fix articles 11781, parents Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : parents


Newsom Strikes Again (tags)

Gavin Newsom passed a new law that allows the state to remove children from their parents, if the parents do not what to have their child bio-weaponized with this new jab, and have the parents labled as unfit. Download the links, if this gets posted, read it before it is removed, because, if it gers posted, it will be removed.

School must be different (tags)

Economization doesn't just affect cleaning. Schools as a whole are required to distinguish themselves in a competitive environment and to score points in school rankings through good "key figures," such as high school graduation rates. Yes, this is a blatant stress for everyone.

The Viral Death of School (tags)

A real improvement in the school system could only come from a change in the underlying conception of man. Children must be treated as human beings with their own dignity and rights - not as stuffed geese that can be filled with knowledge of the state at will.

San Francisco Parents (tags)


A Few Of Many Impeachable Acts by Trump Sessions And Others (tags)

Asylum Seekers Heinously Abused By Trump, Sessions, Kelly, Nielsen, Miller Etc (tags)

a litany of crimes against the poor and helpless by Trump, Sessions and company

Parents are sometimes severely wrong (tags)

We should not always listen to our parents because they too may be misled.

American Victims of palestinian Terror (tags)

Father of four Eitam Henkin joins a long list of Americans murdered by Palestinian and other terrorists since 1970:

Hands Across California (tags)

Protective parents, children and concerned citizen formed chains in front of California family courthouses to demand returned of trafficked children.

Media Uses Hazing Instead of Rape in Football Locker Room Attacks (tags)

The scandal in Sayreville, NJ involving forced sodomy of young football players is being covered up at home by football fanatic parents and downplayed by the media. The media's term "hazing" is misapplied while ignoring the sexual nature of the crimes included forced sodomy. The cultural cover-up by football fanatics reeks of fascism on the local level while the media's downplay of words indicates nationalist fascism of football's Holy Grail.

American parents stand up for Tammy and Jonah Rief (tags)

American parents are standing up and demanding the return of trafficked child Jonah Rief

Breaking: CDC Greenlights Vaccine Request fir UCSB (tags)

IMC Scoops National Media: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Signals Intent to Request Vaccination Go-Ahead

LA Families March For Trayvon Martin (tags)

Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters come together to Pressure the Feds on Stand Your Ground Laws and a Federal Indictment of George Zimmerman. Photo-Set 1 of 2

Mistreating Palestinian Children (tags)


The Villaraigosa and García machine's perfect gerrymander (tags)

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and LAUSD President Mónica García intentionally redrew the District 2 maps to remove the a large base of support from social justice schoolboard candidates.

Chicago's teachers end strike (tags)

The ChicagoChicago Sun-Times is reporting that the Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates voted Tuesday to end its seven-day strike. This means that classes will resume on Sept. 19 (Wednesday) for the country’s third largest school district’s 350,000 public school students.

Chicago's War on Education (tags)


Chicago Teachers Union Sellout (tags)


Capitulation in Chicago? (tags)


Corporate Media's War on Public Education (tags)


Nine Days with Mother (tags)

In this pioneering article from the December 1968 issue of Vector, an early Queer publication, Zenger's Newsmagazine associate editor Leo E. Laurence, J.D. tells his coming-out story and advises other Queer people on how to come out. Four months after this article was published, Leo co-founded the Gay Liberation Front in San Francisco and led the first demonstration against a private employer for anti-Queer discrimination in U.S. history in March 1969, three months BEFORE Stonewall.

Domestic Criminals Under Influence of Drugs Allowed To Teach At Priest River Schools (tags)

High school dropouts with extensive criminal records and known drug use allowed to be substitute teachers in Idaho. Violent Criminals stripped of gun rights teaching our children should not be allowed anywhere in America.

Schools Matter: Is CNCA Charter Corporation Poaching Parents and Pillaging Privacy? (tags)

Parent poaching and possible privacy violations by corporate charter school operator Camino Nuevo Charter Academy. Plus, necessary information for filing formal complaints with the district.

