fix articles 1159, prop
Debunking Some Anti-Prop 10 Propaganda (tags)
The opposition is out there spreading half truths. I have nothing to do with the Yes on Prop 10 campaign, but feel compelled to address these simple fabrications that the opposition has made.
LA Election Results Commentary (tags)
nobody says nothing
2012 Presidential Election & Cal Props Results (tags)
All elections confirm the class struggle that has preceded them and the 2012 presidential general election confirms the fact that there has not been much class struggle in this country. There has been some effort to bring this backward country into the fold of civilization with the placing of a repeal of the California death penalty, Prop 34, on the ballot by the voters, but as of 5 a.m., 11/7/12, it has 47% of the vote. The presidential election, with the re-election of the latest fascist war criminal in the White House with a bare 50.3% of the vote is no mandate and this termed out president is now a lame duck president. The 2016 presidential election begins today.
If you don't like Dianne Feinstein, "write-in" Marsha Feinland here: (tags)
You may have noticed that there wasn't an "official" write-in space on your ballot for U.S. Senate, so that you could vote for someone else besides Dianne Feinstein or the Republican candidate.
Los Angeles Press Conference for "No On Proposition 35" (tags)
Sexual service providers abhor and resist trafficking of all kinds, and support appropriate legislation that would effectively help eliminate it – laws that do not inappropriately mis-characterizing other activities as trafficking. Simple human decency demands this; moreover, it is in sex workers’ self-interest to eliminate sex trafficking, since they are trafficking’s likeliest victims. The sexual services extended community has long provided support to trafficking victims and will continue to do so. Sadly, Proposition 35, as written, would increase the risks to trafficked people and wrongly expand the definition of trafficking to include many entirely consensual adult sexual activities. If Proposition 35 passes, anyone receiving financial support from normal, consensual prostitution among adults could be prosecuted as a human trafficker; this includes a sex worker’s children, parents, spouse, domestic partner, roommate, landlord, or others. And if convicted they would be forced to register as a sex offender for life!
Letter to Silver Lake NC Opposing Colocation of Micheltorena (tags)
Open Letter to Silver Lake NC Regarding motion opposing Prop 39 Colocation of Micheltorena Street ES
Prop 8 Struck Down by Federal Court (tags)
Yesterday (February 7, 2012) California proposition 8 voted on in the 2008 November 4th election stating that “Only marriage between a man and a woman will be recognized,” was overturned by the federal court. A victory for human rights, regardless if one is gay, straight, bisexual, anything in between or beyond. This battle between supporters and those opposed has been going on for over three years. Yet the fight for equality has been going on far longer than that.
Three-Judge Appeals Court Panel Hears Prop. 8 Challenge (tags)
A quick overview of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, based exclusively on what I saw and heard during the C-SPAN telecast of the hearing and written without reference to any legal “experts” or political pundits.
The Socialist Party Los Angeles County Local Endorses Prop. 19 Socialist Leaders Urge Cali (tags)
As the Socialist Party USA opposes America's phony "War on Drugs", the potential passage of California's Prop 19 provides an excellent opportunity for a closer legislative alignment with the Socialist Party's platform. The Party explicitly calls for the decriminalization of drug use and the redirection of funds spent on the so-called "War on Drugs" to comprehensive community-based rehabilitation programs.
Students Across California Mobilize to Control Marijuana Like Alcohol (tags)
Students to Rally with Yes We Cannabis Fire Truck to Sound Alarm For Prop 19
Special 4:20 Cafe on La Onda Bajita: Vote Yes on Prop 19! (tags)
During a special edition of La Onda Bajita on KPFA, the radio crew and Omar Figueroa, a constitutional & criminal defense lawyer based in Sebastopol, CA, discuss why you should vote yes on proposition 19.
Green U.S. Senate Candidate Favors Repealing Federal Marijuana Laws (tags)
"As I officially kick off my campaign for the U.S. Senate today, one of the first declarations I make is to call for the repeal of all federal laws on the books which make it a criminal act for people to grow, sell, and use marijuana for medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes."
Democrat Boxer Opposes Prop 19; P&F Feinland Supports Prop 19 (tags)
Democrats Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, Attorney General and candidate for Governor Jerry Brown and Democrat Obama's drug czar Gil Kerlikowski oppose Proposition 19 while all Peace & Freedom Party and its candidate for US Senate Marsha Feinland and Green Party candidates support Prop 19 which ends the prohibition on marijuana, thus ending the police state and its prison-concentration camp system. Are you still registered Democrat?
