fix articles 11562, settlements
Former Israeli Prime Minister's Critique of Settlements (tags)
Labeling Israeli Settlement Products Not Good Enough (tags)
Israeli State Terror Without Mercy (tags)
Hillary Clinton Supports Illegal Israeli Settlements (tags)
ACT: Ask Oprah Winfrey to Renounce Leviev’s Angolan Blood Diamonds and Israeli Settlements (tags)
US megastar and social justice philanthropist Oprah Winfrey wore diamond earrings made by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev on the cover of the May 2015 edition of O, the Oprah Magazine. She wore the earrings despite the fact that Leviev’s companies have been involved in brutal human rights abuses in the diamond industry in Angola and in the construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Please join the call for Ms. Winfrey to support the human rights of Angolans and Palestinians.
Netanyahu's Sham Settlement Bloc Boundaries Proposal (tags)
Israeli Settlements Prevent Peace (tags)
Israel Plans Annexing West Bank Territory (tags)
Israel's Latest Land Grab (tags)
Unprecedented Settlement Construction Exposes Sham Peace Talks (tags)
Good News and Bad from Palestine (tags)
Israeli Settlements are War Crimes (tags)
Israel Avoids Human Rights Scrutiny (tags)
The Illusion of Israeli/Palestinian Peaceful Conflict Resolution (tags)
Thaw in Israeli Immunity? (tags)
Understanding Israeli Settlements (tags)
Another day, another new initiative to boycott Israel:
UN Mission Condemns Israeli Settlements (tags)
Washington Post Supports Israeli Settlements (tags)
Israel Gives Chutzpah New Meaning (tags)
Israel's Operation Pillar of Cloud (tags)
Israeli Threat to Annul Oslo (tags)
European parliament approves EU-Israel trade agreement/Letter of protest to mrs Ashton, EU (tags)
With the approval of the European Parliament of the ACCA trade agreement with Israel, the EU sets further steps in supporting Israel, despite its occupation, illegal settlements policy and warcrimes This and the EU international role of political, economical and military domination and exploitation of the Thirld World, the inhuman asylumpolicy, the wars in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Trojka starvation of the Greeks, makes the Nobelprize for Peace to the EU a mockery of Justice
Israel Using Oslo Accords to Steal West Bank Land (tags)
Israel's Lawless Settlement Project (tags)
Israel Plans Theft of 10% More West Bank Land (tags)
Israeli Settlements: An Obstacle to Peace (tags)
Calls to Annex West Bank Settlements (tags)
Resuming Peace Process Hypocrisy to Subvert Palestinian Statehood (tags)
Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks (tags)
Oslo attacks
Israeli/Washington Peace Process Rejectionism (tags)
Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on (tags)
The Israeli killings of Nakba Day and six june war protesters is not an incident, but part of the systematic violence of Israeli occupation Palestinians can only get their right by the armed struggle against the occupation army
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: London Session (tags)
working for peace and equity
Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupation (tags)
Israel banks operate like Wall Street
BTL:Israel's Expansion of West Bank Settlements, Dooms Current Peace Talks (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions
Hypocrisy Defined: Another Round of Peace Talks (tags)
they're more pretense than substantive
Israel's Bogus Construction Moratorium (tags)
settlement construction continues unabated
Stop the Wall: People v. Oppression (tags)
Part II of earlier article.
Celebrate Earth Day with the Green Party! (tags)
Join the Los Angeles Greens for vegetarian potluck and a talk on "Guerilla Gardening and Learn to Grow Your Own Urban Food" by Ramona Merryman, aka The Mistress of Soil, a permaculture designer and teacher.
The American military/industrial complex [Gen Petraeus] says (tags)
Israel’s insults to the US are becoming tiresome and a danger to the US..
Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion (tags)
continued land theft
Apartheid roads and Crusader walls (tags)
Are not new settlements.
By illegal Israeli settlements
Third intifada on the way (tags)
By the time it is over the Israelis will be out of the West Bank. Amandla.
If you can.
