fix articles 117353, michelle bachelet
The Shortwave Report 03/14/14 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and the Voice of Russia.
Communique from the Buenos Aires Support Network for Freddy, Marcelo, and Juan (tags)
We never forget our imprisoned comrades. We don?t mystify our respect for them but neither are we indifferent to their everyday experience. Solidarity is not, as has been demonstrated on several occasions, just a beautiful word or a slogan, but a practice inseparable from our struggle. This can be expressed in many diverse ways, and there are moments when an idea takes shape with forcefulness and continuity. Given the delicate situation (in court and in prison) that faces our comrades Juan Aliste Vega, Marcelo Villarroel Sep?lveda, and Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, who are currently held captive in prisons of the Chilean state, several individuals from Buenos Aires have decided to form a new support network in order to provide updates and disseminate information about their situation, as well as hopefully assisting in their return to the streets.
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)
a day to observe and honor
Cuba: The hurt of no longer being (tags)
* Fragment from a work by Daniel Barret about the evolution of Cuba’s political regime since November 17 2005 till today. This piece attempts to place the role of Fidel Castro these past months.
Posar para la posteridad con George W. Bush (tags)
El gobierno de Bush llegará a su fin, y el obispo Fernando Lugo, Lula Da Silva, Michelle Bachelet, el español Rodríguez Zapatero, Tabaré Vazquez y otros héroes de la “izquierda” podrán disfrutar haber posado para posteridad con George W. Bush.
El Zar de la Prensa y los Derechos Humanos (tags)
¿Podrá el obispo liberarse de sus compromisos con los zares de la SIP para hacer justicia con las víctimas del Operativo Cóndor?
Jaque con Obispo al anti-imperialismo bolivariano (tags)
Lo más probable es que Chávez ratifique su visión de que el anti-imperialismo bolivariano tiene sus días contados luego de entrevistarse con nuestro pescador de hombres al servicio de Washington, proveniente de una idílica burguesa república prolífica en fantoches a troche y moche.
Pinochet, chief of the mass murderers, dies (tags)
His death does not mark the end of Pinochetism. People are declaring themselves admirers of his work. Some more shamefully than others, they declare themselves his admirers, his followers, his heirs. They must pay for his entire legacy. The indictment for the crimes of Pinochet's dictatorship, which the human rights organizations have upheld valiantly and tirelessly for years, against his civilian and military collaborators, does not expire with the death of their leader.
AJLPP-USA Statement on the Death of Chile's Dictator Augusto Pinochet (tags)
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the death of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, whose brutal 17 year rule became a symbol of Latin American military repression with anger and regret.
Unas ochenta mil personas ovacionaron la noche del domingo a Bono Vox y a su banda, U2, en un multitudinario y luminoso recistal concretado en el estadio Nacional de Santiago, al que asistió el presidente de la Nación, Ricardo Lagos.
Dr. Michelle Bachelet Victor in Chilean Election.. (tags)
A look at Sundays Chilean Presidential election, its outcome and implication. The winner's personal history and the implications of Latin America's ongoing move to the Left.
Building Bridges Radio - Social Insecurity plus The Next Pres. of Chile? (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW