fix articles 113583, never again
San Francisco Rally Protests Hate Crimes in Charlottesville (tags)
PHILIPPINES: The ghosts of martial law (tags)
On September 21, forty years ago, President Ferdinand E. Marcos declared martial law. For almost 13-and-a-half years afterwards, the country suffered terribly from a brutal and corrupt dictatorship. Among the victims of the grave violations of human rights under martial law were the following: 3,257 “salvaged” (summarily executed), 35,000 tortured, and 70,000 incarcerated, as documented by historian Alfred McCoy.
Yale University's Pro-Israeli, Anti-Islamic Conference (tags)
hate and bigotry on display at Yale
May 8: Alliance of Anti-Fascists (tags)
The fascist plans for world domination were stopped by the Anti-Hitler coalition in a war that cost the lives of more than 50 million people. The International Federation of Resistance Fighters protests all attempts at establishing a reactionary view of history.
Will Congress Criminalize Anti-Semitism and Israeli Criticism (tags)
criminalizing dissent
Filipino workers say "Never Again" (tags)
Workers belonging to the Coalition Against Contractualization (KONTRA) today marched to Mendiola to mark the anniversary of the signing of Proclamation 1081 that imposed Martial Law 37 years ago and to reaffirm their vows to never again let the country slip into darkness.
Rep. Hechler: Keep Hellraising! (tags)
17 arrested in anti-mountaintop removal civil disobedience
1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion (tags)
Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Invasion and Killing at Gaza
Salmon Closure 2008 - NEVER AGAIN: Ten Actions We Need to Take Now! (tags)
This is the final copy of the "Salmon Closure 2008 - Never Again" action alert from the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. This alert provides you with 10 concrete actions that you take NOW to restore Central Valley salmon, now in an unprecedented state of collapse, and other imperiled salmon runs on the West Coast.
Israel to become 51st. State (tags)
It's our only hope of survival
-- The First Quarter Storm Network-USA recalls some accounts on the campaign of assassinations that the US-sponsored ultra-rightist military regimes in El Salvador and Guatemala conducted against their political enemies during the 1980s. The hand of the ugly American, John Negroponte who headed the dirty tricks department was ever present then in Latin America. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that what is happening in the Philippines is uncannily similar to what was happening then in Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980s. Negroponte, after all, heads up the super-spy agency now that the US is waging a so-called global "war on terror" in tandem with shameless puppets like Gloria Arroyo conducting local campaigns like Oplan Bantay Laya (Freedom Watch).
"'NEVER AGAIN' OVER AGAIN" — on Holocaust Remebrance Day (tags)
I thought that “Never again!” meant never again for all humanity — not just never again for European Jews.
It looks at the recent concern of the UN for the Holocaust, as it yet continues to deny the Jewish People full rights in their homeland, and then compares that attitude to the present Israeli government's policies.
Is Bush the New Hitler? (tags)
Hitler's rampage of murder and war reached its end in 1945, but Hitler began laying the groundwork for his genocide approximately two decades before. Until Hitler began shoveling the bodies of gassed Jews, Gypsies, Poles, and dissidents into the ovens, many in the United States supported Hitler.
Never Again?? Camp X-Ray Slideshow (tags)
You have to look at this “slideshow” of 21 photos of Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay. Have you ever seen pictures of Nazi concentration camps? Then these photos will look familiar.