fix articles 1192, yes Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : yes



Recall Gavin Newsom - YES on the recall


Yes, we are Nazi Germany.

[Info] A few things about Sibel Schick (tags)

About Sibel Schick. Something should be known about you. No room for lies and misinformation.

Happy Accidents Offers The Secrets To Success From A Fresh New Perspective (tags)

Lessons from two decades of success from one of America’s most prominent improv/comedy troupes, Four Day Weekend

God hacks a border crossing (tags)

New episode of crackbird saga

Announcing TCU’s newest Entrepreneur-in-Residence: Four Day Weekend Improvisational Troupe (tags)

Four Day Weekend’s “Yes, and” philosophy will help TCU business students identify opportunities, inspire creativity, create positive outcomes, build on ideas and nurture innovation

Odessa Massacre: Eyewitness Account (tags)


Studying Economics Today is Like Brainwashing (tags)

The blind trust in efficient markets must be replaced and bankers given a new understanding. Profit making is different than profit maximization. Banks should be a public function, not a casino and the real economy and the environment not abandoned.

Our Proposal for Changing the System and not the Climate (tags)

The capitalist system has exploited and abused nature, pushing the planet to its limits, so much so that the system has accelerated dangerous and fundamental changes in the climate.

May Day 2013 National Immigrant Workers Rights March! (tags)

We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement! Wear White T-Shirt; organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!

Nov 6: Vote Your Conscience: Peace & Freedom & Green (tags)

It is barricades time now as election day is November 6, 2012. When we vote, we remember Roe v Wade, the 1973 decision under President Nixon, legalizing abortion in the US, with the majority opinion written by Republican Nixon appointee, Justice Blackman, with a Democratic Kennedy appointee, Justice White, dissenting proving that it is mass movements that make the difference. The so-called “lesser” evil is just plain evil. You have to vote your conscience if you want anything to improve as Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party are products of grassroots movements.

May Day 2012: National Mobilization For Immigrant Workers Rights! (tags)

We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement! Wear White T-Shirt; organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!

They Are Not Going to Steal Another Home! (tags)

There are families everywhere without homes this holiday season due to foreclosures. The De Los Santos Family of Riverside was but one of them and the Alliance of California for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Home Defenders League has taken up their cause to take this home back. Among the supporters are the occupiers of Los Angeles and Riverside both of which have also been forcibly evicted from their “homes.” Yet all these evictions have not slowed anyone down, in fact it has made this gesture all that much stronger.

Is America Broke? (tags)

May Day 2011 Call to Action! (tags)

We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement! Wear White T-Shirt; organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!







2 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

US ranking in life expectancy has gone from 5th in 1950 to 49th today, thanks to the expensive and for millions, unaffordable, private insurance racket proudly promoted by the Democrat-Republicans instead of the socialized medicine that exists in the rest of the industrialized world, and now at 49th, we are also behind many non-industrialized countries. That is why you should vote Peace & Freedom or Green, the two parties that support socialized medicine and oppose insurance companies.

Liberation News California Voter Recommendations (tags)

"We have enough wealth to provide quality housing, health care and education to everyone in California. Most of us care about each other and want to protect our environment. But we are governed by people who want tax breaks and maximum profits for big business." Marsha Feinland, Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for Senate

3 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

As the World Socialist Website states below, there is a right-wing consensus in the governor's race between the Democrats and Republicans, one capitalist party with millionaire candidates. You can break that fascist attack on the workingclass by voting Peace & Freedom or Green and Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

4 Days to Vote: Yes on 19, 21, 24, 25, Peace & Freedom or Green (tags)

The future is in your hands and you must act to make it better. One way to act is to vote Peace & Freedom or Green to promote serious change. The Democrat-Republicans do not even bother to promote anything worthwhile anymore as capitalism is in such a state of decay that the capitalist class no longer has any crumbs to toss to the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. In addition to P&F and Green candidates, it is important that you vote on all of the propositions, including Yes on 19, 21, 24 and 25.

Students Across California Mobilize to Control Marijuana Like Alcohol (tags)

Students to Rally with Yes We Cannabis Fire Truck to Sound Alarm For Prop 19

Nov 2010 California Propositions; Voting by mail starts 10/4, Registration Ends 10/18 (tags)

Another election is upon us with lots of important ballot propositions. The only 2 parties worth considering are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Voting by mail starts October 4, 2010. Voter registration ends October 18, 2010. When you register, sign up for Vote by Mail so you never forget to vote.

