fix articles 11509, testimony
PR Debt Cancel, Judge Reviews Cofina Debt (tags)
The Oversight Board in Puerto Rico has just filed for a dismissal of $6 billion of the island's debt because they say it was contracted unconstitutionally.
Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)
725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?
Barbara Hartwell on fbi & cia Counterintelligence (tags)
See today's report on fbi/cia intelligence corruption which adversely affects all people everywhere.
Anonymous,little Americans Like Hank Skinner Need Your Help in Greg Abbotts Inhumane Texas (tags)
Hank Skinner,Who Says Being Handicapped is An Excuse 4 Executing Innocent Texans ? This Texas Lawman Lost The Use Of His Legs,& Now Executes Others Out Of Misdirected Anger ..
Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)
With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’] link:
William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence (tags)
"I learned from William Singletary's wife, Jeannette, that he died this morning. Bill was a courageous man who lived fighting to make the truth known that Mumia is innocent in the shooting death of police officer Daniel Faulkner. For that Bill suffered severe personal and financial consequences. I've known Bill since June 1990 when he came forward with his eyewitness testimony for Mumia and as a witness at the PCRA hearing in 1995, when I was co-counsel for Mumia." -Rachel Wolkenstein
How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall" - Sheriff Joe Arpaio testifies (tags)
How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall" - But cops don't consider lying under oath to be perjury, to them it's testilying. It's something you do to jail your enemies.
Eyewitnesses frame innocent people about a third of the time? (tags)
Eyewitnesses are frequently WRONG, and because of that many people are framed by the police for crimes they didn't commit! - "Of the first 250 DNA exonerations, 190 involved eyewitnesses who were wrong ... Every year 75,000 eyewitnesses identify suspects in criminal investigations. Those identifications are wrong about a third of the time"
Federal and State Officials Hear Testimony Regarding Impact of Pollution at Schools (tags)
The Charade Begins: Netanyahu's Flotilla Massacre Probe Testimony (tags)
whitewash and cover-up assured
Chicagoan gives chilling eyewitness account of Israeli assault on Gaza aid flotilla (tags)
The Chicago Independent Media Center interviews Gaza Freedom Flotilla volunteer Fatima Mohammadi who gives an chilling eyewitness account of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Mamara:
Mehserle Trial (Oscar Grant) Update (tags)
Posted on May 7, 2010 A preliminary hearing Friday in the second-degree murder trial of former BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle provided few fireworks, but yielded several key rulings that could influence the outcome of what is expected to be a highly complex trial.
Southern Injustice: Herman Wallace of the Angola 3 (tags)
Convicted of murder in a deeply flawed trial, Herman Wallace has spent nearly 37 years in solitary confinement. Will new evidence finally lead to his release?
Judge Suppresses Testimony by Fr. Boyle, Denies Bail to Alex Sanchez (tags)
US Judge Manuel Real denied Father Gregory Boyle, nationally-known for his gang prevention work, the opportunity to testify as an expert defense witness for Alex Sanchez on Monday, then promptly denied Sanchez bail while reading from prepared notes.
"Breaking the Silence:" Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers (tags)
Israeli soldiers reveal ugly truths
Sean Baker on Finance Capitalism (tags)
Education and health care are the new gold. Without massive investments in education and health care, dour country will be under-developed and under-achieving.
Racism in Italy. On the day of Barack Obama’s triumph... (tags)
Ban Aspartame war continues in Hawaii (tags)
Physician Representative who deferred original house bill to ban aspartame now writes a resolution and includes CCC, front group.
WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq & Afghanistan (tags)
WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq & Afghanistan, Eyewitness Accounts of the Invasions, March 13-16, 2008, Washington, D.C. In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." In 1971, a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War in an event called Winter Soldier. Once again, we will demand that the voices of veterans are heard. Once again, we are fighting for the soul of our country. We will demonstrate our patriotism by speaking out with honor and integrity instead of blindly following failed policy. Winter Soldier is a difficult but essential service to our country. Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan will feature testimony from U.S. veterans who served in those occupations, giving an accurate account of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground. The four-day event will bring together veterans from across the country to testify about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan - and present video and photographic evidence. In addition, there will be panels of scholars, veterans, journalists, and other specialists to give context to the testimony. These panels will cover everything from the history of the GI resistance movement to the fight for veterans' health benefits and support.
H.R. 1955: Government Suppression of Free Thought and Free Expression (tags)
H.R. 1955 , passed by the House, would result in the curtailment of the rights of all Americans. If this bill becomes law, those with "extremist belief systems" - as defined by the government - would be subjected to government scrutiny and worse for supposedly promoting "violent radicalization".
