fix articles 119566, brotherhood crusade
Danny Bakewell Sr. Endorses Green Candidate Bill Paparian for Congress (tags)
When Al Gore came to the Southland, one of his first stops to take the pulse of his support here was the home of Danny Bakewell Sr., publisher of the largest and oldest black-owned newspaper on the west coast, the Los Angeles Sentinel. Danny Bakewell Sr. has today endorsed Green candidate for Congress Bill Paparian -- giving the cold sholder to pro-war Democrat incumbent Adam Schiff in the 29th CA Congressional Dist. race.
Protest beating of Tony Muhammad (tags)
Minister Tony Muhammad was savagely beaten by the LAPD. We are going to the Parker Center to speak to the new police commissioners.
Poor People's Campaign To Relaunch In LA (tags)
A broad coalition of community, labor and civil rights groups join with Service Employees International Union Local 434B long term care workers to announce the kickoff of the Poor People’s Campaign to bring attention to poverty and injustices of underdeveloped neighborhoods of L.A.