Special 4:20 Cafe on La Onda Bajita: Vote Yes on Prop 19! (tags)

During a special edition of La Onda Bajita on KPFA, the radio crew and Omar Figueroa, a constitutional & criminal defense lawyer based in Sebastopol, CA, discuss why you should vote yes on proposition 19.

& BILLIONAIRE SMUG AMERICA HAS KEPT THE LIGHT ON 4 US little tax paying Americans ~ (tags)


Don't let darkness fall (tags)

"The corporate giants Google and Verizon have a plan to destroy freedom. Yes free speech is now at risk like never before. For the latest on this visit today (08/10/2010). Yes, the plan is to create a corporate "fast lane" and a "kiddy path" for the rest of us."

‘8: The Mormon Proposition”: Two Movies in One (tags)

Director Reed Cowan’s film “8: The Mormon Proposition” is really two movies in one. It’s an exposé of the Mormon church’s role in passing California’s same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, at the polls in November 2008 and also a stunning tale of how a church that has institutionalized anti-Queer bigotry wreaks its vengeance against hapless Queer youth from Mormon families who, as part of their belief system, feel duty-bound to drive out their Queer kids and abandon them to homelessness, drug use, prostitution or suicide.



June 8 Cal election: Yes on 15; No on the Rest (tags)

The California June 8 primary is less than a month away and absentee voting has started. There are some very serious state propositions to vote on: Yes on 15 and No on the Rest, especially No on 14, 16 and 17. Leonard Martin for School Superintendent. You do not have to vote on everything, but please vote.

May Day 2010 Call To Action! (tags)

A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement!

May Day 2010 Call To Action! (tags)

National Mobilization for Immigrant Workers Rights!

Inglorious Bastards Film Promotes Terrorism and Torture (tags)

Why was the “psychology” of this movie not more considered in reviews? Yes one can quickly retort that it was “just” a movie, and besides artists have poetic license to be free with their work? Well maybe so, but Mr. Quentin Tarantino addresses a serious subject at a curiously serious time, and therefore he invites serious criticism that he and his critics should get—not a Hollywood club giving wide birth if it was meant to promote more guilt or whatever the U.S. film/ review industry silently accedes as OK—that is a film industry that has become part and parcel of a world not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels.

Inglorious Bastards Film Promotes Terrorism and Torture (tags)

Why was the “psychology” of this movie not more considered in reviews? Yes one can quickly retort that it was “just” a movie, and besides artists have poetic license to be free with their work? Well maybe so, but Mr. Quentin Tarantino addresses a serious subject at a curiously serious time, and therefore he invites serious criticism that he and his critics should get—not a Hollywood club giving wide birth if it was meant to promote more guilt or whatever the U.S. film/ review industry silently accedes as OK—that is a film industry that has become part and parcel of a world not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels.

Inglorious Bastards Film Promotes Terrorism and Torture (tags)

Why was the “psychology” of this movie not more considered in reviews? Yes one can quickly retort that it was “just” a movie, and besides artists have poetic license to be free with their work? Well maybe so, but Mr. Quentin Tarantino addresses a serious subject at a curiously serious time, and therefore he invites serious criticism that he and his critics should get—not a Hollywood club giving wide birth if it was meant to promote more guilt or whatever the U.S. film/ review industry silently accedes as OK—that is a film industry that has become part and parcel of a world not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels.

lisbon treaty voting fraude (tags)

The Lisbon treaty replaces the Irish constitution and is a replacement of the old European union. Now there are no more countries in Europe, only states. The only ones to vote were the Irish and the voting was rigged.

Open letter to Mogul Turner. (tags)

I hope that the jobless, dispossessed and homeless in America suffering the financial crisis fabricated by the financial extortionisits of America, will inform the Capitol and the While House of the conduct of all the Executives of the Ted Turner Global Media Empire.

The Rule of the Yessbutts (tags)

Strange patterns of behavior in our leaders.

Rally for Leonard Peltier (tags)

“I am Barack Obama's political prisoner now.” -- Leonard Peltier, September 11, 2009

Yes we can - What? (tags)

We had the Clown Bush for eight years. Now we have the Joker Obama for some more.

May Day 2009 Report:Hundred Cities Across US with Hundreds of Thousands Peeople! (tags)

Over Hundred Cities Across The U.S. with Hundreds of Thousands of People March for Justice!

