fix articles 118077, homeless veterans
-The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) wholeheartedly supports the class-action lawsuit filed Wednesday on behalf of four homeless veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other ailments, the ACLU claims that the department is violating the property's deed by not providing the combination of housing and treatment that battle-scarred vets need. According to the LA Times: ? The lawsuit is just the latest attempt by advocates for homeless vets to light a fire under the federal government. ?The JFAV also filed a lawsuit against the DVA for denying more than 27,00 Filipino World War II veterans of their lump sum claims and their widows last year.
More Proof Republicans do not care about war Veterans (tags)
U.S. Spends Hundred Times More on Illegal Aliens Than on Assisting American Homeless Veterans
Ted Hayes, Homeless faux-progressive, leading pro-war march
Dome Village Labor Day Stand Down (tags)
Dome Village is excited to host its second Veterans Stand Down to serve Homeless Veterans in Downtown Los Angeles this Labor Day, September 3, 2001, from 7am to 7pm. This will be a high profile event, showcasing how Los Angeles businesses and community leaders working together can help the Veterans that have served this country to get back on their feet. To accomplish this, we will be offering the 300 Homeless Veterans anticipated food and clothing, services and information to help them become self-sustaining.