fix articles 11662, sept 11
( Note: In the Philippines during the 20 years reign of Marcos, September 11 is marked by ostentatious cerwemonies marking the birthday of the dictator most specially during his 14-years dictatorship from 1973-1986. But on Sept 11, 1973, when the coup de tat was launched in Chile it cast a giant shadow on the dictatorship and the primacy of armed struggle against the martial law was upheld. The AJLPP decided to print a version of this article that was first published in the September 2006 issue of Socialism and Liberation magazine. Let everyone remember and never forget the dark days of US-imposed dictatorships in Chile and the Philippines.) ********
As the war on terror heads into its sixth year, a new racial stereotype is emerging in America. Brown-skinned men with beards and women with head scarves are seen as "Muslims" -- regardless of their actual faith or nationality.
Photos of 9/11 carnage posted on court website (tags)
Photographs of the carnage of Sept. 11 and tape-recorded final phone calls from victims in the World Trade Center were posted Monday by a federal court, a total of 1,202 exhibits from the Zacarias Moussaoui trial.
There is no "war on terror." The invasion and occupation of Iraq are not part of a "war on terror." Neither are the current threats and war preparations against Iran. The "war on terror" doesn't exist—no matter how many times the Bush administration cites it to justify its aggressions, no matter how often Republicans and Democrats debate how to best carry it out, and no matter how frequently it's referenced in the U.S. bourgeois media.
Moussaoui says his story was a complete fabrication (tags)
This is no surprise to me...Its clear that the fellow was not involved in 9-11 in anyway, but his bull sh!t served the official conspiracy theory, lacking as it is in hard evidence!
Cynthia McKinney Reopens 911 Cover-Up (tags)
Help Rep. McKinney in revealing the truth about 911. This issue needs to be brought to the forefront immediately.
C-Span Explodes 9/11 Truth Blackout! Will Broadcast David Griffin's UW-Madison T (tags)
This article is from the Madison IMC.
the two sides!!!
A childish response from the White House (tags)
We pour treasure and blood into Iraq for reasons that are less supportable everyday. And when you ask the White House to explain, out comes the flag and the proclaimation, "Because I said so!"
The Chinese military planned to carry out an attack on the WTC to humble the arrogant USA. These plans and more are detailed in a recently translated manuscript.
Makes you wonder what these tapes said? (tags)
Makes you wonder what these tapes said? FAA Managers Destroyed 9/11 Tapes Recordings Contained Accounts of Communications With Hijacked Planes
Most in U.S. think Bush was lax on Terror (tags)
Bush's overall job approval rating is 51 percent, down slightly from November and just above the 50 percent level that heralds a danger zone for candidates seeking reelection.
Found notes may show Bush plan on Clarke (tags)
The Starbucks customer who found them gave them to the liberal advocacy group the Center for American Progress, which published them on its Web site Wednesday. Included in the notes was a hand-drawn map to Rumsfeld's house, which is largely blacked out on the Web site for security reasons.
9/11 Commision Director, Philip Zelikow, has Major Conflict of Interest (tags)
Members of several 9/11 victim groups are calling for the Director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, to step down siting a conflict of
Unrestricted Warfare - Soon at the world theatre
The Double-Whammy and the 50-50 Balance (tags)
Second- and third-generation Arab-Americans, many of them Christians who previously had little affinity for their ethnic roots, now find themselves under siege by the Bush administration -- and are fighting back in a united way.
9-11 Truth--Finally, Shock & Awe! (tags)
9-11 Commission Chair Kean Declares 9-11 was Preventable!!!
Post-9/11, this doesn't seem all that weird (tags)
And back in 2001, he and Slansky defended another unpopular man in another very murky case. The man was Delmart Edward Vreeland, an American locked up in the Don jail who was wanted in his own country for credit card fraud. What was unusual about Vreeland was his claim that the U.S. government had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the other U.S. spy agencies unanimously agreed that Baghdad: had not sponsored past terrorist attacks against America, was not operating in concert with al-Qaida, and was not a terrorist threat to America. "We have no specific intelligence information that Saddam's regime has directed attacks against U.S. territory," the report stated.
Al-Qaida Big Wig Confesses to 9/11 Attacks (tags)
Al-Qaida big shot Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has confessed to planning the 9/11 attacks. This is on, here...
Foreign Views of U.S. Darken Since Sept. 11 (tags)
In the two years since Sept. 11, 2001, the view of the United States as a victim of terrorism that deserved the world's sympathy and support has given way to a widespread vision of America as an imperial power that has defied world opinion through unjustified and unilateral use of military force. "A lot of people had sympathy for Americans around the time of 9/11, but that's changed," said Cathy Hearn, 31, a flight attendant from South Africa, expressing a view commonly heard in many countries. "They act like the big guy riding roughshod over everyone else."....
urvey finds that most Americans are pretty damn ignorant (tags)
Self explanatory, and its not ingorance, just plain stupidity through watching too much television.
9-11 Report Leaves Unanswered Questions (tags)
WASHINGTON - Almost 2 inches thick and 850 pages long, the congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks largely boils down to two intriguing words: What if?
"American forces are living in a shooting gallery, and it's likely to get worse as the insurgents exploit the growing hostility toward the occupying troops." Bring em' on says the Deserter Chicken Hawk.
