fix articles 117296, old man
This is a very serious challenge to all scientists, atheists, humanists, & skeptics, based on very careful research of the evidence that I offer in support of my contention. If you are going to post a rebuttal, please research the evidence first, & be polite. You can contact all of the people mentioned in this article, & ask them why they behaved so unprofessionally.
Obama, like his "Old Man" - just can't keep his mouth shut
The particular problems of the old in the US version of unregulated capitalism
Financial Guru Julian Robertson : We have problems! (tags)
He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market. Of course, he´s a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That's how powerful this man's reputation is.
Want to STOP Amerikan Fascism? Then STOP supporting it! Tax Rebellion 2007 (tags)
Then stop supporting it. Simply stop paying federal fees, taxes, debt and other ransoms from neo-feudalism. Starting now! Highway Blog, spray paint, banner drop, tell friends, call up family, shout it out to neighbors, leave leaflets at pubs and cafes, hand write it in big letters on that wall or across the window. "STOP THE WARS, NO MORE TAX PAYING!" "STARVE THE BEAST!"
Why Do Old People Frown? (tags)
A child gains insight into the world as it is.
Eyewitness Says Aristide Did NOT Flee- He was Forced Out at Gunpoint by US Soldiers (tags)
A French reporter on the scene in Haiti found a terrified old man - a palace caretaker, he believes - cowering in a corner. The old man said US soldiers came in and forced Aristide to leave at gun point.
about the daily life as Tantalizer
Police Attack Biotech Activists; Maine Greens Sue to Prevent Resdistcting (tags)
Big Fish Being Wiped OutSenator Byrd: War Fought On False Pretenses Rescuing Private Lynch; Ignoring Rachel Corrie Greens vs Democrats 2004 Don't Let Computer Voting Destroy Democracy