Israel's Ofra Settlement on Unauthorized Palestinian Land (tags)
more Israeli land theft
Obama's secret surrender to Israel (tags)
Will be signed in London on Aug. 26, 2009.
Israeli settlement petition (tags)
Yes we all hate those dreadful and awful solicitations and solitciators. But I wanted to share a petition I found on Its entitled, "Israeli settlements are a main obstacle to peace." The petition carries a long summary on settlements in terms of how they have caused destruction to Palestinian families through Israeli home demolitions, olive orchards destruction, the near completation of the illegal Apartheid-Speration wall running deep into the West Bank and also reminds the reader or anyone interested how the settlements are illegal under International Law. It was originally written in 2006 and originally addressed to President Bush and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. So far thirty one people have signed the petition. Anyone interested please pass this on to your colleagues, friends and relatives. The author wishes to remain anonymous. Sign petition here:
Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab Scheme (tags)
Israeli land theft.
Jeff Halper's "An Israeli in Palestine" - Part II (tags)
Part II of Halper's important book.
Susan Sarandon's Double Standards on Palestine (tags)
Susan Sarandon has expressed surprising unwillingness to denounce her support for the Israeli Billionaire, Lev Leviev, who is has been criticized by a variety of NGOs for his involvement in building settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
UN's Assessment of Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (tags)
Israel's continued oppression in Occupied Palestine.
Blockade on Gaza: Crime against humanity (tags)
With the whole or partly blockade on Gaza, the Israeli authorities are guilty of crimes against humanity
Tragedy and Travesty at Annapolis (tags)
The latest chapter in the sham Middle East peace process.
Israeli Military Hides Report Confirming Expanded Settlements (tags)
Israeli Military Hides Report Confirming Expanded Settlements The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that the Israeli military is withholding the release of a secret study that confirms there has been rampant illegal new construction in dozens of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Some of the expanded settlements has occurred on privately owned Palestinian land. Security sources familiar with the study described the study as "political and diplomatic dynamite." Sources in the Israeli military said the report is not being made public in order to avoid a crisis with the U.S. government.
The Roadmap to Nowhere: An Interview with Tanya Reinhart (tags)
During his four years in office, Sharon stalled any chance of negotiations with the Palestinians. In 2003 - the road map period -the Palestinians accepted the plan and declared a cease fire, but while the Western world was celebrating the new era of peace, the Israeli army, under Sharon, intensified its policy of assassinations, maintained the daily harassment of the occupied Palestinians, and eventually declared an all-out-war on Hamas, killing all its first rank of military and political leaders. Later, as the Western world was holding its breath again, in a year and a half of waiting for the planned Gaza pullout, Sharon did everything possible to fail the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, who was elected in January 2005. Sharon declared that Abbas is not a suitable partner (because he does not fight terror) and turned down all his offers of renewed negotiations.
Seeing the forest for the trees (tags)
The double standard will not serve any of the parties involved. It will further erode the Quartet's credibility with the Palestinians, and it will fail to save Israel from itself.
Holy Land or Living Hell? Ecocide in Palestine (tags)
From the Jordan River valley and Dead Sea basin, through the central highlands comprising the West Bank's populated core, to the fertile western hills bordering Israel, recent reports from occupied Palestine reveal a worsening environmental crisis.
BTL:Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza Accompanied by Destabilizing Expansion of... (tags)
...Settlements in the West Bank ~ Interview with Neve Gordon, of Ben-Gurion University, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
BTL:Peace Process Bound to Fail if Israel Expands West Bank Settlements (tags)
Interview with Dr. Jeff Halper, coordinating director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Israeli Report Condemns Support for Settlement Outposts (tags)
Withheld until now, the report was written under American pressure and finished in early January. It accuses the government of Mr. Sharon and previous Israeli governments of "blatant violations of the law" and complicity in helping settlers construct illegal outposts in violation of stated Israeli government policy.
ICAHD Launches Bottom-up E-mail Campaign (tags)
A new campaign from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions to apply more international pressure to the Israeli government.
It discusses the increasingly regular discriminatory treatment against Jewish settlers and settlement products by the international community and now the Israeli government itself. It raises the question, are there two types of Jews, and asks, will the settlers declare independence?