EchoParkPatch: A Mother's message to LAUSD Trustee Nury Martinez (tags)

Interview with the mother who was wrongly and viciously accosted by LAUSD Trustee Nury Martinez. Analysis of how Martinez was sidestepping issues of removing democracy and ignoring community voices.

LAUSD's Deasy Disrespects Echo Park Moms 4 Education, but the struggle continues (tags)

Please join Echo Park Moms 4 Education in the fight to keep the Advisory Vote, the only democratic portion of LAUSD's deceptively named Public School Choice motion which gives away public schools.

Echo Park Moms leading the way. Demand your right to vote! No more LAUSD privatization wit (tags)

Echo Park Moms 4 Education lead the struggle to save the public advisory vote, the only democratic portion of LAUSD's deceptively named Public School Choice motion which gives away public schools.

FIS recommends removing the last semblance of democracy from an already undemocratic proce (tags)

LAUSD's Public School Choice is already an anti-democratic measure to give public schools away to private charter corporations. Removing the advisory vote makes PSC all the more totalitarian and entirely removes community and parental voice. Either keep the advisory votes or repeal PSC altogether. This article discusses the document LAUSD is using to justify this move.

Yellow Journalist Jim Newton Hails a Dubious Civil Rights Hero (tags)

In the Los Angeles Times' Jim Newton's topsy-turvy world view, oppressed and impoverished people of color just need to look to wealthy white male saviors from Beverly Hills to solve all their problems — Rudyard Kipling would have been proud.

Open Letter to LAUSD Board Regarding Grave Issues with CNCA's Charter for CRES #14 (tags)

When LAUSD V.P. Flores awarded CRES #14 to Camino Nuevo Charter Academy (CNCA) against the wishes and explicit votes of the Echo Parque community, and against the express recommendation of the Superintendent, she promised she would address the grievously problematic issues with CNCA's proposal regarding their exclusive and inflexible language program. Instead, nothing has been done to resolve this major point of contention between the corporate charter school operator and the community they will soon occupy.

It's Official, the LA Weekly is Ben Austin's personal public relations firm (tags)

How Jill Stewart's masseuse and porn ad pennysaver -- The LA Weekly -- has taken yellow journalism to new heights with its fanatical coverage of the corporate astroturf group Parent Revolution's school privatization pogroms in Compton.

Crafty Camino Nuevo Charter Charlatans (tags)

A critical look at the nefarious corporate charter operator, Camino Nuevo, which is trying to pilfer yet another new public school site under LAUSD's corporate giveaway resolution

Ben Austin channels Sarah Palin substituting his Triggers for her Targets (tags)

Highly paid school privatization advocate Ben Austin has been lashing out publicly with ever more vitriol since he ignominiously lost his seat on the California State Board of Education and his supposed moment of triumph in Compton, chronicled in Jill Stewart's trashy masseuse and porn ad pennysaver was been mired in controversy and very real accusations of malfeasance.

Over 200 Turn Out for Matthew Shepard Memorial in San Diego (tags)

Over 200 San Diegans marched in Hillcrest October 12, 2010 to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the death of Matthew Shepard, target of an especially brutal Queer-bashing attack in Wyoming, and to honor the lives lost to Queer-bashing, bullying and teen suicide. The event featured two marches, a preliminary rally outside Obelisk Bookstore (site of a memorial plaque to John Robert Wear, 17-year-old killed in a Queer-related assault in 1991) and a program at San Diego’s LGBT Center that featured speakers including Terry Summers, a personal acquaintance of Matthew Shepard.

Putting kids through college (tags)

A report by TD Economics showed that in 2009, the cost of a four-year undergraduate degree was more than $80,000 for students living away from home. Even for parents who have diligently saved for their children's education, it can be very tough to save enough for more than one child. Lawrence Engel, vice-president, personal lending, TD Canada Trust has these tips for parents:

Drug-Free Marshals are Creating a New Future (tags)

How often parents tell their children not to play with matches, talk to strangers or stay out late? In most cases, a parent’s fear is that such warnings will go unheeded.

