fix articles 11864, stupid
Your country is ruled by drugs.
The filthy and criminal minds of the fbi (tags)
Below are samplings of the dirty comments made to me in public forums by the very fbi thugs who are torturing and trying to kill me.
The Pussies did not Riot, they wanted publicity instead (tags)
U.S. House of Representatives: Stupid? Crooks? or Stupid Crooks? (tags)
Some of our representatives are just plain dumb as box of shale. They may even believe that American oil can be sold at Mom and Pop's Gas-It-Up.
L.A. Social Media Strategy Proposal (tags)
This is an idea for boosting the turnout for the immigration march on May first. There may be a few different ones due to the annual realignments and fights between sectarians, but all that matters is that people show up in huge numbers!
The world is of upside down.
Rich ones they escape from the crisis jumping of the abyss.
Stupid USA: Federal Judge Attacks Teacher's Right to Criticize "Creationism" Gar (tags)
As this backward country declines at a snowballing pace, the decay spreads like wildfire. We now have allegedly educated people, federal judges, supporting fascist high school students' lawsuits against teachers who were secretly recorded correctly attacking "creationism," better known as contempt for evolution, under the stupid theory that it attacked religion, which should be attacked as it is superstition
Living is Easy with Eyes Closed & Stop This Stupid War (tags)
Forum Topix posts. LA IMC must have that look on their faces. Send them to march and eat whale meat.
Yesterday I tried listening to The Quien and Juan show on KFI (3-7pm, M-F). For about 20 minutes they ranted that Dr. Phil is fat, bald, and stupid (obvious). And that anyone who watches day-time talk shows is just as stupid. (But I guess it is ok to listen to day-time talk shows on the radio)
A letter to Michael Moore, a message from God (tags)
Hey Mike Right now you're like the junk food, reality TV, generation we're fucked, next best thing we have to Gandhi.
Are We The Dumbest Americans Yet??? (tags)
Then why does the government think I am so stupid as to believe the lies they are telling, especially when they are so blatant
Voter Apathy...or Voter Disgust? (tags)
are you a) apathetic or b) disgusted about your voting choices this time ;round? you know...people who want to be president are applying for a job. that's all.
N.Y. Daily News Unearths 'Stunning' Democrat Vote Fraud (tags)
Hurry up and register those illegals, sissycrats! It's your only chance in hell of getting rid of Bush, which, by the way, you won't.
The elite corporate media thinks that the masses that are stupid, it is they who are stupid for believing the corrupt corporate pr machine.
This Week in Rape-oops- Sports (tags)
Kobe screwed, but is his accuser screwing us?
Hate Speech, Anything Jews hate to Hear (tags)
Is this ture or is it true.... I know its true
Proof that bigotry and stupidity are linked (tags)
A new study by a multiracial group of Dartmouth College researchers (published in the journal Nature Neuroscience) has found that bias toward people of another race, or people who are "different," can drain mental function and make people dumber.
Civilzed People Don't Need Governments (tags)
The UN is nothing but more government, more force, more forced taxation, more force to compliance, more police beatings.
U.S. Kids Know How They Feel - Not How To Think! (tags)
The stupid government training camps are teaching kids how to feel - but not how to think.
Civilized People Don't Need to be Governed (tags)
John Adams said that the more civilzied the people, the less need for government. Bush won't say this in one of his speeches though, since he wants more government. Parasites always want more government, which is free money for them. The parasites (teachers, lawyers, media folks, psychologists - all the ones working for the State - corporations, etc.) - all these elite creeps want to have more government - more free money. The union people want it too and the welfare people and the social security. It's a human condition to want something for nothing.
You (and Bush) are likely too dumb for this (tags)
If you?re an American, chances are there?s a celebrity who thinks you?re dumb. Maybe even stupid. Or an idiot. Or something worse, which we can?t print here.
OutKast Sexier Than Prince (tags)
Outkast the new sex symbol. For stofies on government abuses, check out Alex Jones (
Do what the government/church does to men. Use the force of authority.
Not Caretakers - But Prison Guards (tags)
Apartments are now run by the State. The caretakers are now prison guards. People always love their slavery so they put up with it. They give ttheir money to the politicians, through forced taxes, they give their money to the criminals, they promote evil this way. That's how backwards humanity still is.
Monopoly and Privilege Must Be Destroyed (tags)
From the book "Instead of a Book" by ben Tucker.
IRS: Your Money or Your Life (tags)
Give those politicians and their dumb bureaucrats more of your money.
