fix articles 117147, chavez has
President Hugo Chavez has Died (tags)
Workers Action joins the progressive peoples of the world in experiencing a loss with the passing of Hugo Chavez, president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It will be up to the working class of Venezuela and its allies to carry forward the socialist revolution that Chavez so courageously launched and that has been serving as a beacon for revolutionaries around the globe, while surrounded by a capitalist world that is mired in war, poverty, and environmental destruction.
Bashing Chavez at The Times: How Dare He Do Good With Oil Revenues! (tags)
The nation’s leading newspaper calls Chavez a threat to the U.S. for using Venezuela’s new oil wealth to aid development and help the poor in Latin America.
Venezuela in the Spotlight: Lou Dobbs Show (tags)
May the new year be full of surprises! May we finally put the horse before the cart and mend our own pockets before falling to the destructive myths of unilateralism and offensive self-defense! Clif Ross is a Bay Area activist who was recently in Venezuela.
Venezuela in the News: Fraud and the Totalitarian Bias (tags)
The Washington Times | January 22, 2003