Taking on a charter school closing (tags)

This is a repost of an article in SW about the closing of Animo Justice school in South Central. The school was operated by Green Dot charter schools.

Brutalizing Palestinian Children (tags)

state-sponsored terrorism against children

Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 3 0f 3 (tags)

Photo set 3 ( of 3 ) from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.

Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 2 0f 3 (tags)

Photo set 2 ( of 3 ) from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.

Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 1 0f 3 (tags)

Photo set 1 from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.


“ MALIGAYANG PASKO! FELIZ NAVIDAD! There were fewer people because of the windy and cold weather but less than 200 Filipino-Americans led by Burlington School Kids and parents with SIPA youths with senior citizens and parents, braved the cold and wintry night to hold the 5th Historic Filipinotown Parol Parade last night, December 22, 2009

Faith is Breakthrough (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard spoke of faith as a "leap across seventy-thousand fathoms of water." He sought to introduce Christianity into comfortable Danish Christendom. The language of proclamation runs crosswsays to the language of time. The me-society, the majority society, is lost.

Parents of LGBT individuals needed for anonymous research study (tags)

I am looking for parents of LGBT individuals needed to participate in an anonymous research study, located online at:

Join Robina Suwol, Founder of CA Safe Schools (tags)

Children’s Environmental Health & Justice Champion Speaking at Green California Schools Summit & Exposition

First in state Holistic Mom’s Network chapter celebrates 5th birthday (tags)

The Los Angeles/South Pasadena Chapter of the Holistic Mom’s Network is hosting a community Open House to be held Wednesday, November 4, from 6:30pm - 9pm at the South Pasadena Library’s Community Room, 1115 El Centro Street in South Pasadena.

Last Call for PAPEL's Summer School Program (tags)

With the budget cuts to our summer program now in effect, and with reports by community members of acts of vandalism throughout the different communities in Los Angeles by young children who should otherwise be in school, one community group is ready to take over what the LAUSD failed to do: save our kids!

People's Assembly for Popular Education & Liberation: Summer School Program Update (tags)

With LAUSD cuts to summer school programs already in effect, a community of activists, teachers, parents and concerned citizens have held summer school for grades K-12 in front of LAUSD's Administrative Headquarters at 333 South Beaudry Street. While attendance was small, and kept that way for symbolic purposes, we are ready to move to a different location, one that will accommodate more students and parents. But we need your help!

Deporting Fathers in the Name of Homeland Security (tags)

Via deportations, the U.S. government is destroying families and harming children. Roxroy Salmon's case is one of many thousands.

The Platt Brothers: An Act You MUST See (tags)

The Platt Brothers, playing at the Sunset Temple near Claire de Lune Coffeehouse in North Park through the end of April, offer an exciting, hilarious combination of the Smothers Brothers, Monty Python and the Three Stooges. Their act combines three-part vocal harmonies, comedy sketches and stunning acrobatics, all centered around their real-life family history. See them before they become major stars!



San Diego ACLU Addresses Repressive Ballot Initiatives (tags)

The San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) held its annual membership meeting February 13 and gave over the program to Delores Jacobs of the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center and Vince Hall of Planned Parenthood to discuss the long-term implications of Propositions 4 and 8 on last year's ballot. The measures attacked women's reproductive choice and Queer rights, respectively, and Jacobs and Hall noted that the radical Right uses proposals like these not only to gain membership and contributions but to drain the coffers of progressive organizations so they have less money to provide services to women and Queers.

High Five (tags)

When I was a kid growing up my parents weren’t rich weren’t poor. They didn’t have a lot of money, but enough to qualify as lower middle class and at times middle class. My father had a visiting teacher’s position at a university and my mother was an administrative assistant working towards a college degree. The highest tax bracket they got to was middle class just before my dad passed away in 1987.

