fix articles 11363, kuwait city Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : kuwait city

kuwait city

Continued Middle East Protests and Violence (tags)

liberating struggles

Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)

f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."

9/11,Carl Levin,Senator Jane Harman International,Kuwait Securacom, Marvin Bush,Al Sabah (tags)

After all they are royalty,both Sheikh Sabah al Sabah of Kuwait and Queen Jane Harman of Venice, California,aren't they ? And now one of the Sheikh most loyal subjects and leader of the Kuwait orchestrated illegal Harman International NYSE pump and dump to defraud American small investors is dead.Just goes to show as that old saying goes dead men or dead subjects of the Sheikh can't tell tales.

"Missiles and Bombs Threaten the Future" (tags)

The spiral of vengeance is not a solution!.. Perhaps a change will come in the US; perhaps questions will be raised soon.. The attack itself was retaliation for the US policy of the "big stick," retribution for the "new world order" that creates so much poverty.

CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism (tags)

CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism

Los Angeles/Arab American woman for State Assembly (tags)

A local Arab American woman runs as a common sense candidate for California State Assembly

The Torturers of Iraq (tags)

Fascist mass murderers and torturers that participated in the "dirty" wars against leftists in Latin America are being contracted by Blackwater to apply their disgusting techniques on the Iraqi people. The scum of the Earth are coming to Iraq!

Is bush happy about Kuwaiti rapes? (tags)

Filipinas 'raped' in Kuwait

US death weapons used in Iraq (tags)

These are some of the death weapons used by the bush nightmare clique to kill civilians in Iraq and other countries. They are probably made right down the street from you. Americans must give up their denial of complicity in the manufacturing of these weapons which cause untold grief and horror on their victims. We must recognize that life everywhere is precious and stop trying to obliterate it wherever our foreign policy descends.

Reserves wanting to leave Mideast (tags)

Soldiers say most of their work involves civilian contractor Kellogg Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton Corp. The company has contracts to haul fuel, and 319th members are riding along as armed escorts. "The main reason we're still here is to support Brown and Root," said Sgt. 1st Class David Uthe, 45, of Augusta.

Libertarians say hearings into Iraq's weapons program are pointless (tags)

"Do we really need a congressional hearing to discover that politicians are adept at using words as weapons of mass deception?"

And Working Overtime (tags)

What's another broken promise from the GOP to the men and women of the armed forces?

Wolves and Sheep (tags)

The truth is blowing on the winds of change, and the dust of another adminastration will be rubbed from between the toes of the children...


The Orwellian aspect, of course, was an American press that can no longer lay even the scarcest claim to being journalists, and its complete merger with the Department of Defense, specifically Central Command (CENTCOM).

The rigged nation (tags)

During an attack to by an true patriot who have forgotten to be at frontline killing innocent people we are on air again as follows:

RW: Gulf War Vets: Resisting And Telling The Truth (tags)


First Casualties (tags)

So far, 1 dead 14 injured, but how many more on the way? No one is going to give us the real numbers.

We Remember These Crimes (tags)

The Bush/Cheney criminals are now again about to murder people in foreign countries in the name of their personal greed.


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