Fear Flu spreading, it's not virus a - but mutating behavioral reactions...why ? (tags)

Fear is main symptom going around globally. It is not flu-like but hurts just the same. What is happening besides contamination & proliferation of 'mass media' fear-mongering exaggerations ? Check out facts for yourself.

Darrel Wood, Jr.: Queer Little Rock ’n’ Roller (tags)

Darrel Wood, Jr. is a 17-year-old high school senior in the conservative San Diego suburb of Santee, but the openly Queer rock musician has already been on two CD's with a former band and is about to release a new one by his current group, The Elephant Project. He's also headlining at the North Park Arts Festival in San Diego Sunday, May 17. In this interview, to which his mother accompanied him and also participated, he discusses his musical influences and the role of his sexuality in his life.

CALL TO ACTION! May Day 2009 National Immigrant Workers Mobilization! (tags)

Wear White T-Shirt, organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!

Unemployed ? some thoughts that may help. (tags)

Out of a job ? again ? or suddenly scared of losing that job you complained so much about just recently ? You are not alone. Some thoughts of an unemployed. Share your comments and suggestions here too.

Employee Free Choice Act: (EFCA) Counting The Votes - Which Side Are YOU On Boys EFCA? (tags)

Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) The cloture vote (which requires 60 votes) and the vote on the final legislation (which requires 50 votes) are two completely separate things, and they should be treated separately

What's happening to Pacifica's NY station - WBAI ? (tags)

Alert !!! Find out about a proposal soon to put WBAI into “internal receivership”...Please share this information widely and confirm it as necessary. No false rumors necessary. Let's see what is happening so close to our own KPFK radio station. Does this affect KPFK's financial standing too? Tell us what you know too.

Brazil: mediatic and political/legal linchyng...Do arrest the detective! (tags)

Do still reverberate around the world the scandalous news that is held by the CIA, since the "golden years" of "G.W.Bush's age" the personal archive of "Bangster" or "Gankster" Daniel Dantas.

San Diego ACLU Addresses Repressive Ballot Initiatives (tags)

The San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) held its annual membership meeting February 13 and gave over the program to Delores Jacobs of the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center and Vince Hall of Planned Parenthood to discuss the long-term implications of Propositions 4 and 8 on last year's ballot. The measures attacked women's reproductive choice and Queer rights, respectively, and Jacobs and Hall noted that the radical Right uses proposals like these not only to gain membership and contributions but to drain the coffers of progressive organizations so they have less money to provide services to women and Queers.

A thanks day in Venice, a happy story (tags)

Did you miss the” Feed the Venice Beach” on Thanksgiving day? The "home-lesser" and all who walk the boardwalk ate ravenously and venice residents gave generously. A happy newly-formed-families story.

Marriage: Some Good News, More Bad News (tags)

The October 10 Connecticut Supreme Court decision endorsing marriage equality for same-sex couples was good news, but it was far overshadowed by the devastating new poll results on Proposition 8, which seeks to overturn the similar ruling last May by the California Supreme Court. Not only has Yes on 8 taken the lead, but they've done so by organizing younger voters — whom marriage equality supporters had assumed would be a bulwark of their coalitiion.

Free Tibet (tags)

It's our duty to help free Tibet.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) calls on all voters in Los Angeles to vote NO on Prop.98. JFAV cites the People's CORE LEAP survey of in the central LA for people to vote NO on Prop 98 that will abolish rent control in Los Angeles.

All Out to May Day 2008 March for Immigrant Worker Rights! (tags)

On May Day 2008, National Immigrant Solidarity Network is calling for a multi-ethnic, decentralized, multi-topic and multi-tactic national day of mobilization to support immigrant workers rights.


Yesterday, April 9, 2008, thirteen (13) City Council members voted to amend LAMC 42.15 that regulates Venice Boardwalk. Noticeably missing from the text of the new ordinance were the words "FREE SPEECH ZONE". What does that mean to US?

Venice Beach Incident (tags)

OPEN LETTER TO VENICE FREE-SPACE VENDOR REGULATORS: Venice Beach lottery creates Police Man's escalation of authoritarian attitude. But does Councilman Rosendahl care ?

