fix articles 113377, air force academy
Sexual Abuse in the U.S. Military
Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military (tags)
Fundamentalist Christianity weds the military and their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]
Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)
The crumpled wreckage of a U.S. military OH-58D Kiowa helicopter lies on its side, Friday, Jan. 13, 2006, in Mosul, 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad, Iraq. The reconnaissance helicopter went down in the afternoon Friday, killing its two pilots. Military officials say that there were indications the crash was due to hostile ground fire. (AP Photo/Nick Wadhams)
Bush Fascism: Who's Watching the Watch List? (tags)
Thanks to this fascist regime, people traveling on business are routinely branded "terrorists." Don't Republicans realize that when they support and efend fascism, _they're_ going to eventually be victims of the very fascism they advocate and defend eventually?
A better job for the "Minutemen"? (tags)
Here's a satirical take on a better place for the Minutemen to "police the borders." Repost from Colorado Indymedia.
Christian Fascists At Air Force Academy Threaten Humanity (tags)
Christian fascists are making the publicly-funded science college, the Air Force Academy, a bastion of superstitition and fascism, putting the military in the position of endangering all of humanity with their belief in the "second coming" and "end time" and their access to nuclear weapons. It was the US Air Force that made possible the 9/11 Inside Job.
Who's Lying - Rice And Bush, Or Clarke? (tags)
* RICE CLAIM: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, 5/16/02
Info War on USA Public
The Enemy is inside the gates (tags)
Urgent Urgent !!