Torture Victim Identifies Military Officer as Captor During CA Hearing (tags)
Torture victim Raymond Manalo identified one of his captors during the continuation of the Cadapan-Empeño hearings at the Court of Appeals in Manila, Jan 18. Manalo took the witness stand for the second time to testify that he had been in detention together with the two missing University of the Philippines (UP) students Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño and farmer Manuel Marino who were abducted June 26, 2007 in the province of Bulacan. The writ of amparo filed by the parents of Cadapan and Empeño has made headway as Manalo identified one of their captors in open court. In his first testimony in December, Manalo said he, together with his brother Reynaldo, was abducted on Feb. 14 and was secretly detained in several military camps in Central Luzon. He also said he had talked to Cadapan several times during detention and the UP student had told him she had been raped by soldiers.
Just Out! PDC Fact Sheet Presents Evidence of Mumia's Innocence (tags)
Just Out! PDC Fact Sheet Presents Evidence of Mumia Abu-Jamal's Innocence: A Refutation of "Murdered by Mumia"'s Big Lies in the Service of Legal Lynching.
Eric McDavid Court Report, Day 4 and 5, Sept. 17th and 18th (tags)
Report from days 4 and 5
Top Ten “Fry Mumia” Myths Debunked (Myth #1) (tags)
The following is the first in a series of ten articles I have written answering the top ten myths being circulated by those who advocate execution or continued prison for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Ashcroft and the Night Visitors (tags)
"As if Attorney General Alberto Gonzales didn't have enough trouble, now comes word that, before coming to the Justice Department, Gonzales preyed on the infirm."
The Gray Plane, That No One Saw (tags)
Red Hot Smoking 911 Gun
Gallo does Bush inpersonation in court (tags)
I just got finished reading Bob Gallo's testimony in the Parenzee case. For all the good his testimony will do, the prosecution might as well have called George W. Bush to the stand. I get the feeling that Gallo unwittingly associated himself with Bush in the eyes of the court.
Terror trials will allow hearsay & coerced statements (tags)
The Pentagon set rules Thursday for detainee trials that could allow terror suspects to be convicted and perhaps executed using hearsay testimony and coerced statements, setting up a new clash between President Bush and Congress.
Mumia's Best (and Last) Chance for a New Trial: A Legal Update (tags)
On October 23, attorney Robert R. Bryan (attorney for death-row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal) filed the 4th Step Reply Brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Philadelphia. Because this should be the last round of reply briefs, Bryan estimates that the public hearing of arguments should begin within three months. After the hearing, the panel of judges will then decide whether to grant Abu-Jamal a new trial.
Hidden Costs of the Iraqi War Exposed (tags)
As of Oct. 3, 2006, the Iraqi War has led to the deaths of 2,720 U.S. military personnel, cost taxpayers $331.1 billion, while Iraqi civilian casualties are estimated at over 100,000. However, there are also “hidden costs” to this awful conflict. Some were revealed at a Capitol Hill “Iraq Forum” on Sept. 26, 2006. They are the costs to the children of Iraq; to the Iraqi War Veterans; and to the American taxpayers, who are stuck with the tab, while other economic and social priorities go unanswered.
Omigod! Senate Dems May Have to Take a Stand! (tags)
Sen. Feingold, with the help of Sen. Arlen Specter, is about to put the Democrats in the House in an uncomfortable spot. Enjoy the show.
Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor's ICE proposal melts away under scrutiny (tags)
Police Chief John Hensley, the city's top cop, offered testimony which contradicted many of the things that Mansoor has been saying about the ICE proposal. Under tough questioning, Hensley not only admitted that the Mayor's scheme wouldn't have any impact upon "illegal immigration," but said there aren't enough "facts" to suggest it will do anything to fight crime.
Guantanamo torture account (tags)
from amnesty international
Lebanese information department denies Houssam allegations (tags)
Syrian President Bashar Assad's brother-in-law and Syria's overall intelligence chief Assef Shawkat was not among the five Syrian officials interrogated Tuesday by German prosecutor Detlev Mehlis in Vienna, a source close to the probe into the murder of former Premier Rafik Hariri said:
10/19 Americas Watch Haiti: Continue Oppression and Killings in Haiti+Video! (tags)
On Friday, September 23, 2005, the Director General of the Haiti National Police Leon Charles, UN Force Commander Lieutanant General Augusto Heleno Ribiero Pereira of Brazil, and the Special Representative of the United Nations Juan Valdes of Chile were convicted of violations of Haitian law and international law including crimes against humanity. This verdict was delivered by the jury of the First Session of the International Tribunal on Haiti. The Tribunal was held in Washington, DC at George Washington University at the Elliott School of International Affairs.
President Tarja Halonen's Legal State is A Common Joke (tags)
You read yourself how Socialist Finland takes care of Official Legal Proceeding; No identification necessary, how socialist government judges list people, how Court Judges commit slanders and so on.
Testimony: The Maria Guardado Story - Film Screening (tags)
She survived the torture and death squads in El Salvador; now she tells her story in an award-winning documentary. Runs 1:30 with discussion afterwards.
Ritual Dance of the Child Killers (tags)
Photographer tied to WH child sex-ring arrested after Thompson suicide. The Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Omaha, emerges from the record of the Franklin investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence--federal personnel were seen to apply all of those techniques in the Franklin case.