War effects are not known by USAmerican young. Nor do they want to know for real. (tags)

WAR is a danger when USAmerican youth are playing games and have no real knowledge of the dangers of war damages.

Coalition Demands Commitment to Quality Child Care at Bright Horizons (tags)

Los Angeles (CA) – Against a bright blue backdrop stating, “Bain Capital: Put Kids First ... Not Profits,” local coalitions of concerned parents, labor union members, community leaders and child care advocates will rally this Thursday, July 31, at 12 p.m. (noon) in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. The agenda includes an original song, street theater, comments by parents, religious leaders, elected officials and child care advocates and the issuance of three demands to the buyout giant Bain Capital. For every demand there is one key principle: improve the quality of child care.

A daughter's wish for her missing father on FATHER'S DAY (tags)

I wish I could personally greet you a Happy Father’s Day and give you a really big hug. But how can I? Ever since you were abducted, my only contact with you is in my dreams. Oh, how I wish I would see you and say “Happy Father’s Day, Tatay!” Nanay and I will surely remember you as I visit her today in jail in Camp Crame. You must have heard by now (through your captors or if you have access to news) that Nanay has also been abducted and surfaced after three days (nine months after you were abducted and disappeared). You must have been so worried for her. You need not be, worried though because we are all taking care of her. Even in detention, she makes good use of her ti

L. A. Teachers Fight Cuts in Education Budget (tags)

A UTLA Member Reports from the Picket Line Over 40,000 teachers, United Teachers Los Angeles, (UTLA), sacrificed an hour of their pay to protest the proposed state budget cuts on Friday, June 6, 2008. LA, CA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: South LA School Resisting Charter Invasion (tags)

Wadsworth UTLA, The Association of Raza Educators, and Parents of Wadsworth will DEMAND that the Los Angeles Unified School District to remove Wadsworth from the Prop. 39 Schools with Available Classrooms List. Prop. 39 requires the LAUSD provide public classroom space, if there is open rooms, for charter schools. However, THERE IS NO ROOM on the Wadsworth campus which operates on 4-tracks due to OVERCROWDING.

A Real Threat to California Home-Schoolers (tags)

I’m not sure how the Free State Project is going in New Hampshire, but the Police State Project appears to be advancing rapidly here in California.

Italy. Hand off the Rrom children (tags)

EveryOne Group has reason to believe, after listening to the testimony of many Rrom families and Italian citizens who are in contact with Rrom families, that a further violation of the rights of the Rroms is about to take place.

Illinois Students Pressured by High School to ID 'Ringleader' of Anti-War Sit-In (tags)

As national outrage mounts against the threatened expulsion of dozens of high school students in the wake of a antiwar sit-in at Morton West High School in Berwyn, Illinois, parents who have attended private meetings with their suspended students and school officials report that their students were offered reduced punishments only if they signed a confession that singled out a student as the organizer of the protest.

Join Robina Suwol at Western U.S. Pollution Prevention Conference (tags)

The Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California - October 23-25

Gypsy children murdered in Italy: Petition (tags)

The EveryOne Group and the ?Amici degli Angeli? are asking concerned for the immediate release of the parents of the young victims, as well as immediate assistance, starting with a home and state benefit. The groups also request an all-out inquiry against GAPE, a gang of racist murderers, who are responsible for this monstrous crime.

Confessions of an Adopted Child (tags)

As an adopted child, I felt ideologically out of place. I wondered if a person could have a genetic predisposition towards particular moral values? Could DNA be a factor in a person's attraction to sports or sequined evening gowns?

Chinese made baby strollers recalled nationwide ! (tags)

ComfyCabs are being recalled across the nation as many babies have had minor injuries when these junk-quality strollers break down.

Children March Against Racist Deportations and Immigration Laws (tags)

'Biological parents are the enemies of their offspring' (tags)

Kindergarten is meant to protect children from their own mothers. ...

Talking With Kids About Violence (tags)

Raising a child is one of the most gratifying jobs you'll ever have and one of the toughest.