Yes, There Is a Guerrilla War Against Zionism in the U.S. What Should Jewish Institutions (tags)

Yes, There Is a Guerrilla War Against Zionism in the U.S. What Should Jewish Institutions Do

June Cal Ballot: No on 98; Yes on 99 to Save Rent Control (tags)

The fight to save the homes of millions of the workingclass in California will be on the June ballot, namely opposing Prop 98 and supporting Prop 99 to save rent control. Since the June primary will be a low voter turnout election, we need every supporter of rent control to vote in the June primary, No on 98 and Yes on 99. This is literally a matter of life and death for renters as we will be homeless if we do not have rent control.

"The Dollar Will Fall Enormously" (tags)

The American balance of payments deficit must be reduced. Today's business model is dead. Moody's rating agency will be the Arthur Andersen of this decade.

Eric McDavid Court Report, Day 7 (Sept. 24) (tags)

Court report from day 7 of trial

The Royal Prerogative (tags)

The present economic crisis has the capitalist class calling for state intervention again. They claim another bout of memory loss, they simply "forgot" the business cycle exists.

A Missionary of Ignorance (tags)

The king of arrogance and the missionary of ignorance are part of a frozen elite consciousness of fear and indifferent reason where there are no alter-natives and bankruptcies are just normal business practice. Another world is possible of open arms, not clenched fists!

Latest News in NYM/orrior DueL (tags)

The path has been filled with much activity since the last time i posted, seeking & challenging the NYM to a creative duel, in light of their intensity towards John Trudell and other methodizationz! Much excitement, tho not "directly" from Native Youth Movement humans. Yet reflections! What reflections! Hooooo boyyyY! Stuff inaside o' me an' whooo knowz whereelsewhere!


It's some days that I don't write and many things happened. 200,000 thousand people demonstrated in Vicenza against the military base that US wants at Dal Molin airport. Not only anti war movements and groups against environmental degradation, but also deputies and senators in the parliament. Few days before, the government said "the decision is taken, US will build the base"

Arizona the most racist state in the Union! (tags)

Move aside Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi! Arizona is kicking ass and we are now the most racist state in the Union. The voters have spoken in racist Arizona! Mexicans, Latinos and anyone with brown skin isn’t wanted in racist Arizona.

Bus Riders Union Endorsements (tags)

reposting from an email (johnk)

LA Greens Endorsements for Nov. 7 Ballot (tags)

The Los Angeles Greens endorsed Proposition 89 (Clean Money) and Proposition 87 (Oil Tax to Fund Alternative Energy) . Here is the full list of our recommendations for November 7, 2006:

Solid Liberal Opposes 86 and 87? (tags)

Things I learned after exploring who funded a flyer that I received.

Congressional Candidate Byron De Lear Takes On Bush War Machine in Valley's 28th District (tags)

If Democrats want to end this war -- and they do -- they will need to replace every Berman in Washington with a De Lear.

Are you a nazi/ Milgram's test in Yes and No (tags)

67% of us are Nazis waiting for the call.



Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11 (tags)

Kevin Smith & Alex Jones

Yes on 81& 82, Sarah Knop for School Superintendent (tags)

June 6 is election day and your vote is definitely needed for Yes on 81 and 82 and for Sarah Knopp for School Superintendent. All 3 races effectively involve education, crucial to the future of any society.

7/28-30 Washington DC: National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference (tags)

Together, We Build A New National, Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights / Civil Rights Movement!

5/14 Urgent Action Alert! A Call for A National Immigrant Solidarity Movement! (tags)

The Upcoming Battle Against Anti-Immigrant Legislation, And A Call for A National Immigrant Solidarity Movement

lies revealed (tags)



The election cycle of 2006-2008 has started, a time for all militants to run for cover. It will not be pretty and certainly is not for the faint-hearted. The Democrats smell blood in the water. The Greens smell that the Democrats smell blood. Various parliamentary leftists and some ostensibly socialists smell that the Greens smell blood. You get the drift. Before we go to ground let me make a point.

STUDENTS UP THE ANTE: Amnesty's the new agenda (tags)

Student protestors march on City Hall. "Compromise" is off the table--the word today was "Amnesty."

Alito's open-minded platitudes (tags)

Judge Alito is really slick, like a bar of soap on a bathroom floor. He'd be a great defense lawyer; and if I were in Jack Abramoff's shoes, Alito would be my first choice. As it is, it looks like Alito will be confirmed for the Supreme Court. No question about his qualifications, Alito will be a justice who can work the U.S. Constitution and fit it to Bush's fancy.

