fix articles 11731, schiff Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : schiff


Schiff Happens (tags)

Report back on a monthly vigil that occurs outside the Pasadena office of Congressman Adam Schiff.

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Alhambra Health Care Town Hall (tags)

A summary of what I saw in Alhambra. Little political content, fyi.

Pasadena Protest against the Iraq War (tags)

Protesters visited Rep Schiff's office to demand an end to the US occupation in Iraq after 5 years of bloodshed.

Stop anti-youth gang bill in congress! (tags)


Operation Occupation: Rep. Adam Schiff (tags)

Code Pink Gives Schiff the Pink Slip (tags)

Vote Peace, Fire Schiff...

Lynda Llamas Moving up in Polls (tags)

Peace And Freedom Party Candidate Lynda Llamas is outpacing incumbent Adam Schiff and gaining on Libertarian Jim Keller

AUDIO: An interview with Bob McCloskey, Peace Activist & Candidate for Congress (tags)

Bob McCloskey is challenging Democratic incumbent Adam Schiff in California’s 29th district on his pro-war stance and his support for Bush’s policies in the primaries this June 6th. Voters in the 29th district who want peace and an end to the war in Iraq will have the opportunity to vote for some one who will take that message to the congress.

Paparian to Schiff: "Support Dept. of Peace Bill" (tags)

Former Pasadena Mayor and Green candidate for Congress Bill Paparian supports HR 3760 to create a Federal Dept. of Peace; incumbent Rep. Adam Schiff has not signed on to the legislation. Will he rise to the challenge and follow Paparian's lead?

Former Pasadena Mayor Runs for Congress as Green (tags)

Bill Paparian, former Mayor of Pasadena and civil rights attorney will challenge "right wing" Democrat for Congress

Irwin Schiff Railroaded Right to Slammer by Two-Bit Federal Judge Running Kanagaroo Court (tags)

The 77-year-old tax protestor being held without bond and in chains after being convicted on 14 counts, including conspiracy and income tax evasion. Trial observers say court proceedings looked like an episode of the "Three Stooges" with "Moe, Curly and Larry" prosecuting the case. 6 Nov 2005

Convicted for Alleging Israel's Involvement in 9-11! (tags)

NH Man Who Alleged that Israel and Others Orchestrated 9-11 Convicted of Trumped-Up Tax Charges!

Gov't Prosecutes Man for Alleging that Israel and the Neo-Cons Conducted 9-11! (tags)

The Justice Department is prosecuting a New Hampshire man for alleging that Israel and the Neo-Cons of the Bush Administration orchestrated the September 11th terrorist attacks as a way to drag the U.S. into wars with all of Israel's enemies!

Former Income Tax Protester Realizes He Was Wrong (tags)

A former follower and promoter of the theories of nationally-known income tax protester Irwin Schiff now realizes that those theories are incorrect and he has set up a Web site refuting them one-by-one.

Arizona Attorney Alleges Conspiracy Between IRS and Justice Department (tags)

An Arizona attorney alleges that there is a criminal conspiracy between employees of the IRS and the Justice Department to allow big-time promoters of tax schemes to remain in business so that they have more common Americans to go after.

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