Toys (fo)R uS (tags)

Retailer steps into messy immigration issue with first baby contest

Justice Alert!! Demonstration in front of San Bernardino Courthouse (tags)

Demonstration planned to protest "soylent green" operation out of Probate Courts--predatory lawyers and guardians turning our parents into their cash.

73 anniversary of genocide in Russia that killed 10+ million - the Great Famine (tags)

Today, this former Soviet republic marks the 73rd anniversary of the Great Famine, a tragedy orchestrated by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin that continues to haunt and divide the nation of 47 million.

Raising Money and Awareness for Undocumented Students (tags)

The Association of Raza Educators Scholarship fund receives wide support from the Raza community

Local Soldier, Jang H. Kim, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Jang H. Kim – a member of the Army's 26th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division – died Monday from injuries suffered when a homemade bomb exploded near his vehicle during a combat operation in Baghdad.

Big Brother and Uncle Sam are fingerprinting kids in grade school cafeterias! (tags)

A plan to fingerprint elementary school students when they buy lunch has some parents worrying that Big Brother has come to the cafeteria.

Government schools flush the 1st and supress student blogging (tags)

I don't have a problem with this when private schools censor and supress the free speach of their students. But I do have a big problem with this when the government PUBLIC schools do it!

Steep phone rates cut off youth offenders from home (tags)

It’s not about rehabilitating juvenile delinquents! It’s about shaking down the kids parents for money!

L.A.'s MacLaren Hall Survivors Become Family (tags)

I am asking that any of you that are from this child protection institution/foster care “aging out” past reach out to others with shared pasts, as your brothers and sisters, as family and reach out to local kids JUST ABOUT TO “AGE OUT,” and let them know there is a family of survivors out here...

Local Mentoring Pgm. For Children Of Incarcerated Parents (tags)

Local mentoring program for children of incarcerated parents in need of adult mentors (especially men!)


The thought is the demiurge, the hacedor of the human conscience. The conscience, essence, synthesis and sum of all the mental and physical faculties, are daughter of the thought. (REINAGA the Faustus, What To do, pp 115)

Israel’s first Bedouin envoy (tags)

Ismail Khaldi used to be a shepherd; now he’s been appointed Israeli consul in San Francisco

France : over 52,00 sign "We will protect them" (tags)

The pause given (by Prime Minister Sarkozy) to immigrant parents and students will end on June 30. Thousands of children, adolescents and their families risk mass deportation. Their lives and their future will end. We will not allow these infamies to be done in our name. Every one of us is ready to help, guide and protect in whatever way is possible. When they seek refuge, we will not close our doors but will give shelter and food ; we will not denounce them to the police. original in French : Pétition nationale : NOUS LES PRENONS SOUS NOTRE PROTECTION !

Advocacy Workshop for Special Needs Children (tags)

Recognizing the need for further parent training and education, parents and community groups, including Learning Disabilities Association of Orange County and California Safe Schools, are organizing the free Parent Workshop at the Goldy S. Lewis Community Center in the city of Rancho Cucamonga.

La Gran Marcha: The Sleeping Giant Awakes (tags)

On March 25, immigrants and their supporters shook the halls of Congress, and, just maybe, changed history.

If Teachers Were Congressmen (tags)

Enough Said!

Delgadillo: The Plot Thickens (tags)

Rocky’s office politics may have led to bungling of case against child predator: L.A. Weekly

The Life of Coward (tags)

It takes much more courage to resist war than to answer the call of those who would send you.

Why Do Some Children Believe In Santa Claus? (tags)

Children's story...



Is Normal Now A Mental Illness? (tags)

Is your child easily distracted? Or perhaps he talks excessively, or can become impatient?

