fix articles 116364, fuels Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : fuels


The wrong climate strategy of the United Nations (tags)

To stay below 1.5 °C, net global CO2 emissions must be reduced by 59 percent by 2030 and 100 percent by 2050. 80.2 percent of these emissions are due to the burning of fossil fuels. In 2019, these fuels still met 84.3 percent of humanity's energy needs.

We Can Phase Out Fossil Fuels Within a Decade, Study Says (tags)

Thinking is the best way to travel - as we transition to a post-materialist, post-fossil and post-autistic economy.

ARCO GAS Selling Crack Pipes in Watts (tags)

This was mailed to It's worth reposting, so here it is. An ARCO gas station is caught selling crack pipes near Samuel Gompers Middle School.

VIDEO and Book Review: "The Long Emergency" (tags)

Maybe BP should finance the relocation of Gulf citizens. Do corporations and rights and responsibilities or are they extra-legal tyrants? Americans are also brave, resilient, compassionate, resourceful and adaptable.

VIDEO and Book Review: "The Long Emergency" (tags)

Maybe BP should finance the relocation of Gulf citizens. Do corporations have rights and responsibilities or are they extra-legal tyrants? Americans are also brave, resilient, compassionate, resourceful and adaptable.


Fossil fuels have no place in our future. If we continue to burn them at the current rate, two things will happen as sure as night follows day.....our economy will be disrupted beyond repair, and our planet, likewise, may be damaged sufficiently to induce global catastrophe. The question arises, what right does the musician have to lambaste the innocent listener with radical environmental warnings?

Hillary Clinton: "Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade" (tags)

Rachel Maddow / Andrea Mitchell discuss Hillary Clinton's visit to Mexico.

Capitalism and Nature: Elmar Altvater (tags)

The capitalist formation of society is characterized by growth fetishism, the notion that boundless growth is socially necessary. Capitalism is historical. "If its beginning is certain, its end is also certain."

Report Back/Photos: Green Resolutions Ride (part 1) (tags)

Now that I've gone riding with a group and have learned something about integrating with autos, I feel much more confident about making longer trips on my own.

U.S. Navy steps up fuel deliveries to Gulf forces (tags)

LONDON, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. military has stepped up chartering of tankers and requests for extra fuel in the U.S. Central Command area, which includes the Gulf, shipping and oil industry sources say.

Blow Off the Arctic Ice Melting....Let's Drill for More Oil (tags)

The Arctic ice is melting at an accelerating pace, with this year already showing record retreat. There is still a month or so left of summer heating, but the record minimum ice melt has already been reached. "It is therefore almost certain that the previous 2005 record will be annihilated by the final 2007 annual minima closer to the end of this summer."(1)

The Nature of The Jevons Paradox (tags)

The Jevons Paradox is a multiple intersection of several issue threads including economics, peak oil, global warming, social movements, and the philosophy of science

Petrocollapse and Food Security at the South Central Farm (tags)

Jan Lundberg, oil industry analyst, founder of Auto-Free Times and came to Los Angeles last weekend to speak on the issues surrounding peak oil. I attended the Sunday afternoon talk on “Petrocollapse and Food Security”, an appropriate title for the location, the South Central Farm.

Oil, CO2, Environment, Climate, War (tags)

author: Caroline Arnold We need a new revolution - not an armed, adversarial revolution, but a peaceable revolution in what we buy, how we use energy, how we distribute and assess information, and in how we allow ourselves to be governed.

The End of Suburbia: Film Review (tags)

The documentary predicts that, as less oil is pumped fromthe ground and prices surge upward, property values of suburban homes will plummet.. The documentary postulates that the answer to the coming oil shortage resides in new urbanism.

End of Suburbia Screening (tags)

End of Suburbia Screening at Path to Freedom - an Urban Homestead

END of SUBURBIA Producer Coming to Los Angeles June 21-23 (tags)

"Peak Oil is the story of the decade, and virtually no one was talking about it...I instantly recognized an opportunity to present some very complicated ideas in a very visual way that most of us could relate to" - Barry Silverthorn

Weaning Off Fossil Fuels (tags)

American rooftops can be the Persian Gulf of solar energy. After Australia, no developed nation on Earth gets more annual sunlight than the United States. In addition, wind is now the fastest-growing energy source worldwide and one of the cheapest. But wind and solar power generate less than 2% of U.S. power. We can do better. We can increase auto fuel economy standards to 40 miles per gallon. The technology to achieve that goal exists now.

Feinstein-Wyden Bill To Sell-Out National Forests (tags)

The final Feinstein-Wyden bill authorizing a massive timber giveaway under the guise of "fuel reduction" in our national forests is in. While lying to her constituents that the proposed bill would only target non-native species for fuel reduction, her final draft allows for millions of acres of timber to be logged. Furthermore, it exempts such projects from environmental review and other requirements specified in the National Environmental Policy Act. By terrorizing the public with overblown fears of wildfire, our county's last public forests are again at risk.

Is that you, Al Gore? (tags)

Who's under that disguise? Nobody Knows.

Who's under that disguise? Nobody knows. (tags)

Is that you, Al Gore?

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