fix articles 119681, tyson
US billionaires got $1 trillion richer during Corona (tags)
A recent study by the Institute for Policy Studies determined that the 647 billionaires in the USA have been able to increase their assets by $960 billion since the beginning of the corona crisis in mid-March by the cut-off date of November 17.
Hillary Clinton Flunks Animal Rights And Environmental Issues (tags)
More hawkish even than Obama, Clinton has approved the bombing of animals as well as people in the 7 illegal and immoral wars he is waging now, bombs which kill soldiers, civilian adults and children, mammals, birds, reptiles, bees, trees etc.
Hillary's Guns, Hillary's Consequences (tags)
Should someone you love die in Hillary's illegal immoral bankrupting wars Hillary Clinton has spread poverty in the US by promoting the diversion of money from schools, hospitals, bridges, firefighting planes, etc. to endless war in 7 illegal war zones
18 Reasons To Vote Against Henhawk Hillary (tags)
Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War fiasco which has created incredible suffering for soldiers and civilians, a war which has cost trillions Its only consequence has been to multiply hatred of Americans around the world and to spawn ISIL
Hillary Clinton Has Helped Kill A Lot Of Animals (tags)
Hillary Clinton is aligned to the world's biggest animal killers
Tyson Foods, 2nd Largest Slaughter Operation Worldwide, Charged With Animal Cruelty (tags)
Tyson's Kills Millions Of Cows And Pigs And 22.1 Billion Chickens A Year. Workers have many injuries, some deaths. Over 45 billion chickens and turkeys in the US died of avian flu. Tyson's is the 2nd largest slaughter operation in the world and supplies McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, KFC, WalMart, IGA etc. and prisons
Spiritualists, Science and Subjective and Objective Realities (tags)
Spiritualists and Scientists seem at regular odds with one another, but maybe that is because each is dominant in a different part of human existence. This essay examines their areas of domain and muses on whether the two can operate symbiotically
BTL:Speculation and Exports Cause Latest Gas price Spike (tags)
Interview with Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program, conducted by Scott Harris
BTL:Soaring Gas Prices, Oil Company Record Profits Incite Calls for... (tags)
...Windfall Profits Tax ~ Interview with Tyson Slocum, co-director of the Public Citizen's Energy Program, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris