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Caravan for Peace begins journey across US to oppose drug war (tags)
Today, the Caravan for Peace and Justice with dignity stepped of from the Mexican border and travelled to Los Angeles from San Diego. They hope to draw attention to the epic failure of the drug war and will arrive in Washington DC with their message on September 12.
Caravan for Peace begins journey across US (tags)
(San Diego 8-12) Today the long journey begins at the border beteeen the US and Mexico, South of San Diego, with plans to arrive in Washington DC on September 12. The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity was conceived by Mexican poet Javier Sicilia when his son died in the crossfire of the "war on drugs" several months ago. The caravan crossed Mexico with the goal of raising public awareness of the failed "war on drugs".
Legal fund established for Pacifica radio protester (tags)
Edwin Johnston was falsely arrested for protesting at Pacifica radio station KPFT in Houston. A legal fund has been set up to help him fight for his rights.
Public Citizen Condemns Pacifica Hijackers Threats-Joins Defense Of Free Speech (tags)
Pacifica Foundation Hijacker's To Critics: Take Down Your Web Sites or We’ll Sue. Public Citizen To Defend Free-Speech FROM Pacifica Network Board Thieves And Their Station Stooges (Mary Francis Berry, Bessie Wash, David Acosta, John Murdock (of EB&G), David Palmer, Ken Ford, Garland Ganter, Utrice Lied, Clayton al.