June 8th is election day. It's not exciting, but, you should go and vote if only to knock out some shitty propositions.
Green Party U.S. Senate Candidate Says Prop 14 is a “Power Grab” by Big Business Interests (tags)
Prop 14 is an attempt by big business interests to consolidate their stranglehold over elections under the guise of “reform.”
Thirteen Reasons To Vote No on Prop 14/Top Two in June CA Primary (tags)
Prop 14 would be bad for democracy and government in California
Prop 8 Rules
Imperial County Enters Court Case Against Marriage Equality (tags)
The Board of Supervisors of Imperial County voted 3-2 last December to intervene in the federal court case challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8, which defines marriage in California as between one man and one woman. According to marriage equality activist Fernando Lopez, Jr., the board's attempt to intervene in support of Prop. 8 — which the court neither accepted nor denied before the case began — was significant because, by involving a government body in the case on the side of Prop. 8, it would allow the Prop. 8 supporters to appeal a ruling against them even if the state of California chose not to.
Love Honor Cherish to Repeal Prop 8 in 2010 (tags)
Love Honor Cherish is the Victory in 2010 organization set up to repeal Propsition 8 which fascists promoted in November 2008 to put discrimination into our state Constitution, this time against gays, and the longer it sits there, the more likely other discirmination provisions will be inserted in our state Constitution. We only need 700,000 votes to Repeal Prop 8 in November 2010!
Day 28 of LAUSD Protest:LAUSD Board Votes 5 to 2 for School Cuts (tags)
Hunger Strike Camp Continues While South Central Parents, Teachers and Kids Picket L.A. Headquarters. Photos Part 1 of 2
Peace and Freedom Party Pledges Prop 8 Overturn, Human Rights Fight in 2010 (tags)
"The fight for human rights is back on the ballot for 2010, and if it fails, then 2012," says Peace and Freedom Party State Chair Kevin Akin. Reacting to the California Supreme Court ruling upholding Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage, Akin reports that his party's State Central Committee is dedicated to whatever work is needed to wipe the constitutional amendment from the books.
MP3 Audio – Jorge Amaro, of Latino Equality Alliance Reacts to Court Prop 8 Ruling (tags)
MP3 Audio – Jorge Amaro, of Latino Equality Alliance Reacts to Court Prop 8 Ruling
The High Court Uphold Prop 8: ALL OUT TO THE STREETS! (tags)
t’s an outrage! Today, as expected the conservative California Supreme Court upheld the bigoted Prop. 8 in an overwhelming vote of 6-1. It dealt the LGBT community a judicial defeat but with a compromise that wishes to placate the community. It maintained that the 18,000 marriages remained untouched.
BREAKING: Court Ruling on Prop 8 this Tuesday (tags)
The California Supreme Court's web site announced that it will file it Opinion in the Prop. 8 cases [Gay Marriage] on Tuesday May 26 at 10 am.
Online Petition to Revoke LDS Not for Profit Status (tags)
Research shows that LDS funding of Prop 8 is in violation of their 501(c)(3) Not-for Profit status, and the goal is to pressure the IRS to revoke their 501 status as a result of their illegal actions in promoting Prop 8 bigotry..
Rave or Riot, Are you ready for Prop 8 D-Day? (tags)
The court decision on Prop 8 is expected sometime before the end of this month. Whatever the decision we will be in the streets.
Coming Together in the African American Community for Marriage Rights for All! (tags)
On Nov. 23, several hundred activists gathered at Leimark Park in the Crenshaw to demand equality of Marriage Rights for all people regardless of sexual orientation, race and/or religion. The fight against Prop 8 continues! 2 short videos & pics included.
11-15-08 downtown Prop 8 demo (5) (tags)
set #5 of images from 11-15-08 anti Prop 8 demo
11-15-08 downtown Prop 8 demo (3) (tags)
3rd set of images
Prop. 8 and the Triumph of Theocracy (tags)
The passage of Proposition 8 proves that many American voters are committed to a basically theocratic view of government in which THEIR moral values and commitments should rule over others. It also means the Queer community needs to do some soul-searching over why people of color and others we considered natural allies voted for 8 in greater percentages than whites did, and whether "marriage" as a term carries too much religious baggage ever to win majority support for its legal extension to same-sex couples.
