fix articles 114877, imperial japan
Waging Phony War on Terror (tags)
Drones: A slam-dunk weapons system or our ticket to hell? (tags)
"Whatever the short-term gains from introducing drone warfare in these past years, we are now locked into the 24/7 assassination trade - with the US's own set of non-suicide bombers on the job into eternity. This may pass for sanity in Washington, but it's surely helping to pave the road to hell. Haven't any of these folks ever seen a sci-fi film? Are none of them Terminator fans? Are they sure they want to open the way to unlimited robot war, keeping in mind that, if this is the latest game in town, it won't remain mainly an American one for long. And just wait until the first Iranian drone takes out the first Balochi guerrilla supported by American funds somewhere in Pakistan. Then let's see just what we think about the right of any nation to summarily execute its enemies - and anyone else in the vicinity - by drone. Is this actually what we Americans want to be known for? And if we let this happen, and General Atomics is working double or triple shifts to turn out ever more, ever-newer generations of robot warriors, while the nation suffers 10.2% unemployment, who exactly will think about shutting them down?
On February 18, 1946, the US Congress passed and President Truman signed Public Law 70-301, known as the "Rescission Act of 1946" - affecting close to half a million Filipinos who fought side by side with the Americans in the WAR against Imperial Japan in the Pacific. These Filipino Veterans who gallantly served America and suffered torture and even death in the hands of its enemy found themselves fighting the longest battle of their lives: 63 years of struggle to be recognized as full Veterans of Foreign War and gain all benefits accorded to such status.
CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism (tags)
CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism
For the Neo-Cons, the War in Iraq is Already Won (tags)
1000: A Number So Sickeningly Predictable (tags)
With 13 Americans killed so far this week, and 997 U.S soldiers dead in Iraq so far, it’s all to predictable that by midweek, the 1000 mark will be reached or passed. This is George Bush’s War. He wants it this way. But when will John Kerry join other Americans in saying Enough instead of “Four More Years”?
U.S. Occupiers abolish Iraqi national flag (tags)
The U.S. occupation has designated a new national flag to replace Iraq's national colors as they've existed since 1921. Iraq's traditional colors of red, white, green, and black... clearly identifying the country as part of the "Uma" (the Arab nation), are to be replaced by white, blue, and yellow.