A macabre flight of fancy (tags)

Story (graphic)

Arafat Death Still a Mystery (tags)

Palestinians continue to wonder how arafat died

Sustainable Toy Drive Bike Ride (tags)

Say no to pollution, no to oil wars, no to hostile roadways and yes to families in need, yes to clean air, and yes to friendly sustainable transportation. .

It's official: Minuteman Jim Gilchrist is a nut! (tags)

Faced with increasingly tough questions from conservatives about his recently stated support for Peter Camejo, revolution and redistribution of the wealth, as well as his high praise of the Seattle anti-WTO demonstrators, Minuteman candidate says five Greens were charged for attempted murder in Garden Grove and that Greens are domestic terrorists.

OK, LISTEN UP ! (tags)

What a more fitting way to send a message.

Anti-Commodification Effect of Bicycles (tags)

What the current establishment fears about us bicyclists is not only our freedom, but our manifested alternatives. Alternative transportation, yes, but even more - an alternative value system.

The Market is Unjust (tags)

"New networks arise that support people without locking them in a cage.. We need positive freedom, the freedom to something..For that we must create new institutions. We may not return to the old.."

Voices of Resistance: Bloomington, Indiana (tags)

How many resolutions were passed against the invasion of Iraq? 100 or more? In times like these when neoconservatives and the extreme right dominate the legislature, execu-tive and judiciary, it is very important for the community to make a local comment.

A Moralist on the Social State (tags)

A hundred years ago eight farmers worked to feed one non-farmer. Today one farmer feeds 88 persons..Income from assets and business activities have been consistently relieved of taxes in the last 25 years. Profits soar while investments fall.

The Will of the People Was NOT Expressed In This Election (tags)

On November 3rd, George Bush called up the newly elected Republican senators who believe in such things as the death penalty for abortion providers and banning gays from teaching and said: “It’s time to get the job done.” Capitalism personified, Bush told the press “Let me put it to you this way: I earned political capital in the campaign and now I intend to spend it”. He is full of himself—on a mission to take this whole nightmare to an even more intense, more repressive level.

Liberation News Voter Recommendations (tags)

No to corporate politics!

Yes on O (tags)

Vote Yes on Proposition O.

Confessions of a Swing State Voter (tags)

It should go without saying that Senator Kerry has supported President Bush in every major policy area during the past few years, including the Iraqi war resolution, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, coddling of the Chinese government, and oppression of the Palestinians. Looking to the future, Kerry has promised to "try to" withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of his first term (if circumstances permit). That's quite a promise to those of us who oppose the war! At least four more years of American troops killing and being killed in an occupied country. Kerry's approach to Iraq is identical to that of Bush, except he thinks he can talk some Europeans into sending troops to the quagmire for international political cover.

Boycott NPR, Here Are Alternatives (tags)

National Public Radio as many of you already know has become the next target of corporate sponsorship which conflicts with the public interest. As an alternative, go to for a list of other online and FM stations you can listen to from almost anywhere.

Please See This Movie - Help Us Get It Way Out Here (tags)

Pretty Please With Sugar On Top?

Important Film Premiere- The Yes Men Movie opens in LA 9/24 (tags)

Be amused and amazed while you help support the creative subversives known as The Yes Men, by attending a premiere showing of their new film release by United Artists. The bigger the initial turn out for The Yes Men movie, the wider the distributors will screen it across the country- and this is a film America needs to see!

Numb and Nummer (tags)

The's coming. Let’s put in on the table for discussion BEFORE the election! Ask the questions. Insist on open dialogue. Demand accountability from the Press and the Politicians.

Research Survey for A Sustainable Clothing Industry (tags)

This is a research survey for my senior thesis examining the clothing choices of socially conscious, politically active, and/or radically thinking individuals, and how these choices can be agents of change for the apparel industry.

Happy May Day (tags)

International Workers Day

Geraldo from Baghdad (tags)

I am not a big fan of Geraldo, but I have to give him this one. He is so right about the reporters who "Report" the news.

Seattle IMC CLosing-INternational IMC Loses Server (tags)

Seattle And International IMC's In Trouble

Surprisingly, Yes (tags)

Perhaps being a traditional liberal and voting No don't always go hand-in-hand.