11-15-08 downtown Prop 8 demo (1) (tags)
1st set of pictures from the Prop 8 demo
AJLPP Support the Protest , Nov. 15 in LA (tags)
ight for equality and against discrimination should come out this Saturday in Los Angeles to protest the passage of California' Proposition 8. This Saturday, November 15 10:30 AM, BE THERE and Gather at Los Angeles City Hall, down town Los Angeles 90029 The AJLPP-USA is deeply angered by the well-funded right-wing campaign of bigotry that is trying to push millions of LGBT people back into the closet. What the right cannot win in a fair elections are being done by deceit and manipulations through vaguely worded propositions like PROP 8! AJLPP expresses militant solidarity with those who came out in a massive mass action last night in Los Angeles and in San Francisco against Prop 8. We promise more mass action and other means to fight these wrong and unjust measures.
No On Prop 8 Rally in Silverlake - Photos Attached (tags)
I attended the rally on Saturday Nov, 8th to protest and try and overturn the ban against same sex marriage.
20,000 People March in L.A. To Demand Overturn Prop. 8! (tags)
Over 20,000 people came from all over Southern California to unite with a single voice to demand civil rights and marriage equality. It was one of the largest--possibly the single largest--pro-LGBT rally in Los Angeles' history. The rally was initiated and led by the ANSWER Coalition and the L.A. Coalition for Equal Marriage Rights.
protest prop 8 East LA sunday nov 9, 2008 (tags)
Protest prop 8 East LA sunday nov 9, 2008
11-08 Prop 8 Protest in Silverlake (#6) (tags)
11-08 Prop 8 protest in Silverlake.
11-08 Prop 8 Protest in Silverlake (35) (tags)
some video and the last of the pictures from the 11/08 demo in Silverlake
11-08 Prop 8 Protest in Silverlake (#4) (tags)
11-08 Prop 8 protest in Silverlake.
11-08 Prop 8 Protest in Silverlake (#3) (tags)
11-08 Prop 8 protest in Silverlake.
11-08 Prop 8 Protest in Silverlake (#2) (tags)
11-08 Prop 8 protest in Silverlake.
11-08 Prop 8 Protest in Silverlake (tags)
11-08 Prop 8 protest in Silverlake. They say 10,000 people were there. This is the first 20 of almost 200 shots.
Prop 8 Demo in Westwood (2nd set of pics) (tags)
2nd set of pictures
Prop 8 Demo in Westwood (tags)
The demonstration against Prop 8 outside the Mormon church in Westwood is going on even as I post this.
AJLPP support the the Emergency Protest & Rally No More Hate! Overturn Prop. 8! (tags)
The AJLPP is deeply angered by the well-funded right-wing campaign of bigotry that is trying to push millions of LGBT people back into the closet. What the right cannot win in a fair elections are being done by deceit and manipulations through vaguely worded propositions like PROP 8! AJLPP expresses militant solidarity with those who came out in a massive mass action last night in Los Angeles and in San Francisco against Prop 8. We promise more mass action and other means to fight these wrong and unjust measures.
Defeat Right-Wing Ballot Measures (tags)
No on California Propositions 4, 6, 8, and 9! In tomorrow's Nov. 4 election, a number State and Local ballot propositions will be voted on by the public. Many of the propositions have been sponsored by right-wing interests in order to push a racist, bigoted agenda that aims to do away with hard-won rights.
Campaign finance reports show opposition money comes from factory farmers with history of animal cruelty abuses and consumer fraud
Recap of struggle to defeat Prop. 98 (tags)
An indepth look at the recent struggle to defeat Prop. 98 reveals that tenants across the state and nation need to unite to broaden and strengthen existing tenant protections in California, and across the country!
4 Fascist Initiatives on Cal Nov Ballot; Need to Ban June Elections (tags)
With 21 weeks to go to the November presidential election, we now have 4 fascist initiatives on the November ballot which could pass as the Republicans will vote, unlike this June election, when enough Republicans stayed home and enough tenants voted to prevent the repeal of rent control that was Prop 98.
he people of California has spoken, They resoundingly rejected a state ballot measure that would have phased out rent control and barred government agencies from taking homes, businesses and farms for private development. The Echo Park Community Coaliton (EPCC) and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV) is exceedingly happy about the result of the voting.". Arturo P. Garcia. EPCC and JFAV coordinator said.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) calls on all voters in Los Angeles to vote NO on Prop.98. JFAV cites the People's CORE LEAP survey of in the central LA for people to vote NO on Prop 98 that will abolish rent control in Los Angeles.