Roadblocks Seen in Sept. 11 Inquiry (tags)
WASHINGTON -- The independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks says the Bush administration and Congress have failed to cooperate fully with requests for key documents and information and have presented other roadblocks to a thorough and timely inquiry.
[Addendum, Oct. 7, 4 p.m. ET: Osama Bin Laden essentially claimed credit for the Sept. 11 attacks in a statement recorded before Sunday's strikes on Afghanistan. "America was hit by God in one of its softest spots," he said. "If it continues with this policy [against Iraq and the PLO], the sons of Islam will not stop their struggle."]
HOMELAND INSECURITY Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11 (tags)
A 40-year-old Federal Aviation Administration rule that allowed commercial airline pilots to be armed was inexplicably rescinded two months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, leading aviation security experts to lay at least some of the blame for the tragedy at the feet of airlines, none of which took advantage of the privilege while it was in effect.
911 Victims Families Accuse White House Of Cover Up (tags)
It is increasingly clear that the Bush Junta is not interested in actually doing an honest investigation of what occurred on 911 despite the many glaring inconsistencies in the official "story".
13,000 Arabs May Be Deported!! (tags)
13,000 Arabs May Be Deported!!
Patriot Act used for more than anti-terror (tags)
Washington -- The Justice Department has used many of the anti-terrorism powers granted in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to pursue defendants for crimes unrelated to terrorism, including drug violations, credit card fraud and bank theft, according to a government accounting released Tuesday.
FBI Admits: No Evidence Links 'Hijackers' to 9-11 (tags)
Since frescaw and some of the other Trolls keep harping on the evil Muslim hijackers I thought this article worth a return visit.
White House Refuses to Release Sept. 11 Info (tags)
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration and the nation's intelligence agencies are blocking the release of sensitive information about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
White House refuses to release Sept. 11 info (tags)
Disputed information includes a well publicized warning from an FBI agent that al-Qaida supporters might be training in U.S. flight schools and the names of the president and his national security adviser as people who may have received warnings that a terrorist attack was possible before Sept. 11, one official said.
Bechtel tied to bin Ladens (tags)
Osama bin Laden family members invested $10M in an equity fund run by former Bechtel unit.
NY Governor's remarks at WTC rally April 10 inspire shock and awe.
The lies continue as the fall of Iraq is "celebrated" at WTC site
Protesters that give the left a bad name (tags)
These fools are who gives the left a bad name.
Where they have no military (tags)
In Costa Rica where they abolished the military over 1/2 century ago, Ticos(short for Costarricenses) "chill out" after Dubya's state of the Union speech.
BTL:Relatives of Sept.11 Victims Travel to Iraq as... (tags)
...President Bush Prepares for War. Interview with Terry Rockefeller, of Sept. 11 Family for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Canadians not approving of American policy (tags)
Canadians are showing significant signs that they want to move away from the direction taken by the states. This is a MacLeans magazine story, Dec 26, 2002
SHOCKING REVELATIONS: US Government, Not Terrorists, Picked 9-11 Date (tags)
From the start, the Bush Administration has insisted that anything like the 'planes-as-weapons' scenario of 9-11 was 'unthinkable' before 9-11. That's a HUGE LIE!! On Sept. 11, 2001 they had a brand new counter-terror emergency response plan in place at the Pentagon for exactly that scenario, and had a counter-terror 'wargame' set to begin on exactly that scenario that very morning in the nation's capitol.
National security, or war on workers? (tags)
OAKLAND, Calif. – Like many Filipinos living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Erlinda Valencia found a job at the airport, screening carry-on bags for passengers. She worked for Argenbright Security for 14 years, most of that time at a minimum-wage job, barely able to support her family.
us govt not hijackers 'chose' the date of 9-11 attacks (tags)
by barbara honneger
No 9-11 Conspiracy? -FBI's 8/01 Memo Names WTC as Target (tags)
Hey Chip Berelt and your fellow "non-conspiracists" - Read this mainstream media article and wake the fuck up !!
9/11 events: Our grief is not a cry for war (tags)
NEW YORK – As events marked the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, New Yorkers, in all their diversity, turned out to remember those who died, to honor those who rushed to the aid of the World Trade Center (WTC) victims and to call for peaceful solutions to terrorism.
Sept 11: The Big Lie, a book, coming in English (tags)
Sept 11, the Big Lie by Thierry Meyssan, originally in French, will be in English and in the USA by the end of this month. We need many more books like this challenging the official story which is obviously a lie.
much more foreknowledge
The CIA placed two Sept. 11 skyjackers under surveillance as early as January 2000 - arguably only to allow them to ram themselves into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.
Sept. 11 families say ‘War, not in our names’ (tags)
NEW YORK – “We do not want the war in Afghanistan or other parts of the world, wherever it might spread, to be conducted in our names or in the names of our lost loved ones,” David Potorti told the press. The Feb. 14 press conference was called to announce the founding of a new peace and justice organization, “Sept. 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.” Potorti, who lost his brother in the World Trade Center (WTC), spoke on behalf of 17 family members of those killed at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in the Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania.
Who besides Muslin fundamentalists would have a motive for the Sept. 11 attacks? How about the intelligence "community" which has been bridling under the reforms of the 1970s that prohibited assassinations and kept them under congressional oversight. A terrorist attack of unimagined proportions on the U.S. would open the spigots of cash and let them "do their thing" without accountability.