Daughters and Sisters: The Flesh Trade War (tags)

Visit for an investigative report from Nepal concerning the buying and selling of young girls into the bonds of sexual slavery, and one organization which is fighting the flesh trade war against all odds.

In response to:Voting Doesn't Create Social Change? Tell That To The Descendents (tags)

Although those amendments may have "changed" the status of slavery. voting by far was the least of all the factors that changed slavery. If not for social pressure the 13th 14th and 15th amendment would have not been in place. And even after passing these amendments many states did not recognize thier existence. Thus further social action had to be implemented at the grassroots level.

Redemption Bonds For Slavery's Bonds: THE DEBT Reviewed (tags)

In the 1980s, in the midst of the Reagan era, Randall Robinson, executive director of TransAfrica played a key role in putting the end of apartheid on America’s political agenda. With his new book, The Debt, he’s out to do the same for the issue of reparations for slavery. Read this book, and you will see with new eyes.

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