6/3/08 ELECTION DAY: Save Rent Control; No on 98 (tags)
RUN TO YOUR POLLING PLACE OR THE COUNTRY REGISTRAR FIRST THING 6/3 ELECTION DAY AT 7 A.M. DO NOT DELAY. You can vote at your polling place or the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99 . Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment. Only 25% of absentee ballots have been returned, so we NEED YOUR VOTE.
Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) calls on all voters in Los Angeles to vote NO on Prop.98. EPCC cites the survey of LEPA in the central LA for people to vote NO on Prop 98 that will abolish rent control in Los Angeles.
3 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
LOS ANGELES COUNTY, You must pull through with a high voter turnout to save our homes. Southern California has 2/3 of the State's population and while Northern California, especially San Francisco, is working very hard to push tenants to the polls, Los Angeles County must lead.
Prop 98 is fueled by avarice and greed (tags)
The realtors and landlords have united in their Prop 98 campaign, to strip renters of tenant protections and rent control protections!
6 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
You can vote today at the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99. This low voter turnout election compels every single pro-rent control voter to actually vote, and vote No on 98/Yes on 99. Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment.
7 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
You can vote today at the County Registrar’s office to save rent control and the homes of millions of Californians by voting No on 98/Yes on 99. This low voter turnout election compels every single pro-rent control voter to actually vote, and vote No on 98/Yes on 99. Our victory will come down to a handful of votes, so you must vote to save rent control and the environment.
SF Tenants Rally Against Prop 98, Then Vote Against It (tags)
Hundreds of San Francisco tenants rallied against Prop 98 at City Hall today, then went inside to vote against it. Prop 98 is on the June 3 ballot. It would outlaw rent control statewide, and strip away other tenant protections as well.
VOTE NO on Prop 98, YES on Prop 99 (tags)
even homeowners will be distrssed if voters dont realize they have DEREGULATED our LA City Rent Control, that protects us from evictions, from arbitrary rent hikes, from owners eliminating seniors and fixed income families they 'dont like' as tenants.
Prop 98 can provoke a city-wide rent strike in San Francisco, LA, and elsewhere.. (tags)
Housing activists have absolutely no plan to effectively confront the passage of Proposition 98, which will abolish rent control statewide.
5/5-6/3 No on 98 to Save Rent Control (tags)
The June 3 ballot is a 10 alarm fire for the millions of workingclass tenants of California who are threatened with the repeal of rent control by Prop. 98 and the probable loss of our homes if this should pass as the excuses for eviction will abound. The deadline to register to vote for the June 3 election is May 19, 2008. RUN TO YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR ANY WEEKDAY, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to FIRST register to vote AND THEN IMMEDIATELY VOTE on an absentee (vote by mail) ballot as in California we can vote 30 days before June 3 on an absentee ballot
Tell every TENANT = RENTER in LA and much of CA are all IN DANGER of losing our City Rent Controls in California's June 3 - Voting is coming soon.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: South LA School Resisting Charter Invasion (tags)
Wadsworth UTLA, The Association of Raza Educators, and Parents of Wadsworth will DEMAND that the Los Angeles Unified School District to remove Wadsworth from the Prop. 39 Schools with Available Classrooms List. Prop. 39 requires the LAUSD provide public classroom space, if there is open rooms, for charter schools. However, THERE IS NO ROOM on the Wadsworth campus which operates on 4-tracks due to OVERCROWDING.
Save Rent Control & Tenant Protections Update: Get Involved! (tags)
Contributions by supporters trying to save rent control, tenant protections, and so-called affordable housing are lagging! Supporters need to get involved now!
Tenants Together Files Lawsuit to Ensure Prop 98 Ballot Title & Summary Reflect Attack on (tags)
"The overwhelming majority of funding behind Prop. 98 comes from landlords. The only reason they're funding this measure is to abolish rent control and other renter protections," said Dean Preston, Executive Director of Tenants Together. "Even the proponents' own ballot arguments list rent control as a principle provision of the initiative. We're simply asking that the title reflect the primary provisions so voters can make an informed decision."
