fix articles 115121, bison Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : bison


Bisonocide, tracéologie scélératesse (tags)

Explosion Shuts TransCanada's Natural Gas 'Bison' Pipeline in Wyoming (tags)

The Bison Pipeline, transporting natural gas from Wyoming's Powder River Basin to North Dakota and the Midwest, has exploded 20 miles west of Gillette, Wyoming. The Bison Pipeline began operation in Jan, 2010 with capacity for 407 million cubic feet per day. This time everyone was lucky as nobody was close enough to be killed or injured. The explosion left a crater and a sent a piece of 40 foot long pipe section flying 70 feet away from the pipeline's original position, indicating that IF anyone was nearby they would not be so lucky!

BFC ACTION: Platform Shuts Down Bison Trap (tags)

Protester who was ignored after repeatedly writing and calling has taken action to block the slaughter of Yellowstone's bison by Montana Dept. of Livestock by perching in an elevated platform.

Boycott State of Montana this summer... (tags)

The Montana Department of Livestock plans to capture and send to slaughter in the next days approximately 300 wild bison, including nursing calves and their mothers. Americans should express displeasure at this barbarism by boycotting Montana as a vacation destination.

EMERGENCY ALERT! Slaughter of Yellowstone Buffalo Calves Planned by Montana (tags)

The last wild buffalo need your help today! Please take a moment to read this alert and contact the three decision-makers listed below, demanding that they cease plans to capture and slaughter approximately 300 wild buffalo, including little calves, their moms, and families.

Urgent call for volunteers to help defend the Last Wild Buffalo in The U.S. (tags)

They are greeted with capture, quarantine, experimentation, bullets, and slaughter. Family groups are torn apart. Mothers and babies are separated. They suffer terror and injury as they are hazed and harassed relentlessly with snowmobiles, ATVs, helicopters...

Forests resist global US imperialism (tags)

The ongoing devastation of forests is resisted by people everywhere who desire a healthy ecosystem for the future, not the destruction caused by the Bush regime and their corporate timber barons.

Petrochemical corporation free Holidays (tags)

Becoming independant from petroleum corporations will help save the environment, end the US occupation of Iraq and increase local community sustainability..

Indigenous People's Day (tags)

How do European immigrants with any consciousness address the genocidal acts committed against the Indigenous Peoples of this land called North America?

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