SURPRISE Sharon delays presentation of disengagement plan to cabinet. (tags)
How many times can an Old Dodger Dodge? As many times as the USA buys into it.
Today in the MidEAST 14TH of april (tags)
The Occupation: " Do uproot that which is planted" (tags)
“The whole project of settlement in the territories was born in sin and expanded in deceit, underhand planning and shady organising that by-passed the Knesset and Budget allocations.” Shulamit Aloni Shulamit Aloni, the founding leader of Meretz (no, of Ratz, one of the 3 parties from which Meretz was formed. D) and an Education Minister in the government of Yitzhak Rabin is a fierce critic of the Occupation and a leading activist in the Israeli Peace Movement. Her views are always worth listening to:
Taxpayer Financed Jihad (tags)
Shut Down NPR!
Israeli Settlers Refuse To Leave Illegal Settlements -What Will PM Sharon Do Next? (tags)
The Jewish settler population grew by more than 5000 in the first half of 2003, Israel said on Thursday. The increase comes despite peace moves requiring Israel to halt construction in the settlements. The interior ministry said 5415 Israelis had moved to the new settlements since January, with the ultra-Orthodox West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit seeing the largest jump of more than 1000 newcomers.
The Truth About How Israel Screws Over The Palestinians (tags)
The Israeli Government maintains a "Matrix Of Control" over the 3 million Muslim And Christian Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. In most areas they cannot get an Israeli Military "building permit". When they do build a home anyway, it gets bulldozed
IsraHell's Apartheid Wall Fact Sheet (by Latuff) (tags)
In the words of Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition: "There is no intention to allow a viable Palestinian state."
145 Illegal Setttlements: No Bulldozers In Sight (tags)
There are around 261 Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The Israeli government considers 145 of them as illegal
Ethnic cleansing on the Jordan River (tags)
The euphemisms roll off of his tongue. "It's not genocide; it's transfer." Czechoslovakia and Poland did it to Germans after World War II. Forcing nearly 5 million Arabs from their homes is OK because "Jews are not Nazis."
* is the website of a group of people working In Jenin, Occupied Palestine. On the website are written articles and reports, and radio and real-media video files for download, made both by Palestinians and Internationals, some available in both English and Arabic. We aim to provide a direct voice from the residents of Jenin to the world, and also provide on the spot, witness based news from the town.*
Israeli Settler Killed and Media Slant (tags)
Associated Press Writer NEGAHOT, West Bank - A Palestinian gunman fired into a trailer home in this hilltop Israeli settlement during Jewish New Year's festivities
Wave good by to Zionism, Ned and Clara.
It is logical to lock people up in their homes and villages, and to sabotage the farming of their land because it is logical to subsidize the Jewish settlement in the land of the forefathers of Gush Katif and northern Gaza. It is logical to connect Jewish settler homes to electricity and water while forbidding Palestinian neighbors from connecting to the electricity grid and the water and sewage lines.
Jewish settlers build new outposts (tags)
Israeli-Palestinian violence that has battered the peace plan affirmed at a June 4 summit in Aqaba, Jordan. "(Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon wasn't serious when he said at the Aqaba summit that he would dismantle outposts," said Yariv Oppenheimer of Israel's Peace Now group, which opposes settlements on land seized in the 1967 Middle East war.
Tell the President and your Reps that you demand the removal of all Israeli settlements from the Palestinian territories.
President Bush must demand without any ambiguity that Israel immediately cease building and expanding existing settlements and that they begin to dismantle all settlements in the Occupied Territories.
"Settlements: a user guide" (tags)
"West Bank settlements are nothing like suburbs in New Jersey. They are a fundamental aspect of what is unique about Israel. It is therefore necessary to understand settlements for what they really are -- weapons."
Bush To Help Sharon Election By Blocking Settlement Freeze (tags)
Bush is blocking efforts to find peace in the Middle East, and stop the settlements. "Is it his (Bush's) desire to win the support of Jewish officials and tycoons, who have mostly lined up on Sharon's side? "