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The Corona Pharisees (tags)

He who is without sin should cast the first stone. The author says the church lost a great chance at regaining credibility if it would have questioned or relativized the vaccine syringe faith. No one can serve two masters, mammon and God. Everyone should be vaccinated and then the lockdown ended, Jens Berger said.

Calif. Police Accused of 'Collusion' With Neo-Nazis After Release of Court Documents (tags)

Documents "This is a textbook case of a political witch-hunt and selective prosecution," said one attorney whose client was injured during a white supremacist rally that turned violent

Time To End Ohio's Racist Executions (tags)

Ohio is the only Northern state which has scheduled an executon for 2016

Hotline Now Open For Foreclosure Complaints (tags)

The Wall Street Journal Bank regulators and the mortgage industry have launched a complaint process to reach out to more than 4 million homeowners to find and compensate any who were harmed by deficiencies in banks’ foreclosure operations.

VIDEO: Cheney's push of deregulators led to BP disaster (tags)

Lawrence Wilkerson speaks with candor about the "Cheney culture" and the Republican mantra idealizing the free market.

Angelides Heads Crime Panel That Protects Criminals (tags)

It's another case of the fox protecting the chicken coop, as Phil Angelides is put in charge of investigating major financial crime, while he was part of SEIU stealing million of dollars for many years.


The AJLPP NEWS sources learned today that The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Suara Bangsamoro,scoffed at the claim of Datu Unsay Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr. that MILF rebels were behind the Nov. 23 mass murder in Maguindanao. MILF vice chair for political affairs Ghadzali Jaafar said Ampatuan’s claim was “absurd” and that “even a small kid would not believe it.” MILF spokesperson Eid Kabalu said it was “a mediocre attempt to divert the issue.” “Who would believe that?” Kabalu said.

These are the Coup Leaders, They Will be Judged! (tags)

Their pictures at:

These are the coup leaders (tags)

"1. All of these people used their positions to plot, cause, or finance the breakdown of constitutional order with the kidnapping and extradition of President Zelaya, which culminated in the coup.??2. They are directly responsible for the deaths, injuries, imprisonment, and the unease imposed upon Honduran society; they have destroyed democracy and ruined Honduras' image nationally and internationally.??3. The coup leaders reactivated the anti-terrorist and anti-communist organization called the Alliance for Honduras' Progress (APROH), which operated in the 1980s. Their greed and lack of culture prevented them from understanding that the people are free to choose the political and ideological system that will offer them security and well-being."

Cowardly Service (tags)

When I was a student at the University of Connecticut I experienced an assortment of racist and bigoted behavior. The behavior was directed at myself primarily and had to do with post – 9/11 bigotry. Much of it centered on feelings of patriotism vs. non-patriotism. Some of the inspiration for this mood can even be attributed to the paranoid sentiments of false patriotism spread by the now outgoing administration.

LAPD attack thousands of peaceful protestors at Immigrant Rights Rally! (tags)

Immigrant Rights rally at McCarthur Park near downtown LA turns ugly as an LAPD SWAT team attack peaceful protestors gathered for an immigrant rights rally.

Chris Rock, Patti Smith Relishes the N-word (tags)

Chris Rock has demonstrated repeatedly that in his role as a Steppin Fetchit that he has no racial pride and totally disrespects his forefathers as a result his name has been placed on a Benedict Arnold Hall of Shame list.

British Invasion 2K6: 1 Year Later (tags)

The one-year anniversary of the British Invasion 2K6 riots in San Bernardino.

Dispatch from Ground Zero (overview-link to series of posts) (tags)

Week of 09/11/06 - 5th anniversary portests

Riots erupt during the European Social Forum march in Athens (tags)

Anarchist rioters used dozens of Molotov cocktails as well as crowbars and flag poles to attack banks, stores, police cars, and police and government buildings.

Class Action for Chicago Anti-war lawsuit (tags)

After more than 10,000 anti-war protestors marched on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago on March 20, 2003, police detained and arrested hundreds of people. A lawsuit brought on behalf of over 800 demonstrators and passersby has recently been granted class action status.

Repealing Posse Comitatus Would Mean Iraq in the US. Do We Really Want This? (tags)

After watching what the Commander in Chief does with the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, do we really want to have the army going in every time there is some kind of natural disaster in America.

Garden Grove: What Happened When Netkin Attacked (tags)

The brief, real story of what went down when Minutemen supporter Hal Netkin drove his van into a line of demonstrators in Garde Grove on Wednesday.

OC Cops Try to Label FMLN as Gang (tags)

A four year old article discussing the Mara Salvatrucha makes a link between them and the FMLN, but totally ignores history.

Kerry the War Hero is a Loser; Kerry the War Resister Would be a Winner (tags)

As long as Kerry has to defend his war record, he will be battered by Bush and right-wing Viet Vets. Only if he embraces his years as a war resister and joins the majority of Americans in opposing the current war can he hope to recover and win in November.

ROBERT FISK: An illegal and immoral war, betrayed by images that reveal our racism (tags)

First, our enemies created the suicide bomber. Now, we have our own digital suicide bomber, the camera. Just look at the way US army reservist Lynndie England holds the leash of the naked, bearded Iraqi. Take a close look at the leather strap, the pain on the prisoner's face. No sadistic movie could outdo the damage of this image. In September 2001, the planes smashed into the buildings; today, Lynndie smashes to pieces our entire morality with just one tug on the leash.

Class Action Lawsuit: D2KLA-Rage Against The Machine Concert, August 2000 (tags)

Seeking plaintiffs who fit the description of the class described at Class-action lawsuit against the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) for force used during the Democratic National Convention, on August 14, 2000, after the Rage Against the Machine concert. Sign up before the end of June!

Bush Nazi Salvation II (tags)

Save your dummkopfs?

February Homeless Sweeps (tags)

february 20th. downtown.

Looking for DNC/D2K Plaintiffs (tags)

NLG has a law-suit

Anthrax in Cocaine? (tags)

Are Anthrax spores being mixed into drugs?

Statement from the Afghan Women's Mission (tags)

The Afghan Women's Mission statement includes important background information about the terrible conditions in Afghanistan.

G8 BLaCK FLOP (tags)

apart from their subjective thinking black bloc practice is objectively damaging for the movement

mayday compiled (tags)

May Day March in Long Beach, CA turn ugly by police brutality! latest count was over 60 arrested. Bail bound had been set for $500 for most protesters, but some had charged for attacking police and set their bail for $25,000!

Long Beach action (tags)

what i saw in long beach

ACLU Bites Into Philly Police Mess (tags)

PHILADELPHIA, PA -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania is extremely critical of how Police Commissioner John Timoney and District Attorney Lynne Abraham are overreacting to the disruptions and vandalism that occurred in Philadelphia on August 1, 2000.

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