fix articles 112943, immigration policy
Student Activists Receive Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award (tags)
Student Advocates for Higher Education (SAHE) was honored by the San José Peace and Justice Center for the service, activism, tenacity, and courage of its students, and especially of its undocumented members. Representatives Mike Honda and Zoe Lofgren participated in the ceremony held at San José State University.
Targeted: National Security and the Business of Immigration (tags)
DEEPA FERNANDES is the host of the popular morning show, “Wakeup call” on Pacifica radio station WBAI in New York City. Her award-winning radio features have aired on the BBC World Service, and Public Radio International. Her writing has appeared in the Village Voice, In These Times, and the New York Amsterdam News. Targeted, her first book, is the result of four years of research collecting narratives from immigrants as well as human rights groups, community organizers and lawyers who are challenging the Bush Administration's policies.
The Price of the Ticket (tags)
The Price of the Ticket Immigrants on the march today threaten to go the way of the Irish, the Italian and the Jewish: they may pay the price of the ticket for American citizenship by yielding to a racial hierarchy that leaves Blacks at the bottom.
Immigration Policy: Send Us Your Poor, They Will Wind Up in Iraq (tags)
They are coming by the millions from all over the world. Let them come here. Let them find that there are not enough jobs. They will find the military to be the last resort when their welfare is cut off. And let them acquire Gulf War Syndrom (radiation sickness from uranium munitions).! It works just fine in the minds of the neo-cons.
November 2005 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)
November 2005 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network