fix articles 118759, managing director Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : managing director

managing director

Ukraine: Expansion of the battle zone (tags)

Russia is vastly superior in this type of warfare – which resembles an industrially operated process of destruction – because the Kremlin can draw on far greater reserves. Putin's gamble on a war of attrition is paying off. It is not just about the superiority of tanks, artillery and ammunition, or about the increasing Russian air superiority. It is above all about manpower.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)

Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.

Democracy beyond Corona (tags)

Whether the experiences of the lockdown will result in lasting damage in the sense of a democratically consumptive "new normality" depends not least on whether it is possible to take up and strengthen the very existing democracy-building impulses and initiatives - from "Black Lives Matter" to "Fridays for Future".

Economics in the times of the coronavirus (tags)

Most people’s thinking is determined by the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the return of “the hour of executive power” (Gerhard A. Ritter), i.e. state of exception legislation, and the fears which it evokes as well as the economic measures in response to the health crisis.

Kristalina Georgieva Takes IMF Helm (tags)

The International Monetary Fund announces that World Bank CEO and Bulgarian environmental economist, Kristalina Georgieva, will become the Fund's new Managing Director.

Robert Tronge - President & Managing Director - Marriott International (tags)

Robert Tronge is a "true operator". Having launched his career leading teams in the rooms department of a hotel, he knows the hospitality business from the ground up. He is a hands-on executive whose nearly three-decade track record has earned him industry-wide recognition.

Mike Nichols, Genius, Comic, Courageous Greathearted Man (tags)

A PBS documentary on the life of Mike Nichols reveals more of this amazing man

Out of the Darkness: UN's (and often State's) hidden agenda. (tags)

Brief discussion on linkedin describing UN's human rights omissions from international human rights law.

Full List of Bilderbergers[]sp] Attendees (tags)

I’ve been dragging my feet on publishing this list because I’m worried that it would fuel excessive negative sentiment against the individuals involved.

Double-talk on FOI: Philippine gov?t long on promises, short on political will (tags)

On President Aquino?s Open Governance Partnership (OGP) ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2011 in New York, President Benigno S. Aquino III will deliver the keynote address at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) forum dubbed ?The Power of Open: A Global Discussion?. The conference brings together governments and representatives of civil society, industry, academe, and media. The panels will discuss the role of openness in improving government responsiveness and accountability, fighting corruption, and creating efficiencies, innovation and growth.

Theater Artists Committed To The Madhouse (tags)

Andrew Utter announces formation of his new Los Angeles theater company, Uranium Madhouse

New Study Shows Ten States Face Fiscal Crisis (tags)

Crises in states worsen

News Release - Program Donates School Supplies to Foster Children (tags)

Prudential employees collect school supplies for foster children

Obama's New World Order (tags)

Obama's imperial agenda

"Down the Memory Hole," Alan Greenspan Style (tags)

Greenspan-caused housing bubble

Reviewing Danny Schechter's "Plunder" (tags)

A masterful account of the subcrime crisis.

Bush and the Mormons (tags)

the bush pedophile connexion, and much much more...

Federal Government and World Bank to Speed Up Nigerian Aviation Projects (tags)

Federal government and World Bank yesterday gave a commitment to do everything possible to quicken the execution of the $46.5m Air safety and security projects being carried out in the country's airports.

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud ,Terrorism (tags)

With the best Georgetown University 'education' money can buy and his U.S. and Israeli economic and political connections,ex U.S. Ambassador to Morocco,(and the first Jewish-American ambassador of a Moslem nation),Marc Ginsberg is among other things,just another sleazy Beltway or Washington, D.C. - U.S. penny stock con artist using his American and Israeli connections to defraud naive investors in the U.S. penny stock offshore money laundering underworld in which Marc Ginsberg operates to illicitly enrich himself and his Israeli mafia or Mossad connected partners in Israel.

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise acquires Standard Aero and Aviation from Carlyle Group (tags)

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) is part of an integrated aerospace cluster that is being assembled at Dubai World Central – the new 140 square kilometer airport and logistics city being constructed at Jebel Ali, Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. The firm is made up of 6 divisions – DAE Airports, DAE Capital, DAE Engineering, DAE Manufacturing, DAE Services, and DAE University. Dubai has long since taken over from Lebanon as the business and financial center of the Middle East, however, and DAW sees growing regional and global opportunities in the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) business. Which may explain the formal completion of DAE's $1.9 billion acquisition of aviation service providers Standard Aero and Landmark Aviation from The Carlyle Group… The operations of Landmark Aviation Airport Services and the sale process will be overseen by an independent board of trustees made up of former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, former Senator Bob Kerrey and former Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim. The sale process will be conducted by Merrill Lynch.

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

provocative book on China and globalization (tags)

New book reveals what is China and current global affairs.

Ex Undersecretary Commerce Robert Shapiro aids J. D. Davidson ,Attorney John O'Quinn fraud (tags)

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's , Attorney John O'Quinn's stock fraud :It must be remembered he(James Dale Davidson) claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.

Illuminati Part 1 (tags)

Who really controls your life? You? hahahaha funny answer!

Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany (tags)

Overview of an international, intercultural group producing: annual film festival, weekly television program, cinema distribution & dance theatre.

Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany (tags)

An overview of the annual XX Black International Cinema Berlin festival, THE COLLEGIUM Television Program, publishing & cinema distribution information!!

Bring on the Mission: An Aristide Demonizer Turns Saintly on Pacifica Radio (tags)

Dr. Robert Maguire, a spokesman for the Inter-American Foundation, smeared Aristide in the press before the coup. But in KPFK's "Background Briefing" on March 7, Dr. Maguire clung to a progressive perspective thinned down for consumption by Masters' progressive listening audience.

Diebold - The face of modern ballot tampering (tags)

“Critics warn local election officials could be trading one set of problems for another potentially as bad, or worse, than last year's election debacle. They vigorously argue that fully electronic systems pose data-security problems and lack a paper trail. "There's no way to independently verify that the voter's ballot as cast was actually the ballot being recorded by the machine,'' said Rebecca Mercuri, a computer scientist and visiting lecturer at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania.”


All members of the Bilderberg Group are wanted on a material witness warrant issued on October 25, 2002, in connection with international racketeering, money laundering, theft, terrorism and other crimes.

Dossier Nigeria (Top Secret) (tags)

Dossier Nigeria (Top Secret)

WATER IN COURT : Suez sues a french teacher for libel (tags)

On October 15th & 17th, the 17th Chamber of the Paris County Court will hear a libel suit brought by Lyonnaise des Eaux, against Jean-Philippe Joseph, a schoolteacher in economics and against Radio France, French public radio. Lyonnaise des Eaux is the French subsidiary of SUEZ, the largest private water company in the world.

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