June Cal Ballot: No on 98; Yes on 99 to Save Rent Control (tags)
The fight to save the homes of millions of the workingclass in California will be on the June ballot, namely opposing Prop 98 and supporting Prop 99 to save rent control. Since the June primary will be a low voter turnout election, we need every supporter of rent control to vote in the June primary, No on 98 and Yes on 99. This is literally a matter of life and death for renters as we will be homeless if we do not have rent control.
no medical pot for SoCa. Desert (tags)
medical marijuana dispensaries are outlawed
Arizona the most racist state in the Union! (tags)
Move aside Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi! Arizona is kicking ass and we are now the most racist state in the Union. The voters have spoken in racist Arizona! Mexicans, Latinos and anyone with brown skin isn’t wanted in racist Arizona.
Bus Riders Union Endorsements (tags)
reposting from an email (johnk)
Measure H is Not a Magic Bullet (tags)
If I could wave my magic wand, Proposition H—the billion-dollar “affordable” housing bond measure--would disappear from the November 7th stage, and the Prop H supporters would be revealed as illusionists.
This Thursday: Protest Schwarzenegger in Bel Air (tags)
Come Join Rally for Prop 89 and Protest Corrupt Politicsop. 89: Stop Political Corruption
Yes on 81& 82, Sarah Knop for School Superintendent (tags)
June 6 is election day and your vote is definitely needed for Yes on 81 and 82 and for Sarah Knopp for School Superintendent. All 3 races effectively involve education, crucial to the future of any society.
11/8 Labor Election Victory (tags)
Nazi Schwarzenegger got the defeat his $70 million special election deserved, and his defeat was led by labor, as it must be. The anger was so great at this unnecessary, viciously anti-labor special election that the voters defeated all of the state propositions with a Bingo NO!
Bush to Visit LA Area Thursday & Friday (tags)
Bush is scheduled to attend a fundraiser in Los Angeles for the Republican National Committee on Thursday and help cut the ribbon Friday at the opening of the new Air Force One exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.
Why Third Parties Should Join Independent Voters in Voting “Yes” on Prop 62 - Open Primary (tags)
California Prop 62 has provoked a mighty controversy in the Democratic and Republican Parties – where reformers supporting Prop 62 have clashed with party bosses who want to maintain the old order. And, it has also provoked a controversy within the independent movement, where reform independents are backing Prop 62 while the third party establishment is aggressively opposing it. . .
California Election Web Forum (tags)
A sleepy forum to advocate or defend your favorite (or most hated) propositions.
CA Green Party Facing Potential Disaster on November 2nd - Urgent Help Needed (tags)
Given our limited resources, probably the smartest action we can take to defeat Prop. 62 will be to mount a huge letters-to-the-editor campaign. If we can get four to seven 'No on 62' letters published in most every newspaper in the state, then we just might be able to defeat 62.
Corporate America and far-right buy ‘grassroots’ campaigns (tags)
A mockery of democracy: Corporate America and far-right buy ‘grassroots’ campaigns Back in July, Judge Charles McCoy dismissed a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles by Taxpayers Against the Governor’s Recall charging widespread fraud in the collection of 1.6 million signatures which forced the special Oct. 7 election on the recall of California Gov. Gray Davis.
The Republican Recall Hits California (tags)
The "Terminator" Becomes Bush's Weapon of Mass Destruction: Anatomy of a Heist An Overview of California's Gubernatorial Recall Election, Candidates, and Ballot Propositions from a Progressive Viewpoint
Harvey Rosenfeld v. Gov Davis on Davis' Anti-Consumer Law (tags)
Harvey Rosenfeld, the author of the pro-consumer Prop 103 re auto insurance, may run for governor on the Recall Gray Davis ballot, because Davis just signed a pro-insurance auto bill that effectively violates Prop. 103.
This is a template you can use to create your own voter recommendation propaganda.
REGISTER TO VOTE! Last Day: Tuesday FEB 19. Support PROP 40! (tags)
Of course, the U.S. electoral system is corrupted. Yet, occassionally there's something on the ballot worth supporting that actually has a chance to win. California's Proposition 40, on the March 5th ballot, is one such instance. So, if you're not registered to vote, get to it!; and Vote Yes on Prop 40.
Racists plan dempnstration against immigrants, counter demo needs to be planned (tags)
Racists are planning a demo in Anaheim
Vote No On Prop. 37, The Polluter Protection Act (tags)
Information from the No on 37 Campaign about another example of corporate protectionism & environmental destruction. Prop. 37 (aka "the Polluter Protection Act") is designed to let industry off the hook for the cost borne by society of the pollution and sickness they cause.