fix articles 115199, keystone cops
Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam (tags)
Interesting that the 'naked short' penny stock mafia chose a strip joint or lap dance club in Las Vegas as its only address and now we find Steve Wark ex-Clark County Republican commissioner is connected to the fraud whose only known address is the Cheetah Club of Las Vegas,the only strip or lap dance club to my knowledge ever investigated, for whatever reason, under the Patriot Act.
FBI Inspector General's Report: More Evidence of Government Complicity in 9/11 Attacks (tags)
author: wsws A report released June 9 by the FBI's Office of the Inspector General raises new questions about the role of the US government in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The internal FBI study provides several important revelations about how US intelligence agencies ignored and even suppressed warnings in the period leading up to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that killed nearly 3,000 people.
collect evidence in streets today if police riot (tags)
For today's protests, make sure to collect the spent evidence of police riot materials afterwards. Take pictures of cops without name tags. Dress as Santa. Take fake babies to the front lines...