fix articles 11788, recruitment
National Democratic Front of the Philippines denies NPA uses child soldiers (tags)
In a letter sent to ABS-CBN Europe News Bureau head Danny Buenafe, he reiterated that the claims in the news article ‘PH rebels use child soldiers,' a report based on an international conference in Helsinki, Finland last March 9, led by the newly appointed Secretary General of Child Soldiers International, Richard Clarke, are unsubstantiated.
Justice served with stiff penalties against fraudulent teacher recruiter (tags)
We, members of the Filipino community and different Filipino-American groups here in the US, extend our congratulations to the hundreds of Filipino teachers for their victorious struggle against their deceitful recruitment agency Universal Placement Inc. (UPI) and its owner Lourdes Navarro. We are happy that after four years of brave and sustained efforts on different fronts and winning different battles along the way, the case has reached the federal court which found these defendants liable for engaging in fraudulent practices.
Statement On the Plight of Filipino Teachers of Maryland?s PGCPS (tags)
Lured by the American dream, non-immigrant workers here in the US have been subjected to different forms of exploitation, manipulation and abuse. The complexities of the recruitment process are being taken advantage of by placement agencies and sometimes with the collaboration of representatives of US employers. Oftentimes foreign workers leave their country deep in debt in raising money needed to cover for exorbitant placement and other fees.
Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle (tags)
He was an officer in the Saudi Royal Navy assigned to the strategic Saudi base of Jubail in the Persian Gulf. She was a single mom from Mindanao, in the Philippines, who saw, like so many others, employment in Saudi Arabia as a route out of poverty. When he picked her up at the Dammam International Airport in June, little did she know she was entering, not a brighter chapter of her life but a chamber of horrors from which she would be liberated only after six long months.
Vets say: "Shut Down the War Machine!!" (tags)
On the 9th Anniversary of the Afghanistan War Join us at the Hollywood Military Recruitment Center to Hollywood Military Recruitment Center. Vets say: "Shut Down the War Machine!!"
Memorial Day Weekend at the Indy500 in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. (tags)
I absolutely, completely, totally, wholeheartedly agree that we should honor and care for our veterans, instead of waging what Aaron Glantz, in his book "The War Comes Home," calls "America's war against veterans." But, I would much rather see them honored with medical and psychiatric care, education, job training, and whatever else they may need to survive than with more military recruitment fests, including this Indy500 spectacle celebrating cars, greenhouse gas, advertising, and militarism.
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the San Francisco Unified School District Board's decision to reinstate JROTC after voting to scrap the JROTC three years ago. On May 12, 2009, the San Francisco Unified School District School Board voted to reinstate The Pentagon’s Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC). Touted by top military brass as their best recruitment tool, over 40% of JROTC cadets go on to enlist into the military after graduation. The AJLPP protests JROTC’s reinstatement that was carried out despite popular opposition from San Francisco’s progressive community, and its disproportionately high cost to the school district.
Counter Military Recruitment Movement (tags)
This short video focuses on the resistance to a systematic push to recruit young minorities and lower income kids into the military,
Vigil to Honor 4,000 U.S. Troops Killed (tags)
This Thursday, will will be holding a vigil to honor the now 4,000 U.S. Soldiers who have been killed in this illegal and immoral war. This event will be part of our weekly counter-recruitment protest that takes place in front of the U.S. Military recruitment center in Santa Monica. Join us to send the message, NOT ONE MORE DEAD. BRING THEM HOME!
Army Recruitment Site Remixed (tags), an unauthorized remix of that tells the truth recruiters don't want you to know.
Roosevelt High Students Picket Recruitment Center In Boyle Hts. (tags)
BOYLE HIEGHTS, EAST LA, March 20, 2008 – Students from Roosevelt High marched from their school to a nearby military recruitment center today to demonstrate against the continuing war in Iraq and the predatory practices of military recruiters on their campus. The students staged a picket in front of the recruitment center. The protest was peaceful and there were no arrests.
March 19th - Protest at Hollywood recruitment center (tags)
Wednesday, March 19, 4pm 7080 Hollywood Blvd., LA (La Brea & Hollywood)
End War FAST: Military Recruiters out of Pittsburgh! (tags)
September 4-30, 2007 For details on participating in the End War FAST, a Calendar of the months events, and other resources check out
Stop Racist Military Recruiting at CSUF (tags)
While the CSU Fullerton recruiting event will be resisted, opponents are trying to prevent it from happening at all. Already, the University has expressed concern. For one thing, it specifically targets Latinos; for another, it uses state college facilities as a recruiting tool for the entire US military, not CSUF's own ROTC.
Student Demonstrators Close Army Recruitment Center in East LA (tags)
EAST LOS ANGELES, March 19, 2007 – Over 250 students from various high schools in the East LA area staged an anti-war action at an army recruiting center in East LA today.
Students Close Recruiting Center in New York (tags)
March 14 - 20 Arrested At SDS New York Counter Recruitment Action
12:20 pm - Protest at Long Beach army recruitment center on 6th & Pine now under way. (tags)
12:20 pm - Protest at Long Beach army recruitment center on 6th & Pine now under way. Heavy police deployment. Center appears to be closed.
1:55 pm: Protesters Blocking Doors to Pasadena Recruitment Center (tags)
1:55 pm - Protesters are blocking the doors to the Pasadena recruitment center on Colorado now. Caller reporters 6 people blocking the doors to the offices at this time.
Recruitment Center Closed for Peace (tags)
Thursday, Dec 7th 8 AM - 11:50 AM Signs & Presence for Peace on Colorado Blvd. 12 PM - 1 PM Student Rally on Pasadena City College Campus Meet at Sculpture Garden 12:45 PM Press Conference @ Armed Forces Recruitment Station 1 PM - 8 PM Support Members Engaging in Direct Action And Candlelight Vigil @ Recruitment Center
Peace Group Shuts down Army Recruitment Center in Hollywood (tags)
LOS ANGELES, September 25, 2006 – A coalition of faith based groups succeeded in closing the army recruitment center in Hollywood today.
Terrorism comes to Duke (tags)
The ISM at Duke: The Saga Continues
Youth say no to war, no to military: The movement to ‘opt out’ (tags)
CHICAGO — Youth and students here and across the country are refusing in ever greater numbers to believe the promises of U.S. military recruiters, promises like, “You can get any job you want,” and “You can try the military out for a few months and if you don’t like it you can quit.” Other favorites include, “You are guaranteed to get $50,000 for college,” and “You will never see a day of combat.”
SOSMM / NV Plan White Supremist Literature Spew (tags)
Racists plan on trying to disseminate white power literature widely.
Counter-Military Recruitment Action in SFValley (tags)
MEChA National Action taking place this weekend in the San Fernando Valley. Hundreds of students and community residents will converge and voice their opposition to the militarization of school campuses.
Santa Monica City College Students Protest Army Recruitment Center (tags)
Uploaded is a short video from the protest. (video with freaky colors, yeah.)
CIA hides files on Nazi torturers (tags)
To protect Nazi handlers like Kissinger, files about Nazis after 1945 remain highly classified...
Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)
When a state is determined to pursue war, and all forms of indirect symbolic protest actions have failed to sway politicians to halt their imperialist aggression, the only remaining option is direct action by the working class. One option is a general strike by workers that can effect the production and transpiration of military capital, that is the materials essential for the war machine. The other is to deprive the military of the labor it needs to fight the war.
Oct.7 NAtl Day Against Military Recruitment (tags)
East L.A. Students Against the War! (tags)
A Student anti-war protest and walk out has been called for the Students of East Los Angeles. The action is to take place on Feb. 7th.