fix articles 115655, greatest Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : greatest



The sky, the moon and the stars are the witnesses of our greatest bigger love The sky, the moon and the stars they came to sing us better song

We face the alternative: system change or collapse (tags)

Corona: When will we ever understand? (tags)

The Corona measures of those currently in power are intended to prevent great calamity. They are used to justify the most severe restrictions on constitutional rights, the likes of which have not been seen since the end of World War II.

Trump's "Greatest Tax Reform of History" - A Windfall for Millionaires and Corporations (tags)

Under the Trumpian tax reform, the corporate tax rate could fall from 35 to 15%. The drastic reduction of the corporate tax will lead to lower tax revenues of $2 trillion in 10 years. "This is not fiscal policy but a robbery led by Trump."

America: The World's Greatest Threat (tags)


Book Review: "The Greatest Predatory Attack of History" (tags)

The 1933 Glass-Steagal law created a firewall between commercial and investment banks and prevented speculators from gambling with the money of savers. Restoring Glass-Steagal would restore trust and public spirit. Profit-making is not profit-maximizing; speculating is not investing.

Paraphysique de la cybernétique (tags)

L'autorité de la célébrité est la célébrité de l'autorité...

Osama bin Laden as U.S. Anti-Christ: (tags)

The greatest terrorist known to the Christian world is the Anti-Christ—he represents all the fear mongering any religion could possibly create. Ever since the axis of newsmedia, government and American naivete succumbed to the improbable story of highjackers commandeering huge airliners, which they were not trained to fly, with mere box cutters no doubt, Osama bin Laden has become the greatest threat to the United States of Feeblemindedness. So great is his cunning prowess that he threatens the gigantism of the American pentagon and White House cabinetry, as tax-holic corruption galore, from bat caves thousands of miles away. Only a devil could be so wily. Apparently one of his evil attitudes is that he doesn’t support drug cartels or their profit motive.

The Truth about Painkillers (tags)

Once prescribed, painkillers open the door to a tenacious addiction and a life dependency.

All from our greatest little democratic ally (tags)

In the Middle East.

Overstrained Capitalism (tags)

Neoliberalism has driven the world into the greatest disaster since Hitler and Stalin. With Ronald Reagan, a president entered the White House who constantly proclaimed the state in the end was something bad.

Global Casino Capitalism (tags)

What began with cheap money for American homebuyers has expanded to the greatest financial market crisis since the war. The whole extent of bad credits with banks is not yet known, let alone the effects on the world economy.

Bush at the UN: a war criminal lectures the world on “human rights” (tags)

George W. Bush delivered his next to the last annual address to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. Taking the same podium that he used five years ago to condemn the world body to “irrelevance” if it failed to rubber stamp his plans for a war of aggression against Iraq, Bush cast his regime in Washington as the world’s greatest champion of human rights and its most generous and selfless benefactor.

The Christ Conspiracy by Achaya S E-Book! (tags)

The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold (1999) by Acharya S. PDF ebook Please support the author intro video:

“From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” (tags)

UPdated RePort: ....! increasing art-threat level to... *Educationally EnChanTinG*....... ........greetings,.... a lengthy labor of love, sharing a salient, timely,..'associative' Composition on the story of NOW...___________- **** “From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” ****..........It appears some Senate Republicans are suspiciously reluctant to investigate this 21st century war. They would relinquish any oversight role, -reviewing the commitment of money, resources and lives, to a foreign entanglement of highly dubious merit, justness, legality and beyond the determination of 'correctness', Illegality- because we are talking about right and wrong , Good OR Bad HERE....Morality.......... .........I believe seperation of powers, checks & balances assign this OverSight function to the Senate, so they become duty-bound by their oath of office to proceed, to simply respect, carry out and honor the law. ...........Besides are they not 'elected' public servants?... and right now almost 2/3rds of America believe the country was misled, deceived, manipulated and spooked with a calculated slick PR campaign to embroil the US into death and destruction, a fiasco and a wrong, the public wants no part of. ...........We say this government is not serving or respecting the People's wishes, and CALLS to demand and an about-face correction should begin to be set in motion !...forthrightly............ ........*arguments, actions, 'positions' a result and concern for narrow self or factional interests? OR a responsibilty to act out of a need to be concerned for the broad National Interest, what is just? and best for the 'whole' ?.............. .........When will we proceed with the creation of the Better World?......... ____________________________ ..things fall apart..the center cannot hold...mere anarchy is.. l o o s e d upON The Word,...The WORLD. The Blood-Dimmed Tide is L O O S E D! ...and Everywhere...the CEREMONY OF DR O w n e d.

Populist #2 (tags)

The Necessity of Constitutional Democracy to our Security

America in Decline (tags)

The greatest problem I have with America is not Bush in himself. Rather it is that people no longer seem to care what their political leader tells them or how many lies are spread.. Bush completely ignores Europe and Nato..

America: Safer, Better, Stronger! (tags)

America is the A number one greatest fucking country on the face of the earth!

Measuring men against the Greatest Generation (tags)

I want greatness with a touch of humility and self-doubt, unlike the "you will do what I tell you or I will bomb or torture you" crowd. Such control of others is not greatness to me.

Organized Crime, The CIA and the Savings and Loan Scandal (tags)

The criminals in charge often use the expression ' tax and spend'. Maybe we should use the term 'tax and steal' or maybe just steal.

Led Zeppelin: the greatest TV commercial ever made (tags)

use of Led Zep song in Cadillac SUV TV advertisement triggers yet another rant from NOT BORED!

No Bomb? Your Screwed. Gotta Bomb? We're Cool. (tags)

Well, it is my opinion that someone just made the biggest horse's ass out of this Bush administration

¡VIVA SIQUEIROS! A new life for Revolutionary Art (tags)

The last surviving mural in the U.S. by the Mexican Revolutionary Artist, David Alfaro Siqueiros, is now on display in Santa Barbara California.

Congressman Filner at San Diego FTAA forum (tags)

Comment by one attendee on remarks and personal interaction with Congressman Bob Filner at San Diego FTAA forum/teachin

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