Republican White House Sex Scandal (tags)
News of a sex scandal during the Reagan and Bush years hits the fan.
Chertoff Buried Early Evidence of Bush Torture Campaign in Afghanistan (tags)
The nominee for new Homeland Security secretary, back in 2002, worked hard to keep the public from hearing courtroom testimony that would have revealed the Bush government’s new campaign of torture, allowing it to spread from Afghanistan to Guantanamo to Iraq.
A Response to Ex-Jamal Attorney Grossman (tags)
A response to Grossman's gross distortions
Video:Testimony by the programmer claiming to have been asked to hack the US election vote (tags)
For the first time -- the FULL Video of Clint Curtis' Sworn Testimony!
David Cobb tells Conyers Forum of (tags)
In early testimony, chairman of the forum, Rep. John Conyers heard from Green party presidential candidate, David Cobb that employees of punch card vendor, Triad Governmental Systems, Inc. (Triad GSI) are attempting to orchestrate a fraudulent recount of the 3 percent of precincts likely to be included in the first phase of the recount process.
Snitch alert: Geoff Kerns speaks to Seattle grand jury (tags)
An interesting development in the Seattle grand jury came to light recently. When Allison Lance Watson was charged with perjury she became entitled to discovery in the form of other grand jury participants testimony. This discovery has revealed that Geoffrey Kerns turned snitch for the government.
Outbreak during Rumsfeld's Testimony (tags)
At 9:10am (PST) durning the Rumsfeld testimony, a group of progresive individuals demanded that Rumsfeld be charged as a war criminal.
Bush Counsel Called 9/11 Panelist Before Clarke Testified (tags)
Waxman suggested that such contacts would be improper because "the conduct of the White House is one of the key issues being investigated by the commission."
Found notes may show Bush plan on Clarke (tags)
The Starbucks customer who found them gave them to the liberal advocacy group the Center for American Progress, which published them on its Web site Wednesday. Included in the notes was a hand-drawn map to Rumsfeld's house, which is largely blacked out on the Web site for security reasons.
milosevic trial sets precedent: US granted right to censor evidence (tags)
givne the us has spurned the ICC, its support of the ICTY is highly suspicious
More direct and damning eyewitness evidence USS Liberty attact was intentional (tags)
Here's a repost of this article because a troll trashed the thread after it was originally posted, while text can be formatted to work around it, pictures are not appearing
The Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26 Years (tags)
Israeli Pilot Speaks Up Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.
Witchhunt? The high-profile cases cited by McCarthy — Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, and Philip C. Jessup — all ended with the senator’s charges being validated. the end of 1954, 81 of those on McCarthy’s list had either resigned from their government posts or been dismissed.
July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)
On July 3, cities across the country will hold independant Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.
911 Families, Investigators Demand Truth About Air Security (tags)
Senator Robert Graham (D-FL), head of the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into the incident is calling the Bush administration's refusal to release the report of the Congressional joint inquiry to the Commission a "cover-up".
William Mandel, American Dissident (tags)
"If you think that I am going to cooperate with this collection of Judases, of men who sit there in violation of the United States Constitution, if you think I will cooperate with you in any manner whatsoever, you are insane!" From William Mandel’s 1960 testimony before HUAC
Zeal for the Death Penalty tramples on Victim's Family (tags)
More on the case of Steve Woodruff. The Riverside DAs granted immunity to Dennis James Smith for his 1989 killing of Arnold Palmer (not the famous one) in their rush to secure the death penalty for Woodruff. But jurors say Smith's immunized testimony was a waste of time. And the family of murder victim Palmer feel betrayed and used, and they'll never see justice done. Way to go, Mr. District Attorney.
Bari v FBI-Plaintiffs Rest Their Case; The Late Judi Bari’s Heartwrenching Testi (tags)
OAKLAND, CA—Yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, the Plaintiffs rested their case after testimony by their final two witnesses and the videotaped deposition of Judi Bari, and a videotape of television news coverage was entered into evidence.
ELF Press Office Booklet on Eco-Terrorism Subcommittee (tags)
Disclosure Project in Los Angeles (tags)
The Disclosure Project came to Los Angeles this past Saturday Aug. 4th. Progressive should become informed about this movement.
Gregory Preece arbitration hearing: the shooting (tags)
Arbitrator John D. Perone said, in his decision that former Riverside Police Department officer Gregory Preece should never have been fired for his role as supervisor of the officers who killed Tyisha Miller. Here is more information based on his 42 page finding...
UFO Disclosure News Conference & Summit May 9-12 (tags)
The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. The disclosure of the truth will have far-reaching implications for our society -- new technologies to end pollution and global warming, long-term solution to the energy crisis, and the beginning of an era of peaceful relations with other civilizations in space.
COUP WATCH: NAACP Hearings On Violations of Black & Hispanic Voting Rights (tags)
While the corporate media retained a narrow focus on a very few issues, mostly in Palm Bqeach County, CSPAN broadcast NAACP hearings dealing with widespread violations of minority voting rights. Here’s what one political progressive who watched had to say about what she saw.