Crenshaw Cougar Coalition Asks School District to Waive Hiring Formula (tags)

Nearly one hundred students, parents and teachers at Crenshaw High School were joined by community leaders in a press conference held at the campus' main entrance this evening. The press conference aimed to respond to a series of emergency meetings the Los Angeles Unified School District School Board has called in the past week aimed at dealing with Crenshaw's recent loss and return on appeal of accreditation. At specific issue is the School District's mandate that Crenshaw sacrifice 16 teachers currently teaching full course loads at Crenshaw to other schools.

Moms tell recruiters: ‘Leave My Child Alone!’ (tags)

WASHINGTON — Megan Watson, leader of Mainstream Moms, is so angry at military recruiters for invading schools to sign up unwary youth for combat in Iraq that she and her group launched an online movement, “”

Mon. 6/13: Rachel Corrie's Parents & Family Who Lived in Gaza Home She Died to Protect (tags)

Unprecedented U.S. Tour Comes to LA JUST ADDED EVENT Monday, June 13! Rachel Corrie's Parents Will Be Joined by the Palestinian Family Who Lived in the Gaza Home She Died to Protect Khaled and Samah Nasrallah's First U.S. Visit Gives Americans Rare Glimpse into Life in Palestine Ground-Breaking on the Rebuilding of Nasrallah's Home Just Weeks Away, As Israeli Troops are Scheduled to Prepare to Leave Area WHEN: Monday, June 13 at 7 PM WHERE: Venice Methodist Church, 1020 Victoria, Venice (East of Lincoln, 1 block north of Venice Blvd.) SUGGESTED DONATION: $10.00 (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Wed. 5/25: Thousands of Teachers, Parents, Students Rally to Stop Schwazenegger (tags)

WHAT: The Los Angeles rally is timed to coincide with another huge rally at the Capitol in Sacramento protests Governor Schwazenegger's broken promises tp to schools, his attacks on working people and his special election petition campaign that would waste $80 millon. There will be a special tribute to labor leader Miguel Contreras, who past away earlier this month. WHEN: Wednesday, May 25 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles (6th and Olive St.)

Patriot Act nabs Immigrant Teenagers (tags)

NYPD and FBI arrest two muslin teenaged girls for writing story about suicide bombing.



LOS ANGELES SCHOOL IS SITE OF DRAMATIC CONFRONTATION General Franks, attempting to leave the school in an SUV with tinted windows, was totally blocked by protesters who climbed onto the hood and body of the car and blocked his departure with banners, signs and their own bodies. it remained immobilized in the middle of the street.

ABOUT California Safe Schools Receives $25,000. in Volvo for Life Awards (tags)

California Safe Schools Executive Director Named Finalist in Volvo for Life Awards

FESTIVAL OF CHILDHOOD: Peace Through a Child's Eye (tags)

The Center for Non Violent Education and Parenting is holding its sixth annual Festival of Childhood (for all ages) featuring music, entertainment, arts & crafts and many other fun and creative activities for children and parents.


In RIVERSIDE: school district is covering up, telling lies to parents; their response to increase alleged racial tension is to SUPRESS ANY DISCUSSION ABOUT RACE ISSUES, and INCREASE POLICE, GANG UNITS, AND GANG PROFILING ON CAMPUS AND OF STUDENTS.

A failing grade: Charter schools and education reform (tags)

Charter schools are a major aspect of the political right.......



New Child Actor Awards Announced (tags)

A new award is added to the Hollywood award season calendar with CARE 2005 (Child Actor Recognition Event) slated for Universal Studios Hollywood in March 2005.

What Is Law, Why Does Law Exist? (tags)

A rational anarchist introduction to the concept of law.

How must a mother feel ? (tags)

A mother deprived to recognize his returned son. How must a father feel whose son died on a dirty dishonest policy?

The EPA and Industry Team Up to Protect Profits in Florida Study, Leaving Children Behind (tags)


Who is Your daddy and what Does he Do? (tags)

com on. there have got to be some people here who LIKE conspiracy theories! this one is a theory. it didn't originate with me and i have no proof. pretty funny though.