"We are the Greatest Backwoods of the World": Interview with Norman Birnbaum (tags)

"I am astonished or shocked at this total submissiveness toward my country. Intelligent people fade out the shady sides of our country, the broad trails of blood of our military interventions and the cynical contempt of the govt for its own citizens.. "

They're Coming to Take Me Away (tags)

Artie wasn't home when the Baltimore SWAT team broke down the door and then handcuffed his 72-year-old wife to the bedstead for seven hours, while they ransacked the couple's home. Elizabeth is a proud grandmother, in fact, great-grandmother to three youngsters. They took the couple's computer equipment, private papers and $8,000 in cash which the couple kept in their home for safety...for safety.

Bush Wants To Bankrupt America: There is Method To His Madness  (tags)

This plan is so obvious at this point that it is hard to believe because it is happening so fast and the Democrats and even conservative non- neo-con Republicans don't realize what Bush and his neo-con buddies are up to.

Activist Psychological Study - Please Participate! (tags)

An exploratory study is being done to determine if there are unique psychological attributes of people working for social change which differ from the general population.

Questions and Answers about Foreign Policy (tags)

So would you like your Dad to Explain Foreign Policy to you? Sleep tight.

Conclusive Proof (tags)

of US Imperialism.

(Move over 9-11 families) Meet the 'Fort Hood Families'! (tags)

A 'war blog' ... Make way '9-11 families' for the new rising stars, 'the Fort Hood Families'. As well as this new little propaganda toy of the extreme right wing, we are also being fed huge amounts of perjury and falsehoods during the war, just as we were in the lead up to the war, all intended to convince people that the war is something that its not. However the documents of the Extreme Right illustrate quite clearly that the war in Iraq should actually be renamed 'Operation Iraqi Oil'.

Quick Activity to Support Peace Sites! (tags)

A simple and quick thing everyone can do to counter CNN, MSN and other war-mongering media, and support IndyMedia and Anti-War websites!


Please stop being stupid also

Operation Bug Splat (tags)

Judith Moriarty does it again - cutting through the crap of the Warmongers and exposing it for the hate filled disinformation that it is.

Media McCarthyism(amsellem) (tags)

editorial cartoon c 2003 by charles amsellem all rights reserved


NO TO WAR YES TO SADDAM, this what people chanting all over the world, it is the MOTHER OF ALL VICTORIES. Saddam Hussein.


David Corn & Marc Cooper of "The Nation" magazine have been attacking ANSWER. Here is a transcript of David Corn's appearance on the Bill O'Reilly talk show. If ever there was a shameless selling out of the Peace movement... here it is.

Action Alert: Bush push to pass welfare bill without debate (tags)


Curious (tags)

yes, yes, we all agree Saddam's a BAD guy. . .

A Phone call to the Fed... (tags)

How many Americans know about the scam called the FED?? Not enough!

Vote Yes on Prop 40 on March 5 (tags)

Vote Yes in March to give $2.6 billion to state agencies and conservancies all over California to protect endangered species, wildlife habitats, and water and to create parks in urban areas.

an Anarchists perspective on the WTC/Pentagon terrorist atacks. (tags)

Is this attack a terrible tragedy? Yes, of course. Has the US done terrible things to people all over the world? Yes, of course. Thousands of dead, millions dead, no matter what their location, is never something to cheer about.

URGENT ACTION -- Tell Congresswoman Davis to Vote YES on the Biggert Amendment (tags)

ACTION NEEDED: U.S. Congresswoman Susan Davis is on the House Education Committee and is currently in opposition to the Biggert amendment because of unfounded fears that schools in San Diego will lose funding.

From L.A.: call to action against Bush brownshirts! (tags)

A week ago Saturday, at the Westwood (L.A.) Federal Building, FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP BY PRO-BUSH THUGS. YES, THE CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP TOO. I was just told this by an eyewitness.

Constitutional Limits of the Supreme Court (tags)

As a Constitutional scholar I became curious to see what role the Supreme Court would play in this election. I was stunned by the Court's activism in its recent decision to halt the manual recount of votes in Florida, so I decided to check up on the legitimacy of the Supreme Court to rule on political disputes. What I found was an obscure decision from 1849, in the case of Luther v. Borden.

Who Says We Didn't Get Good Press? (tags)

So maybe it's only a free community newspaper, and it's not owned by a media conglomerate, but it's widely read in my town. This was the lead editorial in this week's Santa Monica Mirror.

yes, paul, we do know (tags)

Story Response (tags)

yes (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags