fix articles 113823, tesla motors
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Making Big Push for Electric Car Manufacturing (tags)
Stewart Alexander says, “My commitment as a U.S. Presidential Candidate will be to support the opening of electric car manufacturing plants across America, manufacturing millions of electric vehicles within the next decade.” As president, Alexander says he would support the U.S. government investing as much as $100 billion into electric car manufacturing with the dividends being reinvested in jobs and providing for the needs of working people.
2/9 Picket Of Tesla LA Dealership & 2/10 Bell Worker/Community Forum-Speakout (tags)
Injured workers, their families and advocates will picket the LA Tesla dealership on 11163 Santa Monica Blvd on Tuesday Feb 9 and will have a public forum on Wed Feb 10 in Bell on the Downey Toxic dump site
YouTube - Raging Grannies Bust Tesla Motors Inc. For Downey Toxic Dump Project (tags)
The Tesla Motors Inc. electric car developer was busted by the Peninsula Raging Grannies for plans to build a "green" auto assembly plant on a highly toxic dump site in Downey, California where injured IATSE Local 44 and Kaiser Downey SEIU UHW workers are getting sick.
IATSE Local 44 Movie Propmaker Steve Basile At Tesla Motors To Report On Downey Toxic Dump (tags)
IATSE Local 44 Movie Propmaker Steve Basile talks about the health and safety conditions at the Stuart Lichter owned Downey Dump site where a movie studio and Kaiser hospital complex have been built. Now Tesla Motors wants to build a "green" auto assembly plant on the site financed by a DOE $465 million dollar loan. Basile went to the Tesla world headquarters in San Carlos to explain why this is a bad idea.
PFP Candidate Dina Padilla Continues Battle Against Toxic Site (tags)
After winning a court battle in a case that developer Stuart Lichter had charged that Dina Padilla had made false claims regarding human health hazards that exist on a property that he owns, Dina Padilla says the battle will not be over until the toxic site in Downey, California is no longer a threat to the public and workers.
The "green" electric car auto company Tesla is planning to build a non-union auto plant at the Downey Toxic dump site with $465 million of US Department of energy funds. The California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day is demanding that no US government funds go to a non-union auto maker to build a "green plant" at the site owned by crooked toxic Downey developer Stuart Lichter. Lichter recently lost a SLAPP suit against injured workers and injured worker advocates who had gone public about the injuries of workers at the site.