fix articles 11521, william walker
Sandinistas atacados con las nuevas armas del imperio (tags)
Invadida por los marines del imperio, agredida por filibusteros a sueldo de Wall Street, ocupada por una Guardia Nacional somocista que hacía de fuerza de ocupación extranjera, las agresiones contra Nicaragua no cesan, sólo cambian de cariz.
Grand Opening: School of the Americas Watch West (part 1) (tags)
“Word began to spread as we researched the school and discovered what we had here was indeed a school of assassins, a school for dictators. These soldiers came here to learn counter insurgency. Who were the insurgency? They were the poor, the religious leaders, labor leaders, and many others. And then when the torture manuals were discovered in the curriculum, that got a lot of front-page coverage. Word began to spread, and our numbers in the movement grew.” -- Father Roy Bourgeois, founder, School of the Americas Watch
milosevic trial sets precedent: US granted right to censor evidence (tags)
givne the us has spurned the ICC, its support of the ICTY is highly suspicious
The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic (tags)
Another brilliant article by political analyst Michael Parenti challenging the orthodox viewpoints about the causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.
Who Aree the Terrorists? (tags)
"The Secret War, Strategy of Terror" was what the cloak & daggar crowd branded the war in Central America staged in Honduras during the 1980s.