fix articles 115906, mayor cucapa
Video: Resist to Exist: The Struggle of the Cucapá - (tags)
This short documentary tells the story the Cucapá, an Indigenous people of Mexicali, who have been denied fishing permits, even though they ... all » ... all » have been fishing in their valley for over 9,000 years; indeed, even before this area was considered Mexico.
Campamento Cucapá-Campamento Zapatista (tags)
International Invitation to Peace Encampments on Zapatista and Cucapá Territory To Be Installed February 26 in El Mayor, Baja California; March 13 in Huitepec, Near San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas
The Mexican government has a long history of mistreating and ommiting the voices of its internal indigenous population. One nearby example is the genocide of the Cucapá of Mexicali, who have been denied fishing permits, eventhough they have been fishing in this valley for over 9,000 years; indeed before the area was even called Mexico. For more information: Héctor at (951)288-8319 or at *
Campamento Zapatista-EVENTO (tags)
El gobierno Mexicano tiene una larga historia de maltratar e ignorar las voces de sus pueblos indigenas. ¿Quién puede olvidar las masacres, los desplazos y la marginación extrema? En pocas palabras, el genocidio de nuestrros pueblos Indigenas!