fix articles 116322, while hezbollah
Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war' (tags)
Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war'
Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria: (tags)
Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria:
The US, Israel and Lebanon: Historical Roots and Patterns of Conflict (tags)
The destructive and lethal forces unleashed this past summer by the United States and Israel upon Lebanon are not surprising in light of their historical roots in at least four patterns of conflict:
"At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany was Europe's leading power but we made wrong decisions and experienced a total disaster.." (Joschka Fischer at the Teheran Center, August 2006)
Down the Memory Hole-More Mainstream media por-israel Bias (tags)
In the wake of the most serious outbreak of Israeli/Arab violence in years, three leading U.S. papers—the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times—have each strongly editorialized that Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon were solely responsible for sparking violence, and that the Israeli military response was predictable and unavoidable. These editorials ignored recent events that indicate a much more complicated situation.