I am a mother . . . The power in the lone feminine voice raised in protest (tags)

A voice is rising above the wails of grieving mothers heard around the world. It's a bold and angry voice speaking out against the tyrants who cold-heartedly consume our children in the name of phony "Wars on Drugs" and "Wars on Terror."

"The pain of my son's death does not get any better, it just gets worse as time goes (tags)

Interview with Celeste Zappala, Mother of Army Sgt. Sherwood R. Baker

Iraqi family slaughtered (tags)

An 8 year old Iraqi girl is the sole survivor after her house and parents were destroyed in an overnight airstrike.

Parents blame Bush for son's execution (tags)

"That's really what cost my son his life, the fact that the United States government saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process or civil rights" -- Mr Berg

Another Iraqi Orphan (tags)

Iraqi girl Wiam Mohammed, 4, shows her injuries in Baghdad, Saturday, April 17, 2004. Wiam was fleeing Fallujah in a car with her parents, six brothers and sisters and a cousin. Her parents, two sisters and brother were killed when U.S. occupation troops opened fire on the car that was carrying them. Wiam and two of her sisters were wounded while another sister was unharmed. In this photograph, the child is shown with the bullet wound in her left shoulder (AP Photo/Abdel Kader Saadi)

How To Prepare For Children At Protests: Vice Versa Is Not Possible (tags)

Protest zones are important classrooms. Attending protests with kids is different than attending protests without kids. But going to a protest with an affinity group, or as a street medic, is also different than going alone. How should we prepare to take kids with us?

Teachers and their union fight for public education (tags)

CHICAGO – Children’s paintings hang on the walls in the lobby of the Chicago Teachers Union office. It’s comforting for parents to see schoolkids’ artwork framed and on display.

Teacher/ Activist Cesar Cruz Fired For Placing Students and Parents Above Profit (tags)

International Activist, Poet, and Elementary Teacher Cesar Cruz was fired Monday at Downer Elementary School. The firing occured after an article was published that documented Cesar's organizing of a 70 mile march on Sacramento by students and parents to protest budget cuts at their 99% people of color school, as well as the presence of the nearby prison and oil refinery. (Un) Coincidentally, Cesar had also recently aided the community in their demands for a new school and site-based management. A call for action is occurring.



Is There A Legal Age for Political Dissent? Teens at Protests! (tags)

Teens and Protests...should we be sharing nonviolent protest training with them? Are protests age-rated events? Should a street medic treat a teen without parental consent? Much like sex ed for teens, these topics are thorny...

MacClaren Hall: Child Protection or Asylum? (tags)

MacClaren Hall is a "protective custody institution" for children in Los Angeles county. I was held there at age 8, and it was like an asylum. Run like a jail, kids are punished for their parents' crimes, and leave with more trauma than they came in with...

PROTEST Schwarzenegger's Elimination of Minority Science Program (tags)


Parenting Versus Protesting? (tags)

Is it irresponsible to take kids to political protests? Are some protests safe and others not? How do you tell the difference? I interviewed 12 activists, 10 of whom are parents, 7 of whom are street medics on this topic.

Stopping Militarism in our Schools Take Action Workshops (tags)

Stopping Militarism in our Schools Conference February 7

How to Narrow the Great Race Divide (tags)

Yes, there has been progress, but the racial divide has not closed. It's time for America to admit that -- and do something.

jay vestal choked to death by police (tags)

in aug jay anthony vestal was choked to death by the police, sheriff has asked for an fbi investgation and his parents are suing,bolth working folks whom im sure loved their son very much.......


Children's environmental health

The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New World Order (tags)

The essence of the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it is management by social engineers, rather than government based on a written constitution.  How you are affected by this management system depends on what the social engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you.

Racist Rhetoric of the Right Wing (tags)

''[Black] parents scream and yell about the racial achievement gap, and how the schools aren't fair, and society is racist and blah, blah-blah, blah-blahhh, because they don't want to get off the sofa, and put some effort into it themselves'' - Jerry Agar, Conservative talk radio host

Bush's "Marriage Protection Week " = Attack on Gay Rights (tags)

Bush has declared the week of october 15th as "Marriage Protection Week".