Hitler Knew Where the Jews Lived - Why? (tags)
Hitler could round up the Jews because he knew where everyone of them lived. Why did he know?
The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible (tags)
Make Money, Not War
JOIN ARNOLD for Governator? (tags)
Arnoldo is tackling his "Join Arnold" campaña to the people as trying hard to sell a cheap content tele-novela or wholly wood movie, but he cannot make stupid no one with his silence approach to each of the real issues.
3rd World Countries Have Power Outages (tags)
From Alex Jones (
No Edisons Among The Keepers, Any More Than the Kept (tags)
Alex Jones (
It has become increasingly noticeable that the Pro-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.
It has become increasingly noticeable that the anti-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.
It has become increasingly noticeable that the anti-Bush few who post at LA-IMC have intentionally ignored many truths that are obvious to everyone else. It’s time the methods by which these truths are deposed are revealed in one place.
4-8 almonds a day cures camcer (tags)
Doctors don't want to cure cancer - either do the cancer people in their fancy offices doing nothing but making millions (bureaucrats).
Intelligent People Don't Use Force (tags)
Intelligent people don't have to use force. The State uses force to get ourmoney. To take medications, to take their drugs (8 almonds a day cures cancer).
Revolution = Rocket Ships For All (tags)
Revolution is going to Mars for vacation. Why not? Because governmnent is holding us back. Just like they did to the scientists throughout humanity. Humanity is just as stupid.
America is Rule of Man (Clinton) - Not Rule of Law (tags)
There is no justice in America. it is run by rule of man (bureaucrats, Clintons, government-run media) rather than wht our Founding Fathers intended - the Rule of Law.
Bill Clinton Gets Taxpayer-Supported Blowjobs (tags)
Liberals will go after you for talking - or basically doing anything human. You may think for youself. They hate that.
Brat 10- Stupid Liberal (see what I told you?) (tags)
Be secure, confident, and watch the jealous ones go after you!
Conformity & Uniformity the Collective Way (tags)
Hillary and Bill think they will rule the world.
Leonard Read in 1900 predicted that the new aristocrat would be the bureaucrat. Looks like he was right.
How to stop war - become an entrepreneur.
Too stupid to know.
a letter from a friend in France
Why Liberals Like Crafty Clinton so much (tags)
The Liberals like Clinton so much because he has found a way to get free sex. Liberals are so lazy and ignorant that they need a similar method to get their sex, so they look up to Bill Cliton's methods.
Bureaucrats Should Not Vote (tags)
When our country was founded, bureaucrats were not allowed to vote.
Build A Better Mousetrap for peace! (tags)
Check out Alex Jones (www.infowars.net0 for more on government abuses.
Just Say No To Forced Taxes (tags)
Don' want war? Don't pay forced taxes. Taxes should be voluntary only.
War Centralizes the State (tags)
From the book "How To Save the World" by mark Kinzley.
Government Intervention Halts Human Progress (tags)
From the book "Julian Simon and the Triumpth of Energy Sustainability" 2000. (They haven't killed any scientists lately, guess the war is keeping them busy)
Wild Women Go To Nuthouses in U.S. (tags)
In the U.S. women that are untraditional are sent to nuthouses.
"I have no problem with people protesting US government initiatives, resisting US junk culture, and doubting US claims to be nothing but a force for good and right everywhere;I have a big problem with people pretending to be untainted by US pluralism..
THOMAS JEFFERSON CALLING: The time for revolution is now (tags)
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson
Are You Scared Stupid? Do Tell (tags)
Shuck your shoes and socks at the airport as your luggage is blithely loaded onto the plane without a scan. Wait in line for the cursory backpack and bag search before entering a public building. We endure the inconveniences forced upon us in the name of national security by chanting the mantra "It's okay if it keeps us safe."
Michael Moore's New Book CENSORED By Publisher (tags)
As the keynote speaker at NJ Citizen Action's convention, Michael Moore told the audience that his publisher HarperCollins won't be selling/distributing his already-printed new book "Stupid White Men and Other Excuses for the State of the Nation" because the content is politically offensive. Reposted from an American Library Association email discussion list.
The Battle Hymn of the Republicans (tags)
Everyone else is writing bad song parodies, so I couldn't hold out any longer.
Read "I, Pencil" by Leonard Read
World has more than enough oil! (tags)
World has more than enough oil for 3 million years!
United We Stand! (against stupid nationalism) - Photomontage by Latuff (tags)
It's time for serious reflections on U.S. foreign policy, and NOT stupid nationalism!!!