Get the word out to LAUSD famlies of junior and high school seniors. Tell them they can opt-out out from the military gaining access to their information and still recieve college information. They must opt out EACH YEAR. Deadline for doing so is October 1st, 2003.


Created most stringent pesticide policy in nation for schools. Policy has become model for school districts and communities throughout the United States.

Affirmative Action for Whites? (tags)

Do our white American brothers and sisters really want to end Affirmative Action (for them)? As this author reassesses his life in comparison to an African-American colleague, one might gleam that while reaping the benefits of racism has entered its most insidious stage whites must ask themselves "Might I actually be racist?"

The Ulterior Motive Behind School Vouchers (tags)

A network of Religious Right groups, Free-Market economists, ultra-Conservative columnists and others "are using vouchers as a vehicle to achieve an ultimate goal of privatizing" the education system.

Give Lefty Money. See Lefty Whine. (tags)

You can't even give some people money without them complaining. Take these liberals for instance. Do you suppose they're crying because they're really upset, or is this just politics talking for them? I mean it's their money, right? Perhaps they should give the checks to charity? Perhaps they could endorse over their "ill gotten gains" to me? I'd be okay with that!

Iraqi children are suffering (tags)

Doctors here agree. In interviews this week, three of Iraq's top pediatricians said that although no statistics are available, they believe the rate of child mortality — among the highest in the world during the past 12 years — has risen even higher since Saddam Hussein's regime fell and the United States took over governing the country.


------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE LEARNING Resist the standard tests David Rapaport Tuesday, May 13, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As California continues to operate in fiscal peril, we must seek to be innovators. But there seems to be no will to look at testing as a place to cut expenditures. So why not save hundreds of millions of dollars statewide and millions locally by permanently invalidating the highly disruptive state testing process?

We Speak America Screening (tags)

California Tomorrow would like to announce the LA debut of "We Speak America"

Colorado to implement School Vouchers (tags)

DENVER – Colorado will soon become the first state to initiate public-school vouchers since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling declared such programs constitutional.

Protect you own damn children! (tags)

Why am I responsible for your freakin kids?

BTL:Soldiers, Their Parents and Lawmakers Sue to Stop U.S. Attack on... (tags)

...Iraq Without Congressional Declaration of War. Interview with John Bonifaz, lead attorney in Doe v. Bush lawsuit conducted by Between the Lines 'Melinda Tuhus

Parents desperate for answers about their childrens vaccines (tags)

We are parents desperately looking for answers about our children who have been damaged by vaccines. Please any feed back and answers would be greatly appreciated. For it seems its all part of a chain reaction to try and pull the wool over the parents eyes and it all seems to be part of one big incorporated vaccine lie.



parents of dying iraqii children vent fury at bush (tags)

pity itaq isnt a superduperpower, they could just attack america and do a regime change


Nearly every day the news reports a child dying in the back seat of the parents car after having been forgotten by their loving parents. How is such a thing possible?


According to the parents of police abuser Jeremy Morse, we should blame "9/11" for police brutality because he was only trying to "protect" Inglewood.

Are you brainwashed? (tags)

Know thyself!

To: Fellow Parents of Anti-Globalization Activists: (tags)

My son was very involved in the Quebec City action. He had my love, support and respect. However, I was very anxious about his well being during the action. The independent media reports of brutal police behavior towards the protesters had me very worried about his safety. I know that other parents must have been anxious as well.

San Diego High School Principal Removed (tags)

San Diego High School Principal abruptly removed 6 weeks before graduation. Parents, students and community members outraged at another "behind the scenes" unilateral decision and complete disregard for students. Top 2 Vice Principals will also be gone by June 30th.

East L.A. parents need your help! (FRIDAY PROTEST) (tags)

Mothers of East L.A. call a protest over intimidation, discrimination and police brutality in the public schools of Los Angeles!

accuracy / bias (tags)

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